How to get rid of dampness in the apartment: 8 methods and 4 prevention council


We bring order in the bathroom, remove the dryer for linen on the balcony and choose breathable finishing materials to get rid of dampness and prevent its appearance.

How to get rid of dampness in the apartment: 8 methods and 4 prevention council 5012_1

How to get rid of dampness in the apartment: 8 methods and 4 prevention council

Excess moisture in the air leads to diseases and damage to wall decoration, ceiling and floor. In addition, because of this, non-psychic and healthy foci of mold arise, which are very difficult to remove. We tell how to get rid of dampness in the house and from the unpleasant smell, which she accompanies.

We find the reason and get rid of dampness

Why it is necessary

Causes of dampness

Methods of deliverance

  1. Waterproofing of surfaces
  2. Solving the issue with drying linen
  3. Enhanced heating
  4. Reducing the number of colors in the house
  5. Order in the bathroom
  6. Checking the ventilation system
  7. Eradication of harmful habits
  8. Shopping desiccant

Swords to eliminate odor

Prevention measures

Why do you need to get rid of dampness

A short-term enhanced humidity in the room is not hazard, but if the houses constantly sweat the windows and other signs of excess are felt, this is a reason to look for options, how to get rid of dampness in the apartment. And that's why.

  • If the walls are covered with wallpaper, they will start peeling, and mold can occur under them.
  • Plaster and putty will become loose, will begin to move away from the ceiling by layers.
  • Wood floors or artificial coating, such as laminate, can be deformed, "walk".
  • Interior doors can also be deformed: as a result, they will stop entering the door frame, start closing with difficulty.
  • If indoors have furnishings of natural wood, they can also change their shape and appearance. Let it be insignificant.
  • Too high humidity adversely affects health, increases the risk of exacerbation of allergies and problems with the respiratory system, leather. Even small scratches on the skin will be walked longer.
  • Very undesirable to be in the conditions of excessive moisture to small children, especially with a reduced immunity.
  • Of course, it is impossible not to mention the risk of mold: not only under the wallpaper, which we mentioned in the first point, but also on the ceiling, slopes, just on the walls, on the windows.

How to get rid of dampness in the apartment: 8 methods and 4 prevention council 5012_3

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Causes of high humidity

  • Errors during the construction of a private house or an apartment building. This may be a violation of technology during laying solution between bricks, elements of panel structures.
  • In apartment buildings often suffer from high humidity residents of apartments on the first floors. The intimacy of the basement does not contribute to a good microclimate.
  • The problem may also occur in the inhabitants of the last floors during precipitation, if there are errors in roofing.
  • If we talk about a private cottage, then the lack of waterproofing basement and foundation, especially in the season of precipitation, often leads to high humidity. Disadvantages of the roof may also be the cause.
  • Bad ventilation is a very common problem in apartments, and in cottages. Because of it, the humidity in wet areas is most often rising, such as a bathroom and a kitchen, but the problem is distributed to residential rooms.
  • The leaks of sanitary equipment and pipes.
  • The presence in the private house of the pool, baths or saunas, namely their poor-quality arrangement and maintenance often becomes an excess of moisture in the air.
  • The lack of heating in winter in cottages leads to the fact that an unpleasant smell of dampness and sharpness appear inside. It is impossible to leave the house without heat, even if it is a seasonal cottage.
  • Improper installation or wear of window structures. For this reason, it is recommended to carry out regular seasonal prevention.

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How to get rid of dampness in the apartment: 8 methods and 4 prevention council 5012_9

How to get rid of dampness in the apartment: 8 methods and 4 prevention council 5012_10

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Ways to eliminate dampness in the house and apartment

1. Make waterproofing of floors and walls

If you live on the first floor, it's time to think about the floorproofing of the floor. It is possible to water the floors with the help of loose or bulk materials - it is easy to apply and they will quickly dry. But only professionals can install rolled waterproofing, but it will be more effective.

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How to get rid of dampness in the apartment: 8 methods and 4 prevention council 5012_16

How to get rid of dampness in the apartment: 8 methods and 4 prevention council 5012_17

Isolate the ceiling and walls in the apartment forces are unlikely to succeed. If the roof of the house flows, this question can be solved only by repaired it.

And in the house you can conduct an outer insulation of the walls, and the roof is easier to fix on its own, as it is not necessary to coordinate the actions with the management company.

2. dry underwear on the balcony or in a drying machine

A small, but still a tangible impact on the level of humidity has dry linen. In addition, it leaves the smell of washing powder after himself. Therefore, the dryer is better to carry onto a ventilated balcony.

Good option - buy a drying machine. It takes the same place as washing, but will allow not to litter space and do not breed an excessive humidity.

3. Strengthen heating

A good way to deal with dampness in the apartment is to warm the room and air in it, for example, add heating radiators in the winter, if the power of the standard heating system is missing, and install warm floors in those rooms where problems are seen. First of all, it concerns the bathroom and loggia, but in other rooms, the floor heating system will make life more comfortable.

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How to get rid of dampness in the apartment: 8 methods and 4 prevention council 5012_20

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How to get rid of dampness in the apartment: 8 methods and 4 prevention council 5012_23

4. Reduce the number of indoor plants

Live plants perfectly decorate and revive the interior, but when they are too much, they can really cause high humidity. Try to remove from the windowsill and rearrange part of the pots to other rooms and watch the changes.

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How to get rid of dampness in the apartment: 8 methods and 4 prevention council 5012_30

How to get rid of dampness in the apartment: 8 methods and 4 prevention council 5012_31

5. Cut in order to the bathroom

On a small area, even drying things on a towel dryer, raw underwear in a washing machine are provided. The machine itself is also worth checking: sometimes breakdowns happen, due to which moisture does not completely leave the drum after the washing is completed.

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How to get rid of dampness in the apartment: 8 methods and 4 prevention council 5012_33

How to get rid of dampness in the apartment: 8 methods and 4 prevention council 5012_34

How to get rid of dampness in the apartment: 8 methods and 4 prevention council 5012_35

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6. Check ventilation and fix the problem

It is very important when repairing to consider a good electrical exhaust in the bathroom, which can be turned on while taking the soul. It will immediately pull out most of the steam and water will not have time to settle on the surfaces.

7. Do not create redundant moisture in small

For example, when you prepare something in the kitchen, cover the boiling lidhouse saums, do not leave the boiling teapot for a long time on the plate - a large amount of steam is released from its spout.

How to get rid of dampness in the apartment: 8 methods and 4 prevention council 5012_37

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8. Use desiccant

Along with air humidifiers, household appliances manufacturers are produced and dryers are devices that remove moisture and remove it into a special compartment, which is provided for the design of the device. Separate models can be connected to the sewer system. Drainers makes sense to install in wet areas, for example, in the bathroom or basement of the private house.

How to get rid of the smell of dampness in the apartment and house

A short-term problem may occur, for example, in the spring, when you returned to the cottage after a long lack. An unpleasant smell often occurs in the presence of mold on the walls, the bed linen and other home textiles also smells poorly smelling in the closet.

How to get rid of dampness in the apartment: 8 methods and 4 prevention council 5012_39

To get rid of it, remove the problem. Perform measures to combat mold with the help of special means, dry things and underwear, and also ventilate the room as much as it is necessary until the unpleasant smell disappears.


In order not to look for an answer to the question of how to get rid of dampness in an apartment and a house, you need to foresee a few moments during the repair of the room.

1. Pick up breathable finishing materials at the repair stage

It is worth using breathable eco-friendly finishing materials. For example, ordinary paper wallpapers are perfectly passed air. Fliseline products are also suitable. But the alkyd paint on an oil base has a very low pair transmission coefficient, so it is impossible to use it in a room with high humidity.

To find out if one or another finishing material is suitable, ask the seller about his vapor permeability, how long this value is. It will show how many milligrams of the pair will pass in an hour through the meter of material.

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How to get rid of dampness in the apartment: 8 methods and 4 prevention council 5012_42

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How to get rid of dampness in the apartment: 8 methods and 4 prevention council 5012_44

How to get rid of dampness in the apartment: 8 methods and 4 prevention council 5012_45

2. Carefully consider the project of the private house and its ventilation

This also applies to the foundation, and to the walls, and to the project of ventilation at home. In addition to choosing building materials, control the construction technology and do not forget about the waterproofing of the foundation, the basement, as well as the heat insulation of the walls, gender and roof.

3. Drop the house or apartment after construction or repair

For example, if you do not wait until the plaster is dry on the walls and start to hinder them with wallpaper, with a probability of one hundred percent under them, then the mold will arise. And after the construction and repair work ended, the room, the more in need of drying. In the question, how to dry the house from dampness after construction, there are several solutions. For example, use special equipment: dryers and heaters.

4. To air the room

Fresh air affects not only the microclimate and the absence of excessive humidity, but also on the well-being of the inhabitants. Do not neglect this and more often open the vessels.

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