What is a box for trifles and how it will help ease life and cleaning


Enter into the storage system of each room box for small things and tell how to make it comfortable and organized.

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What is a box for trifles and how it will help ease life and cleaning

What is a box for smaller

In fact, such a box or box is almost in every home. It usually occurs spontaneously. And not one to the entire apartment, but at once several: in the kitchen, hallway, living room, bedroom and other rooms. Due to the fact that it was originally planned its location, he often occupies an unreasonably much space (for example, a whole drawer of the chest in the bedroom). Therefore, finding something difficult in it.

Storage trifles requires a separate space. And if you arrange it in every room, there will be less disorder in the apartment, and it will be easier to find the right things.

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Where to equip the box for the little things

Please note where small items have now accumulate. It may be space next to the front door, the surface of the chest, coffee table, the top pull-out box in the kitchen. If you and other residents at home automatically put things there - it means that it is the most convenient place, you should not change it. You just need to organize beautiful and thoughtful storage.

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How to draw up a box for trifles

The main secret is in sorting and crushing on the section. First of all, score small items that you store together. Some of them are probably never used and put on sight just in case. Fold them into the box, sign it and remove your way. For example, on the top shelves of a cabinet or rack. And the fact that you use most often, leave - this is exactly what you will be stored in your special box.

Box - the name is very conditional. Indeed, you can highlight the retractable box of a writing table, a kitchen headset or a chest. But usually after sorting it turns out that so much space is not necessary. If this is your case, then get a box for a smaller box. In some embodiments, a decorative bowl is suitable, for example, for keys in the corridor.

Do not forget about separators. They can be made with their own hands from cardboard or buy already ready in the store for home or hobby. So items will not mix and everything will be in sight.

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Features of the arrangement in different rooms

In the bedroom

Most often have to invent, how to store small accessories that you need before bedtime or after it. It can be a sleep mask, reading glasses, earplugs, comb, cream for hands. It is very convenient to put this in the box of the bedside table, inserting separators in it. Or you can place things in a small wicker basket on the shelf from the head of.

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In the kitchen

The necessary little things spontaneously accumulate in the upper drawer of the kitchen headset, where the cutlery is usually stored. Try to disassemble these items, throw out unnecessary and deliver separators. Most often in the kitchen need scissors, cappuccinator, foils and clamps for packages, so much space will not need. If you wish, you can store it all in the tabletop stand.

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In children

In the nursery, on the contrary, you will need several such boxes. Ideally, if all boxes can be signed and installed so that the child himself can fill them and disassemble them.

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