How to use the base of the kitchen headset: 8 functional and witty ideas


Organize storage of the stepladders, build a vacuum cleaner, place pet bowls - tell these and other ways to use the kitchen base in the article.

How to use the base of the kitchen headset: 8 functional and witty ideas 505_1

Listed all ideas for using base in a kitchen headset in video

When planning a kitchen headset, usually do not attach a large value of the base. It does not involve in the organization of space, most often it is just a decorative plank. While in the kitchen base, you can store a lot of things that is especially relevant if the size of the room is small. We tell in the article how you can organize a base space with benefit.

1 Store stocks of products

Under the kitchen head is usually enough space for storing stocks of products. Install several boxes in the base and put in them the reserves of canned, groceries and other products that do not require storage in the refrigerator. Also such a dark place is great for storing potatoes, onions and other vegetables. So that the products do not mold, organize the ventilation holes on the sides of the boxes.

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How to use the base of the kitchen headset: 8 functional and witty ideas 505_4

How to use the base of the kitchen headset: 8 functional and witty ideas 505_5

How to use the base of the kitchen headset: 8 functional and witty ideas 505_6

How to use the base of the kitchen headset: 8 functional and witty ideas 505_7

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2 remove kitchen utensils

Boxes in the kitchen base can also help out if the room is small and places in the kitchen headset lacks. Remove a pan, covers, bowls, banks and other kitchen utensils that you rarely use. So you also release the place in an easily accessible headset.

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How to use the base of the kitchen headset: 8 functional and witty ideas 505_13

How to use the base of the kitchen headset: 8 functional and witty ideas 505_14

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3 Install animal bowls

If you have pets, you can install bowls for water and feed in the box. The box can be pulled under the headset, and it is easy to get it when the animal needs food.

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How to use the base of the kitchen headset: 8 functional and witty ideas 505_17
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How to use the base of the kitchen headset: 8 functional and witty ideas 505_20

How to use the base of the kitchen headset: 8 functional and witty ideas 505_21

4 Store stepladder

If you have high ceilings or designed antlesol wardrobes in the headset, you have to take a stepladder to get to the upper shelves. You can buy a folding structure of a small size and store it in the basement. So it will not take a lot of space and will always be at hand. Such a stepladder will not replace your full-fledged, but it will easily get the right objects with it.

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How to use the base of the kitchen headset: 8 functional and witty ideas 505_26

How to use the base of the kitchen headset: 8 functional and witty ideas 505_27

5 Combine with a drawer under the oven

The box under the oven cabinet is small, and therefore many things are not placed there. Replace a small box for one big, which will begin with the floor of the kitchen. So you can accommodate everything you need in it, for example, baking and baking molds.

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How to use the base of the kitchen headset: 8 functional and witty ideas 505_29

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How to use the base of the kitchen headset: 8 functional and witty ideas 505_31

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6 Make a step

If you have children, then often they are inconvenient to use the kitchen due to a small growth. Organize a step-down step in the base to make the headset even more convenient. If you yourself are low, then such a stand can be used to get to the upper shelves.

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How to use the base of the kitchen headset: 8 functional and witty ideas 505_34

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How to use the base of the kitchen headset: 8 functional and witty ideas 505_36

7 Built vacuum cleaner

If the height of the base is more than 110 centimeters, you can embed a vacuum cleaner into it. Such a device is found in American kitchens. The vacuum cleaner works from electricity and when you press the button absorbs dust collected in front of it, through a special hole. Inside the bag for collecting garbage, which is easy to get and shaken. Also available to attach a long stretching hose with which you can spend hard-to-reach places.

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How to use the base of the kitchen headset: 8 functional and witty ideas 505_39

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How to use the base of the kitchen headset: 8 functional and witty ideas 505_42

8 Organize a winecake

Store wine better in the lying position, in a dark cool place. The base of the kitchen headset is quite suitable for this purpose. Put special staves for storing bottles on the bottom of the boxes, or shift them with tight paper or cloth. So you avoid bottle riding if the box is not completely filled.

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How to use the base of the kitchen headset: 8 functional and witty ideas 505_44
How to use the base of the kitchen headset: 8 functional and witty ideas 505_45

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