8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia


In our list - hawthorn, Barbaris, Kuril tea and other shrubs that are perfectly leaving for Siberia.

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_1

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia

When choosing plants for giving and garden, it is stupid not to take into account the climatic features of the region. What will work perfectly in the suburbs, not always come true in the eastern part of Russia. We tell what blooming shrubs are suitable for Siberia, with names and photos.

8 shrubs for landing in Siberia and tips on choosing:

1. Waigela blooming

2. Miscellaneous hydrangea

3. Barbaris

4. Hawthorn Blood-Red

5. Laptop

6. Mirikaria

7. Kiznicl

8. Garden jasmine

Features of choice

1 Weigela

In the eastern part of Russia two types are good: Waigela blooming and hybrid.

Flowering Waigela is a bush that reaches a height of 3 meters. Purple can boast pink large flowers collected in inflorescences of 2-3 pieces, the Alba is white, and the arygate is bright pink. The hybrid varieties are also a few, they differ in the color of the flower: there are white, red, gentle and bright pink.

Looking out Weigel both alone and in groups. She will spectacularly look in the living hedge. But the distance in this case between the instances should be minimal. If the seafood turned out to be loose, it is possible to land between them the low-spirited perennials of the fern type.

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_3
8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_4
8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_5
8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_6
8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_7

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_8

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_9

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_10

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_11

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_12

2 Miscellaneous hydrangea

This bush with gorgeous lush inflorescences is perfect in Siberia. You just need to know the variety. The frost-resistant include: Limelate with its light-salad caps, pink daimond pink, macked fayer in several shades and some others. If the plot is small, pay attention to dwarf varieties, such as skiffal, sparkling or bobo. While classic bushes reach a height of 1.5-2 m, these are not growing above 1 m, and some, in general, 60 cm.

Not all gardeners agree with the fact that the Miscellaneous Hydrangea needs to be covered for the winter. Very often, it is comfortably tolerating wintering without additional insulation, but in this case fragile twigs need to be taped. So they will not break under the severity of snow.

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_13
8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_14
8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_15
8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_16

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_17

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_18

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_19

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_20

  • Hydrangea Miscellaneous: landing and care rules

3 Barbaris

This blooming long-term shrub is an ideal option for Siberia. It is withstanding frost, perfectly tolerates heat and drought. In addition, all of its parts are widely used for medical purposes: berries contain a large amount of ascorbic and citric acid.

Amursky, purple and, of course, Siberian are especially popular among all species. Mother's favorite, Barbaris Tunberg, unfortunately, is not always able to transfer the harsh Siberian winter.

If you want an emission plant, choose Amur and purple barbaris, both grow up to 3 m. Siberian will fit a short section - this is a low-length bush high up to 1 m.

It looks like a single disembarkation and group. During a single seating between copies, there should be at least 1.5 m. And with group, if you want to create a living elevation, they are planted 2-4 per 1 m.

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_22
8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_23
8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_24
8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_25

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_26

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_27

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_28

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_29

4 hawthorn bloody red

The most common and winter-hardy hawthorn grade is bloody-red. This village, growing corruptously, reaches a height of up to 4 m. It blooms in May with pink large inflorescences. Despite the not too pleasant smell, the flowers are honey. Red berries ripen at the end of August and keep up to frosts.

The hawthorn is suitable for creating an elevation, but also planted it and singly. The crown can be formed. Trimming spend in spring along with sanitary cleaning.

It is very simple to care for a hawthorn: in summer he has enough of one watering in 2-3 weeks, but if the heat is standing, then a little more often. Feed it once a year - in spring before flowering.

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_30
8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_31
8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_32

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_33

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_34

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_35

5 laptic

Another name of this low-handed bush is a Curil tea. Landscape designers are widely used by a compact low-spirited plant in the creation of compositions. The flowering season lasts long: begins in June, and ends in October.

The color and size of inflorescence depends on the type: there are white, soft and bright yellow, red-orange and orange instances. And so that the lappache is fluffy, it is cut it, you can do it in the fall.

Single or a group with other higher bushes.

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_36
8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_37
8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_38
8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_39

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_40

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_41

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_42

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_43

6 Merikaria

Merikaria - a flowering shrub suitable for Siberia, in the photo it looks very bright, especially in the composition with other plants. The most frost-resistant variety is Daur. Special conditions for leaving the bush does not require, but there are some nuances.

Features of care

  • The branches reach lengths up to 1.5 meters, it should be considered when landing.
  • Loves the sun.
  • It needs a haircut, because the crown's independent formation does not occur.

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_44
8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_45
8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_46
8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_47

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_48

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_49

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_50

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_51

7 Kizlin

The genus Kizvyzer unites about 80 different types of this plant, among which there are trees, and shrubs. The latter are widespread in Siberia, and three types are considered the most decorative: brilliant, horizontal and multi-flowered.

A caticker is brilliant up to 3 m high and a width of up to 4 m is suitable for creating alive hedges. It is well tolerating the haircut and unpretentious in care. Flowers in May-June, and from 4 years starts fruit. Fruits anticipating in August, very decorative: black berries are preserved on branches before frost.

A horizontal caticker is his brother from China. It is lower, rarely reaches a height of 80 cm, however, in general, more elegant. By the end of September, it becomes red and stands until the end of November.

The caticker multilateral grows up to 2 m. It blooms for almost a month, and from 6 years old starts fruit - the berries are bright red. In the fall, his leaves acquire a reddish tint, so the bush looks very expressive in these colors.

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_52
8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_53
8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_54
8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_55

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_56

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_57

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_58

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_59

8 Garden Jasmine

Another name is the Chubuschik, it belongs to the type of hydrangea and is often used to create compositions.

Flowers Chubudnik since May-June, and lasts flowering month and a half. Coloring white or cream flowers, there are simple and terry inflorescences. Especially remarkable pleasant aroma of flowers, similar to a real jasmine and strawberries. As far as it is expressed, depends on the type.

The Chubuschik is unpretentious in leaving, adult plants winter openly, but young shoots better to warm up. Note: Domestic varieties, for example, academician of mosquitoes and unusual, better tolerate winter than imported.

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_60
8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_61
8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_62
8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_63

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_64

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_65

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_66

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_67

What to take into account when choosing blooming shrubs for giving in Siberia

Before buying plants, the plan usually make up the plan. This will help you define suitable. There are several options for the seating.

Options for seating

  • Separately when plants can be considered from different sides.
  • Groups are convenient if you need a live fence. The same method is suitable for separating the site to zones.

It is important to know, because some representatives of the flora feel better in the group, while others, on the contrary, landed separately.

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_68

Winter hardiness

Pay attention to the winter hardiness. What it is higher, the greater the likelihood that the shrub is attached. However, even the most endless grades of harsh winter can be moderated, so it is impossible to leave completely without care.

Features of care

If you live in the city and look for a plant for giving, then the unpretentiousness of the variety is important. Many shrubs do not need regular watering, it will be enough to come once or twice a week, or even less often. Some require special care: after flowering, inflorescences are deleted manually. If you are not ready for such care, choose those that fall independently.

The composition of the soil

Before buying it is desirable to also explore the composition of the soil on the site. Different cultures require different environments.

8 blooming decorative shrubs that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia 5027_69

Flower growth period

If you do not want to bother with a change and annual purchase of new seedlings, we recommend paying attention to the period of growth - choose perennial varieties.

Combining culture

It is also desirable to take into account the combination of cultures: it is not only aesthetics, but also the life expectancy. For example, some can take moisture and nutrients from the soil, so that new seedlings will not get them.

So, we looked at all the variety of flowering ornamental shrubs for Siberia. Examine their features and choose what your garden will fit.

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