How to get rid of weevils in the kitchen: simple and secure ways


We tell how to derive beetles quickly and efficiently with the help of popular methods when special chemistry can be applied and how to prevent the re-appearance of insects.

How to get rid of weevils in the kitchen: simple and secure ways 4967_1

How to get rid of weevils in the kitchen: simple and secure ways

The house always has a minimum, and sometimes strategic, reserve. It is stored in the kitchen and is replenished from time to time. If you notice that pasta or cereals are simply sisite with small bugs, then weedons settled in the apartment - we will understand how to get rid of them.

All about combating weevil

Features insect

How to get rid of beetle-elephant

  • Folk remedies
  • Insecticides.

Prevention measures

What does the weevon look like and what it is harmful

The pest is known since the times of Ancient Egypt. Already there have been noticed small dark bugs with a characteristic elongated mouth, similar to the proboscis. In the photo it is good noticeable. For this, they are also called elephants. Today they have more than 50 thousand varieties. All of them feed on fruit and vegetable crops, cereals. However, there are only a few varieties of weevils in the houses.

Types of insects that appear in homes

  • Barn. Prefers flour and products from it, all kinds of croup. Very voracious.
  • Walnut. Omnivore, but if possible, chooses the flash, walnut.
  • Rice. "Specializes" on cereals and baking.
  • Beet. It is more common in the gardens and gardens, where vegetables eats. Can be transferred to them into the house.
  • Oak. Prefers acory, but hitting a person's dwelling, eats any products.

Pests are distinguished not only by taste preferences, but also by color, sizes, the presence of wings. Some are able to fly, which significantly speeds up their movement in search of food. Others are offended, but they run pretty quickly. All varieties of parasites are distinguished by extreme fecundity. One female makes a masonry in which up to 300 eggs are located. She lays eggs to the products: grains, crackers, pieces of dried fruits, etc.

Over time, larvae develop and pisses. It is quite difficult to notice them at this stage. Usually everything becomes apparent only after the bugs have already come out of their nutritional "cocoons". At this stage, there are already a lot of them, they postponed new masonry, so the grocery reserves threaten serious danger.

How to get rid of weevils in the kitchen: simple and secure ways 4967_3

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How to deal with a weevil

The main complexity with which the hostess is facing, forced to fight pests, becomes working with surfaces and tanks where products are being prepared or stored. This requires marginal care in choosing methods and preparations. In any case, to start will have to dispose of infected stocks. It is necessary to inspect all the cereals, tea, flour, dried fruits, etc. With the slightest suspicion they are sealed in plastic and endure in a trash can.

Eat in food and even leave in the house infected products can not. Those that look normally should be processed. Tell me what you can do.

Folk remedies

To prevent the appearance of bugs in the apartment and their further reproduction, you can take advantage of fully safe folk techniques.

  • Impact of low temperatures. Grocery is laid out on small packages and sent to the freezing chamber. To destroy pests, their larvae is enough 3-4 hours. After that, the processed products are laid out in storage tanks and removed on the shelves.
  • High temperature processing. The elephants do not tolerate high temperatures. Therefore, it is possible to pour cereals on the baking sheet with a layer not higher than 3-4 cm, put in the oven for 20 minutes at 50 ° C.
  • Ultrahigh-frequency microwave radiation will help get rid of bugs. The croup is poured into a flat container with a thin layer, removed into the furnace, set the maximum power mode for 2-3 minutes.

The fight against the weevil must be comprehensive. Processing are subjected to storage and wardrobes, where they cost. Thus, the shelves are washed with soapy water, then wip the cutlery solution and wipe dry. It should remain weak, barely catchy acetic smell. For the beetle he is unnecessary.

How to get rid of weevils in the kitchen: simple and secure ways 4967_5

To scare off herbs and spices with a pronounced aroma: carnation sockets, lavender stems or her essential oil on a robe, mint, bay leaf, pyrhem, crusts of any citrus. Such "dischargers" is evenly decomposed on the shelves, periodically changing, because the fragrance is weathered. On average, it is necessary to change the bookmark one or twice a month.

To prepare tanks there are its secrets. They recommend putting peeled, but not chopped garlic cloves or laurel leaves. It is considered effective and such a recommendation. Tin cover, steel nail or wire thoroughly clean. Then they are put in a saucepan with water, bring to a boil and boil for a few minutes. The cooled and dried objects are laid out on banks with grocery, flour, tea, etc.

For flour reserves, linen bags are best suited. They are sewed from natural fabrics: flax or cotton. Before falling asleep flour bags are treated with salt. For a start, a strong saline solution is breed. Salt add little to the little and thoroughly stirred. When the chicken egg lowered into the liquid does not fall on the bottom, but will float on the surface, it is considered that the desired concentration is obtained.

The bags are lowered into the saline solution, carefully impregnate them with liquid. Give them to lie down and get so good to soak. Then removed, slightly squeeze. Hang or decompose for drying. So much of the salt remains on the fabric that scares pests. Flour folds into dried bags. You can still store another grocery.

How to get rid of weevils in the kitchen: simple and secure ways 4967_6

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Sometimes in the recommendations, how to get rid of weevils in the kitchen, you can find tips on the use of insecticides. It is very controversial. Yes, in warehouses where grain and grain products are stored, chemical treatment is regularly carried out. But it is impossible to spend it at home at home. For gas disinsection, fumigation or aerosol disinfection, special equipment and preparations are necessary.

How to get rid of weevils in the kitchen: simple and secure ways 4967_8

In its kitchen, no insecticides are applied. There is a high risk of poisoning. "Chemistry" is used only in one case: if the bugs settled on indoor plants. They willingly do it when such an opportunity appears. In this case, the use of drugs according to the instructions is safe and justified. In this case, "Inta-Vir", "Nemabakt", "Carbofos", etc. will help.

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Preventive Pest Prevention Measures

To understand what preventive measures will be the most effective, it is necessary to find out how bugs fall into the house. Most often it happens with the purchase of infected products in the store. Flour or cereals, where the eggs put the eggs, it looks just like not infected. Therefore, it is calmly implemented through the trading network.

To progress yourself, it is recommended to handle the whole grocery grocery with a cold or high-temperature exposure. Extremely rare pests are climbed into the apartment through the open windows in the summer or "come" with the vegetables collected in their own country. To prevent the appearance of weevils, it is recommended to perform several simple rules.

Rules that need to be observed

  • Conduct regular evaluations of food reserves. At the same time, it should be remembered that the beetles feel great not only in croups or flour, but also in dried fruits, spices, tea, breadcrumbs, etc. Flour is better to sift to make sure of her clean. When traces of pests are detected, the spoiled product is immediately emitted. The excrement and chitinic scales of elephants are the strongest allergen.
  • Store a rash grocery follows in tightly closing hermetic jars. Better glass or metal. The most inappropriate packaging is plastic bags. Fissure bags are not suitable, unless they are saturated with salt, and eco-paper.
  • In order not to get rid of insects, it is necessary to comply with the correct storage mode. Optimal conditions: Temperature 10-12 ° C, low humidity. In a warm and wet environment, the larvae and bugs feel great and actively multiply. The optimal humidity will provide a small tissue bag with a salt, which is placed on the bottom of the tank.
  • Do not do too large food reserves. It is best to buy as much as it is placed in a hermetic storage jar. When buying always pay attention to the date of packaging and production. From old products it is better to refuse.

How to get rid of weevils in the kitchen: simple and secure ways 4967_10

The technique, how to withdraw weevils from the kitchen is quite simple. But it is best not to give them the opportunity to settle in the house. Fancy prevention measures performed in full give a guarantee that it is not necessary to remove the beetles.

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