Build a swing from a bar with your own hands: Drawings and a plan of 6 steps


Reliable base for garden swings can be created from a bar 10x10 cm. We tell how to handle the material, choose the design of the supports, seats and collect all the details.

Build a swing from a bar with your own hands: Drawings and a plan of 6 steps 4950_1

Build a swing from a bar with your own hands: Drawings and a plan of 6 steps

Collect the garden swings from a bar for a cottage can be independently. This does not require special skills. If the workpiece needs to be bent, you use a passing machine, but in the presence of a workbench with vice processing produce on your own. The strength of the support depends on their design. They are single or double pillars, an a-shaped base or walls consisting of several elements. The bottom is plunged into the ground or make portable racks. Sofas, armchairs, wide boards hang to them. Suspension serve chains and ropes. They are fixed with the help of carbines and metal loops on the anchors. From above, a visor from planks, transparent polycarbonate panels, as well as any other lightweight materials, well-carrying impact of moisture and ultraviolet rays.

We make swing from a bar on their own

  1. Choosing a place to install
  2. Preparation of the site
  3. Choosing materials
  4. Selection of seating design
  5. Bohokin device
  6. Installation of swing
When you make a swing from a bar with your own hands, it is worth preparing drawings only if the design is part of the house or gazebo. Then you need to calculate the burden on the ceiling and the floor, the ratio of free and busy space. For light suspended chairs, the calculation is not needed. It is produced when the total mass is several hundred kilograms.

1 Select a place to install

It should be a smooth dry area, which is at a high distance from the garage, workshop or fence. Sources of noise and unpleasant odors will interfere with recreation adults and children's games. The place is better to choose away from the walls, power lines, compost pits, a barn, in which gas cylinders and toxic easily flammable substances are stored.

It is important which kind of opens in front. The suspension sofa is preferably deployed from fences and walls towards the garden.

The length and trajectory of the movement movement should be calculated so that they do not hit the solid obstacles - trees, garden furniture, utility structures.

Build a swing from a bar with your own hands: Drawings and a plan of 6 steps 4950_3

Find the right location is much simpler if there is a site plan. Before installation, it is necessary to draw on the ground the outline of the foundation. This will help to visually imagine how many square meters will have to donate.

The platform is arranged on a hill, free from trees and buildings that interfere with sunbathing, or in a shady garden. Plot with furrars and depadies are spilled, but it is not always possible to get rid of significant differences. If mounting racks on the slope, it will complicate the work due to the difference in their length.

At the bottom point in the territory of water accumulates. It is suitable for installation only if the drainage is carried out, and there will be no permanent puddes under the legs.

Baby swings are located near the house. During active games, you can fall and hurt. In such a situation, parents need to be promptly reacting and provide first aid.

Build a swing from a bar with your own hands: Drawings and a plan of 6 steps 4950_4

2 Equipping the platform near the racks

On flat and dry sites do not have to do this. If desired, the bottom can be asphalt, put the reinforced concrete tie, fall asleep with gravel or sand. The boardwalk and paving slabs, the surface of the multicolored glass and shards of ceramics, look good. There are artificial coatings imitating turf.

For playgrounds, blocks made of rubber crumbs are suitable. When you fall on them, you can avoid injury.

All irregularities are better to eliminate - on the slope to make a mound, cut off, and the deepening to fill in soil and tamper. Wet areas fall asleep with rubble and sand. From the lowest edge, take off a small trench and connect it with a common drain. Dno fall asleep with rubble or lay out tiles. Also use special plastic chute, interconnecting with hermetic fasteners.

3 Cooking materials for supports and seats

Wooden bars

The easiest way to assemble with your own hands swing from a bar 100x100 mm and boards. Unlike logs, the products have straight faces, tightly adjacent when connected. It simplifies work and eliminates the need to level the surface in contact with the joints. A high-quality workpiece with precision sizes and an elastic fibrous structure that is well holding fasteners will be required.

Build a swing from a bar with your own hands: Drawings and a plan of 6 steps 4950_5

The highest strength has oaks, however, whether fir and pine are used. They are less reliable, but their strength of the strength is enough to withstand the calculated loads. Soft wood is less durable, but it is easier to process. On decorative qualities, it is not inferior to solid deciduous varieties.

Products should not have defects that reduce their carrying ability. It is not allowed to use an array with places of mold, mechanical damage dropping down bitch and resin subteps. It should also be paid attention to its humidity. When drying, the prefabricated elements change their dimensions and shape, which leads to the weakening of the fasteners between them.

Even high-quality products that meet the production standards must be dried within a few days. They are placed by stacks, making the gaskets between the tiers providing air circulation.

Build a swing from a bar with your own hands: Drawings and a plan of 6 steps 4950_6

To prevent moisture from entering inside, use varnish, oil paint and olif. Antiseptic impregnations are used to protect against bacteria. Racks in contact with the soil are treated with special impregnations for parts experiencing constant dampness.

Metal parts

Metal parts are used to attach wooden elements, they are steel plates and brackets. The suspensions are mounted on a horizontal metal profile or pipe. In order not to immerse the array underground, it is fixed on the wide corners.

Products must wear precipitation well and cold. Steel quickly rusts, so it is covered with primer and layer of oil paint. With mechanical damage to the coating begins the process of corrosion. It passes even under the protective layer, which is capable of slowing it only. Galvanized steel and wrought iron has the highest durability. Forged prefabricated elements can be made to order in their own drawings.

4 Determine the seat design

It often represents a conventional lacquered board with holes, through which the rope is extended, but there are more complex technical solutions.

Build a swing from a bar with your own hands: Drawings and a plan of 6 steps 4950_7

The design depends on the lifting capacity of the supports. If it is small, hang a single chair. Often use weaving. The easiest option is the hoop, the edges of which are connected by the rope converging in the center. The rope forms several connected radii. These radii are intertwined by segments parallel to the circle lines forming with them elastic solid "web". The chair can be reserved from durable colored ropes. They are fixed on two horizontal slats with suspensions.

Massive racks are able to withstand a double bench and a heavy wide sofa. Their base consists of parallel guides, covered with boards, or a solid frame. As a rule, it is a rectangular box on which the flooring is laid. Rear mount vertical guides for the back.

Details are connected using screws. The system is in motion, so it is better not to use nails. They have a smooth surface and keep worse in the array.

Loops for suspensions put on anchors in its foundation.

5 Select the rack

The simplest solution is two side supports connected on top of a horizontal crossbar. To impart stability, they will have to burst on 1 m. Such a base is suitable for a single light seat. Heavy sofa it will not stand. The portable system is put on wide horizontal "paws" that do not allow it to tip over.

The strength affects the overall height. The higher the supports, the easier to break them. To solve the problem, he put a paired poles on the hard foundation. Between them leave free space that increases the stability of the system.

A-shaped sidewalls

A-shaped sidewalls possess good stability. To make a swing from a bar 100x100 with their own hands with such supports, the drawings will not need. It is enough to draw a scheme by hand, indicating all the necessary dimensions on it. Color drawing with all the details shown on the scale will clearly imagine how the model looks like in the assembled state.

In the upper part for the crossbar, the through hole is drilled either lay it on top into the angle obtained when crossing vertical parts. Between verticals at a distance of 20-50 cm from the ground, a locking horizontal strut is mounted.

P-shaped holders

For the same principle, P-shaped holders are arranged. They are used less often, since they are more cumbersome and resistant.

The portable model must have compounds located in the lower corners and perform the function of rigidity. Together with the jumper for the suspensions, they form a triangular prism.

From the columns you can make a wall, placing them in 10-30 cm increments. Such a base can cope with any load. From above are not alone, but two or even three horizontal crossbars with suspensions.

Build a swing from a bar with your own hands: Drawings and a plan of 6 steps 4950_8

6 We collect with your own hands the swing from the bar

As an example, consider the covered stationary design on four supports with a height of 2.15 m. On the P-shaped sidewalls we will install a canopy from the boards set on the edge, and they will fill the bench with the back. Total width - 2 m, depth - 1.5 m.

What will take for work

  • Saw on wood.
  • Plane.
  • Drill and drill.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Grinder machine.
  • Electric jigsaw.
  • Building level.
  • Roulette and pencil.
  • Shovel or handberry.
  • Bar 100x100.
  • Board 150x30.
  • Rake 50x30.
  • Ruberoid.
  • Cement, crushed stone and sand.

Installation of the base

You should start with markup on the plot. We will need to open 4 round boilers with a depth of 1.75 m and a radius of 30-50 cm. Bottom fall asleep with rubble, and then sand. The thickness of each layer is 20 cm. The layers of the trambet, watering water from the hose.

Poles make from a bar 100x100 mm. The height of the ground part is 2.15 m. The bottom will be plugged at 1.35 m. We will need blanks with a total length of 3.5 m.

Before making a swing from a bar with their own hands, you need to be waterproofing with waterproofing materials in the right amount. The smaller there will be idle open pit, the lower the likelihood that they will fill with rain or groundwater.

All items must be processed by an antiseptic. There are special solutions for underground wooden structures that protect against bacteria and constant moisture. After applying the solution, the product is dried and lacked. The first layer is given to dry, then it is stamped and applied the second. With this method, the wood appears an impenetrable solid coating. It provides deep penetration into the fibers and prevents moisture from entering them.

The bottom should not be contacted either with a soil or with cement mortar. It is fastened to the foot of a thick steel profile, cover paint and concrete. There is another way to protect wood. The underground side will be shifted and tightly wrapped with rubberoid. Seams close up bitumen. Use cold maps that do not need to warm up with the help of a gas burner.

Build a swing from a bar with your own hands: Drawings and a plan of 6 steps 4950_9
Build a swing from a bar with your own hands: Drawings and a plan of 6 steps 4950_10
Build a swing from a bar with your own hands: Drawings and a plan of 6 steps 4950_11
Build a swing from a bar with your own hands: Drawings and a plan of 6 steps 4950_12

Build a swing from a bar with your own hands: Drawings and a plan of 6 steps 4950_13

Build a swing from a bar with your own hands: Drawings and a plan of 6 steps 4950_14

Build a swing from a bar with your own hands: Drawings and a plan of 6 steps 4950_15

Build a swing from a bar with your own hands: Drawings and a plan of 6 steps 4950_16

The construction mixture is prepared from cement and sand in a 1: 2 ratio. The wells cover the rubberoid so that the solution does not succeed in the soil. Poles or ready-made sidewalls exhibit in terms of the level and pour the mixture. They should be immediately fixed with horizontal elements on top and bottom. On the front and rear sides on the self-tapping screw, the boards, cropped in the width of the structure. On the right and on the left you nail the rails in the upper and lower part. Fixing the frame, we leave it for 28 days. This time is necessary for the foundation to scroll strength. During this time, it is impossible to load the base.

The upper case consists of 2 m long boards mounted on the edge parallel to sidewalls with a pitch of 60 cm. In each of them, the jigsaw is cutting the grooves for docking with the facial and back of the base. In the center of the second and the penultimate details of the mounted loop on the anchors. The crate can be seen by polycarbonate or other roofing material.

The sidewalls often make the letter "A". This method allows to reduce the consumption of materials, but it is less convenient for the installation of a canopy.

Collect the seat

The back and the bottom consist of three parallel guides, slated by the rails. The flooring performs the function of rigid ribs. The lower guides are made from the rails, the top - weeping from the boards using the jigsaw. Their width allows you to make curved elements. It will be more convenient for such a back to climb than directly. Bench width - 1.5 m. Distance to side racks - 25 cm on each side. I specify depth and height arbitrarily.

On the sides put on the railing screws. They are fastened to the side horizontal and vertical guides. The railing consists of two ridges connected at an angle of 90 degrees. End one we rest at the top of another. There is another way. Both edges cut with a stouch at an angle of 45 degrees. Stuslo is a chute in which the item is stacked, with saws for a saw. They allow you to arrange the blade at the desired angle and make a smooth cut.

Anchors with hinges mounted in front of the seat and in the middle of the back.

Build a swing from a bar with your own hands: Drawings and a plan of 6 steps 4950_17

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