We equip ventilation in the basement of the garage: Suitable solutions and installation instructions


We tell what technical solutions can be used how to calculate and install in the basement of the garage ventilation system.

We equip ventilation in the basement of the garage: Suitable solutions and installation instructions 5054_1

We equip ventilation in the basement of the garage: Suitable solutions and installation instructions

The cellar ventilation in the garage is necessary no matter how it is used. It is satisfied with the workshop, a recreation area, a storage room where canned food, tools, old things, the space is equipped with a rehearsal base, a minibar, a kitchen and a living room. Even if it is not planned to spend a lot of time, an air exchange should be provided inside.

Make ventilation in the basement of the garage

Why do you need ventilation

System options

  • Single pipe system
  • Two-pipe
  • Electric fans

Selection of details

Step-by-step installation instructions

Why do you need ventilation in the basement of the garage

In most cases, the garage basement is a closed room without windows, fraumug and other devices that allow ventilating. Doors are not enough for this. Complex measures are required, without which it is dangerous within a long time. One of the factors is the lack of oxygen. Danger represents toxic substances, such as gasoline, solvents, chemicals. Their evaporation is able to cause serious harm to health.

A constant influx is needed even in a room where people rarely come. Without continuous circulation on the walls and the ceiling, condensate accumulates, leading to their destruction. The process accelerates microorganisms that breed in a humid environment. In such conditions, things and products quickly come into disrepair, and metal parts and tools are covered with rust.

With the correct system of the system, it will be safe below. It is one or two pipes that provide fresh flow and removal of exhaust gases. You can develop a scheme and carry out installation with your own hands without the help of professional engineers and repairing brigade.

We equip ventilation in the basement of the garage: Suitable solutions and installation instructions 5054_3

  • How to make ventilation in a private house cellar

Possible technical solutions

Single pipe system

It is one channel laid in the ground either through bearing structures and cladding. The second option is easier in execution, since when it is used, you do not need to dig a pit on the territory. In addition, underground communications experience deformations due to moving the moving soil. When placed inside the building, you will have to sacrifice the space in the corner or near the wall.

A single-tube design is an exhaust that runs through the pressure drop in the house and on the street. The greater the height, the lower it is, so the output is better to place on the roof.

A disadvantage of a single-pipe model is weak circulation. So that it does not stop, you need to keep the door constantly open.

We equip ventilation in the basement of the garage: Suitable solutions and installation instructions 5054_5

Two-pipe scheme

It consists of an inlet valve and an exhaust. This method of ventilation in the basement of the garage is more effective. For normal circulation, simultaneous influx and outflow are required. The place of remote exhaust air, saturated with ferry and carbon dioxide, should fill out fresh. The valve is mounted on the wall just above the middle snow level. This indicator is taken from the bottom. The valve through the nozzle is removed inside and placed at an altitude of 20-40 cm from the floor. Entry in the exhaust must be on the opposite side. It is done in the ceiling or in the top of the wall. These two devices should be mounted in opposite corners of the room, otherwise the "dead" zones will appear. To make a complete update, the flow should pass the entire volume entirely.

We equip ventilation in the basement of the garage: Suitable solutions and installation instructions 5054_6

It is important to consider the height difference, from which the thrust force depends. The distance from the top point to the intake should be at least 1 m.

The intensity of motion depends on the temperature on the street. In winter, it increases, so to adjust it to the inlet, you must install the flap. By changing its position, you can adjust bandwidth.

Electric fans

In the summer, the temperature inside and outside the building is no different. When using natural ventilation, active circulation is terminated. To solve the problem, a fan is installed on the exhaust that runs from the socket or connected directly to the electrical shield. To start you need to click on the switch.

In the wet cellars, the electrician is dangerous. Wiring is better to stretch from above, fixing the switch at the door in the upper part of the structure.

There are models on moving loops. They are mounted on the inlet. When the device is turned off, it is moved to the side, leaving the channel open. If this is not done, when the motor turned off the bladder will overlap the cross section.

Before making ventilation in the garage cellar, it is necessary to calculate how the amount of air should be updated per unit of time. For this parameter, the power of the equipment is selected.

We equip ventilation in the basement of the garage: Suitable solutions and installation instructions 5054_7

Selection of system elements

They should be safe, convenient in the installation and when used. The properties of the system affect several factors.


  • The shape of the section - rectangular products are more compact. It is easier to place indoors on the wall or ceiling. Round differ from them higher efficiency.
  • The shape of the channel - the flow rate depends on it. The fewer the bends, the more it is.
  • Extract and inlet nozzle must have the same section. The fan is not always used. For natural circulation, it is necessary that the air volume is updated evenly.

The diameter is calculated by the formula: d = 2√ s / π, where S is the channel area. For technical standards, it is at least 1/400 overlap area. For a surface of 10 m2, the input and output with the minimum cross section of 0.025 m2 will be needed. π is a constant value equal to 3.14.

Substituting the values ​​in the formula, we obtain: d = 2√ s / π = 2 √ 0.025 / 3,14 = 18 cm.

We equip ventilation in the basement of the garage: Suitable solutions and installation instructions 5054_8

Performance characteristics depend on the material.


  • Plastic - has ease, flexibility and high strength. Due to its elasticity of the walls are able to withstand significant loads. The main drawback is lightweight. Communications should be laid as far as possible from the instruments of heating, burners, any hot surfaces. The products are losing the shape at a temperature of from 60 degrees. PVC does not have a protective layer, so contact with chemically active substances is able to make a detail unsuitable for use. Prefabricated elements with a wall thickness from 4 mm are used. They easily cut in domestic conditions with a regular saw saw.
  • Metal - has chemical resistance, low weight and ability to withstand significant mechanical loads. Unlike plastic, steel and aluminum are subject to corrosion. If the external zinc layer is damaged, the part is better immediately replaced, because it will not be able to save it. The surface is well tolerating high temperatures and resists mechanical effects. Celers can be straightened, but after them there will be noticeable traces. Metal distinguishes the ability to resonate and strengthen the sound. In addition, steel and aluminum perfectly carry out temperature and electricity. To eliminate these disadvantages, the pipe is wrapped with a layer of thermal insulation.
  • Asbestos - has good indicators for strength, does not conduct current and does not distribute sound waves. It does not react with chemically active substances and does not melt. He has little deficiencies, but this material is not recommended, as long contact with it is harmful to health. Asbestos is suitable for laying underground communications. It has a big mass and is poorly processed. For cutting, you will need a disk saw on concrete. Details are reliable, durable, but uncomfortable in installation.

Installing ventilation in the garage with basement

As an example, consider a two-pipe system. With a total area of ​​10 m2, the diameter of the air ducts will be equal to 18 cm. Product material - PVC. Billets are cut into the elements of the desired length using a saw or metal saw.

We equip ventilation in the basement of the garage: Suitable solutions and installation instructions 5054_9

Mounting work is more convenient to spend at the construction stage of the building when it is possible to set the size and proportions with regard to communications. Channels are often placed inside the walls. Suppose that enclosing structures, overlaps and roofing are already built.

Inlet valve

This device must be placed outside on the height selected in the middle snow level, adding another 10 cm. At a layer of precipitation 0.9 m it will be at a distance of 1 m from the ground. In a brick or concrete wall, a hole for it can be pierced with a perforator, but it is better to use a rotating nozzle with a diamond crown. It makes a smooth round slice with smooth edges. They do not have to additionally strengthen and end. Dimensions exactly correspond to the specified. The edge does not appear.

We equip ventilation in the basement of the garage: Suitable solutions and installation instructions 5054_10
We equip ventilation in the basement of the garage: Suitable solutions and installation instructions 5054_11

We equip ventilation in the basement of the garage: Suitable solutions and installation instructions 5054_12

We equip ventilation in the basement of the garage: Suitable solutions and installation instructions 5054_13

The nozzle is attached to the valve and descends down. At a distance of 20-40 cm from the floor it is set to release. The sleeve can be hidden under the trim or close the decorative box. It is fixed on a vertical surface with the help of clamps that are fixed on screws with dowels.

From the outside they put a grid that protects against trash, insects and rodents. Without it, the inner space will have to be constantly cleaned. Make it is quite difficult.

We equip ventilation in the basement of the garage: Suitable solutions and installation instructions 5054_14
We equip ventilation in the basement of the garage: Suitable solutions and installation instructions 5054_15
We equip ventilation in the basement of the garage: Suitable solutions and installation instructions 5054_16

We equip ventilation in the basement of the garage: Suitable solutions and installation instructions 5054_17

We equip ventilation in the basement of the garage: Suitable solutions and installation instructions 5054_18

We equip ventilation in the basement of the garage: Suitable solutions and installation instructions 5054_19

If the sleeve consists of several parts, two ways to dock are used.

Methods for docking sleeves

  • Couplings, tees and corners from the inside are lubricated with silicone sealant or glue, then insert the pipe into them and turn to the composition evenly fill the space between the parts evenly. Products can have on one side of the erases, allowing docking without auxiliary parts. Place of gluing can not be touched to completely drying the adhesive composition.
  • Smooth sides without fubs are connected using flanges - couplings with rubber gaskets. Their body is two bolt clamps. When tightening the bolts, the clamps tightly compress the prefabricated elements between them.

Installation of exhaust

The hole for it is placed on the side opposite to the inlet valve. The reinforced concrete overlap is drilled by a perforator or a diamond crown, a wooden panel with an electric jig.

The pipe is cooked into the hole and fix on the wall of the clamps. It is closed below the sealing ring and shrink the sealant. The grid is fixed on top.

We equip ventilation in the basement of the garage: Suitable solutions and installation instructions 5054_20
We equip ventilation in the basement of the garage: Suitable solutions and installation instructions 5054_21

We equip ventilation in the basement of the garage: Suitable solutions and installation instructions 5054_22

We equip ventilation in the basement of the garage: Suitable solutions and installation instructions 5054_23

The smaller the bends has a channel, the more efficient it works. Without them, it is difficult to do, if it connects with a shared shaft. This method is used in buildings, including a garage. It eliminates the need to install a separate pipe on the roof, but he has a serious drawback. The overall riser is designed for a certain pressure, and its reserve does not always have enough to increase the stream. As a result of the overload of the mine, the exhaust air begins to flow into the upper rooms.

When installing a separate exit in overlaps and roofing cake, a hole is done. The most difficult thing is to cut it in a tiled surface. Part of the finishes will have to delete to make a beautiful framing.

We equip ventilation in the basement of the garage: Suitable solutions and installation instructions 5054_24
We equip ventilation in the basement of the garage: Suitable solutions and installation instructions 5054_25
We equip ventilation in the basement of the garage: Suitable solutions and installation instructions 5054_26

We equip ventilation in the basement of the garage: Suitable solutions and installation instructions 5054_27

We equip ventilation in the basement of the garage: Suitable solutions and installation instructions 5054_28

We equip ventilation in the basement of the garage: Suitable solutions and installation instructions 5054_29

The top of the hood should perform at 40-50 cm above the roof level. It is put as far as possible from the walls and the skate as far as possible and fixate the sealing ring on the screws. To increase the craving, a deflector is mounted on the upper end. It is a system of dampers covering the outlet from the wind, but allowing the air to go below. When the wind blows down the pipe, from the opposite direction of the flow, is a vacuum.

To understand how to make ventilation in the garage cellar, you need to know why it will be used. Intensity of ventilation depends on the purpose of the room. It is regulated by supply devices and controlled valves. When connecting electrical equipment, precautions should be observed. In high humidity conditions, the wiring and switches must be transferred to the upper floor. Inside it is not allowed to install switches, connecting extension cords and devices that consume a lot of energy. Using sockets is possible only with a protective shutdown device (UZO).

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