Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos)


Kitchen, entrance hall, living room and bedroom - tell me how to enter the mirror panels in the interior of these rooms.

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_1

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos)

The mirror wall in the interior in the photo looks stylish and modern. But beauty is not the only dignity of such a design. In real life, the mirror can visually increase the space that it would be useful in any small room: from the bathroom and hallway to the bedroom.

All you need to know about the mirror walls in the interior

How to implement

Advantages and disadvantages of coating

Execution in the bedroom

How to enter in the living room

Decor in the kitchen

Examples in the hallway

How to implement

It is impossible to say that the mirror wall in the interior of the apartment is a popular reception. The complexity of the application is that it requires certain stylistics and geometry of the room. Designers, for example, use mirrors for spaces in a modern and neoclassical style, less often in Lofte and Scand. There are several ways to implement this idea.

  • Reflective panels - the most expensive material. They are selected in size, and after installation they look almost monolith. This technique can be used in the interior where the decor is not supposed: modern, minimalist and scand.
  • Panels separated by a metal frame. More brutal use of panels. Thus, the mirror can be entered into the loft.
  • Tile with facet looks more decorative. Therefore, it is used in the appropriate stylistry: most often these are neoclassical and traditional interiors. However, a strict geometric tile will fit into modern design.
  • Mirrored wall stickers are the most economical option for the interior. Usually they are made of vinyl and other materials similar to it. Cute compositions can be made to decorate a nursery - this is the safest way to use. Selecting a similar element in the living room or bedroom, be careful. The quality of the stickers and the form should not reduce the bag. With the Chinese product it is easy to miss.

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_3
Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_4
Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_5
Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_6

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_7

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_8

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_9

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_10

Advantages and disadvantages of coating

The main advantage of the mirror wall is its ability to visually increase the space. But so that the effect is maximum, the coating should reflect the sun's rays. Therefore, placing the mirror is better opposite the source of natural light - windows.

The second plus is the coating will be an accent, but not too bright. Unlike painted or covered with surface surfaces, the mirror attracts less attention. Finally, the third: you can use the panels in any room. Often, designers are decorated with living rooms, combined with dining rooms, input and bedroom zones. In the kitchen, the finish is less common. Here is too tough environment. However, there are examples of projects where the mirror tile is used on the apron and the walls, in the photo it looks spectacular, but it may not be too functional in life. But if you cook infrequently, you can consider this option.

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_11
Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_12
Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_13
Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_14

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_15

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_16

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_17

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_18

Cons of mirrors are also available. The first and most obvious is the fragility of the coating. Despite modern technologies, it is very gentle material with which it is not easy to work. Yes, and in life with such a finish, it should be more careful, any blow threatens a crack or scolf. Therefore, it does not fit for the nursery.

The second drawback is groin. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to wipe the surface at least a couple of times a week - it all depends on the zone where the panels, stoves or panels are installed. In the hallway it will have to do more often, in the bedroom - a little less often.

The complexity of installation is the third minus. Unlike wooden panels, the mirror can be installed independently. We'll have to turn to the installers, which increases and without the most cheap finish.

  • All about mounting glue for mirrors: Benefits, Methods of application and removal from the surface

Mirror Wall in the bedroom interior

The room in which the mirror on the wall looks more spectacular - the bedroom. It acts as an accent and is used in modern decorations. There are several embodiments in the interior. Most often this accommodation at the head of the bed.

  • Full decoration panels occurs infrequently. This is not the most convenient option.
  • Combination with other materials: for example, with wooden and soft panels. Moreover, it can be both vertical and horizontal combination. Depends on the geometry of the room and the effect you want to achieve.

You can use reflective elements in the wall finishing on the contrary. Here the panels and tiles can be combined with metal frames and structures. But consider that a few are solved on such a location. In part, it is not always comfortable - wake up and see one's own reflection. But, if you do not scare this layout, look at it.

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_20
Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_21
Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_22
Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_23
Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_24
Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_25
Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_26
Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_27

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_28

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_29

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_30

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_31

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_32

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_33

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_34

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_35

  • How to enter a bedroom mirror: 7 of the right and beautiful ways

How to enter in the living room

In the living rooms and combined with table spaces, an accent wall with a reflective surface will be appropriate in zones with low load. In other words, where you are not active. It can be a passing zone, for example, near the corridor or the sofa. If you do not plan in the future permutation, it is not necessary to separate the surface completely. You can save on materials, starting a slice of the sofa just below.

In the photo, the mirror panel in the living room looks interesting on the wall in the TV zone. Here, designers also combine materials. You can combine coatings with other panels. Another stylish reception is to enter them into molding. Such an idea is suitable for neoclassical, modern and American-style interiors.

In the dining area, the accent is usually located next to the dining group. There are no secrets. But be careful: such a realization is possible only in spacious rooms so that the chairs are at a safe distance from a fragile material.

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_37
Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_38
Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_39
Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_40
Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_41
Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_42
Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_43
Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_44

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_45

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_46

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_47

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_48

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_49

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_50

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_51

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_52

  • How to arrange an accent wall in the living room: 8 fresh ideas and 17 bright examples

Decor in the kitchen

As mentioned above, one of the options in the kitchen is a tile in the cooking area. This is a apron and space around. Of course, the functionality of such a coating can hardly be discussed, but it looks very original. Moreover, in modern decorations with a tile of an unusual form or texture.

Another embodiment is in small spaces. If the kitchen area is not more than 8 square meters, and it is necessary to fit the dining group, take care of this technique. Designers most often highlight the wall opposite the headset, near the table. Season all use horizontal position panel: Leave the paint at the bottom or any friend finish, and put the panels from above. Another option is to use narrow plates, as in one of the projects in the photo. The table adjoins the lateral part to them, which increases its length twice.

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_54
Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_55
Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_56
Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_57
Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_58
Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_59

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_60

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_61

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_62

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_63

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_64

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_65

Examples in the hallway

The mirror in the entrance zone is a decorative element, without which it is difficult to do. Why not use it to the maximum, separating one of the walls?

If the layout allows you, choose the wall, opposite which is free space. Thus, it will be possible to visually increase the space. Duplicate the deaf partition, if it is located at a distance less than 50 cm, it is not worth it. It is better to limit the partial finish, one panel.

Tile, and solid panels are suitable for implementation, and separated by the frame. It's a matter of taste. They can be used both completely on the entire surface and partially. In the second case, this is a combination with another material or fit in niche.

Since the hallway is usually not enough light, the effect will help the technical lighting. Pay attention to it when planning the room. The photo is cool, a mirror panel on the wall in the hallway, additionally decorated with LEDs. It is not only stylish, but also functionally - additional illumination in this zone.

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_66
Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_67
Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_68
Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_69

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_70

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_71

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_72

Mirror wall in the interior of the apartment (34 photos) 498_73

  • How to issue a classic style entrance hall and keep balance between beauty and functionality

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