8 important cases in the garden that you need to finish until the middle of the summer (and start now)


We plan to garden work for June and the first half of July: sanitary trimming, planting of flowers, mulching and other important things.

8 important cases in the garden that you need to finish until the middle of the summer (and start now) 4965_1

8 important cases in the garden that you need to finish until the middle of the summer (and start now)

1 sanitary pruning of plants

If the sanitary trimming was not carried out in spring or some dead branches were missed, June - the best time to cut off the trees. It will be easier to do it, since dead branches stand out against the background of those where the leaves rose.

Use a sharp secateur, cutting a branch to a living area. For thick branches, you can use an electric secator. After that, the cut must be treated with a garden boiler, it will help the tree to heal and prevent infection.

8 important cases in the garden that you need to finish until the middle of the summer (and start now) 4965_3

2 Removal of root row fruit trees

The root pig is young shoots that grow out of the apparent and side roots of trees in the early summer. There are four reasons for the appearance.

  • The root was damaged, for example, when pumping the soil around the tree.
  • A tree trunk was damaged. So that it does not lead to the appearance of a row, process damage to the garden harness and cover the polyethylene film.
  • The tree was planted too high, and the roots were exposed as a result of irrigation.
  • Unsuccessful vaccination.

Since the plant begins to actively allocate nutrients to its new process, he will not have the strength for his own growth and fruiting. Therefore, the root stroke should be carefully separated. It can be used as a seedling in another part of the site. She comes around well and quickly begins to give the fruit.

8 important cases in the garden that you need to finish until the middle of the summer (and start now) 4965_4

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3 landing vegetable

June and early July - time to plant a large number of vegetables. Throughout the first half of summer, you can plant sweet polka dots, early zucchini, patissons and any greens like dill, mustard, mint and basilica. But Ruhaw is better to plant in early July - so you can postpone her bloom when it ceases to be delicious. Fast-growing corn and Kohlrabi should be planted at the very beginning of June, as they will need more time to grow and ripening. Also June is a good time to plant cucumbers in the greenhouse.

8 important cases in the garden that you need to finish until the middle of the summer (and start now) 4965_6

4 Mulching

If spring was cool, then the mulching of the soil in the garden is often transferred at the beginning of June. It is necessary that the air is steadily warmed up to 12-15 ° C. The organic mulch is laid out on the branded soil 5-6 hours after watering. At the same time, it is possible to mulch a garden, greenhouses and flower beds. It is important to follow several rules.

  • Clean last year's mulch layer.
  • Laying a layer at least 3 cm and is not thicker 7 cm.
  • Do not use cut weeds that managed to bloom.

8 important cases in the garden that you need to finish until the middle of the summer (and start now) 4965_7
8 important cases in the garden that you need to finish until the middle of the summer (and start now) 4965_8

8 important cases in the garden that you need to finish until the middle of the summer (and start now) 4965_9

8 important cases in the garden that you need to finish until the middle of the summer (and start now) 4965_10

  • Guide on observer materials: for greenhouses, greenhouses and beds

5 Fighting Parasites

In order not to lose the harvest, in June and July it is important to get rid of parasites on time and carry out prevention. Use certified and secure preparations for humans: "Phytoverm", "Biotline" and "Entobakterin".

And for the prevention, natural agents can be used: decoction of onion and garlic, mortar with essential oils.

8 important cases in the garden that you need to finish until the middle of the summer (and start now) 4965_12

6 Methodical watering plants

In June, plants begin to actively grow, blossom and raise the fruits, so it is important to pay attention to the watering. For irrigation, it is best to use rain or weathered for 12-24 hours. It is important to conduct watering long before noon and at sunset, otherwise the sun's rays burn the wet leaves. Do not forget to escape all the fruit trees and shrubs, otherwise the crop will be small and tasteless.

8 important cases in the garden that you need to finish until the middle of the summer (and start now) 4965_13

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7 Planting flowers

In June and early July, many types of colors are planting.

  • Nasturtium. She needs a sunny place and the absence of a strong wind. Flowers 3-4 weeks after landing.
  • Calendula. She loves the sun and nourishing ground. If you put at the beginning of summer, then bloom will begin in July and will continue before frosts.
  • Marigold. Unpretentious plants that bloom already at the end of June.
  • Carnations. Already unpretentious flowers that sow in the first half of summer.

8 important cases in the garden that you need to finish until the middle of the summer (and start now) 4965_15

8 care for strawberries

Those who in the garden grows strawberries, you need to pay more attention to her in the first half of June. At this time, it actively matures the fruits, so it is important to abundantly pour out the grooves between the beds. Do it best in the afternoon. And when water is absorbed, gently braid the ground between the rows of strawberries, so that moisture and oxygen come to the roots. The space around the plant itself is worth postpone the straw - so fallen berries will not get dirty and will not ruin, there will be time to collect them. Ripe berries are best cut off with scissors, and not to roast with your fingers. So they will not remember and will be stored longer.

8 important cases in the garden that you need to finish until the middle of the summer (and start now) 4965_16
8 important cases in the garden that you need to finish until the middle of the summer (and start now) 4965_17

8 important cases in the garden that you need to finish until the middle of the summer (and start now) 4965_18

8 important cases in the garden that you need to finish until the middle of the summer (and start now) 4965_19

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