11 items that are better not to wash in a washing machine


That you always need to remove a trifle from pockets before washing, everyone knows. And what other items can spoil from the machine washing and besides the technique? We list.

11 items that are better not to wash in a washing machine 5072_1

Listed things that better not put the machine in this video

1 bathing suits

It may seem that if the swimsuits are designed to be in water, then in the washing machine they can be wrapped. But it is not worth doing this, especially if there are lightning and other accessories on clothes. Caps and holes may appear. It is best to soak a swimsuit in the water and wash your hands.

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2 coats and jackets

Even if things are made not from delicate tissue, aggressive machine wash can damage the lining and seams, as well as deform products. It is better to take such things in dry cleaning.

3 leather shoes and clothing, as well as things with leather inserts

Leather things are not intended for machine washing, and everyone knows all who are used to reading instructions on labels. The skin can be wrinkled even from short-term stay in the drum, full of water and washing powder, not to mention the harm of the spin.

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4 Things of delicate fabrics

Cashmere, silk, satin, lace curtains or dresses require delicate care, so do not put them in a washing machine, even if you don't want to wash your hands. They cost quite expensive - it's a shame to spoil clothes or high-quality plaid from Cashmere because of the unsuccessful washing.

5 Forgotten handles

If you erase schoolchildren's clothes, do not forget to pull out all pockets for the forgotten handle. Ink is easily eliminated during washing, spoiling the entire loaded batch of things. To derive such spots will then be not easy.

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6 Pillows with Memory Effect

Trendy pillows today with memory effect is not recommended to wash in a typewriter. Mechanical impact due to rotation and spin can damage the properties of these items. It is better to soak them in a bath with warm water and a diluted soft detergent and rinse well.

  • How to wash pillows in a washing machine to not spoil them

7 items with lots of decor and accessories

Things and textiles, such as pillow covers or curtains, on which the varied dizzy is easy to damage when washing in the car. All buttons, buttons, lightning, sequins and other accessories can cause damage and the device itself. So it is better to erase such textiles manually.

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8 things that are blurred by engine oil, gasoline, alcohol

These include solvents and other flammable compositions. At first it is recommended to dunk such clothes or textiles in the bath with the help of detergent, and then wash in the car.

9 Anti-slip coating mats

If the tag does not specify that the rug can be washed in the car, it is better not to risk. A rubber substrate is easily peeling, especially if applying aggressive detergents. As a result, you will lose not only the home accessory, but also risk damaging the device.

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10 raincoats and jackets with water-repellent coating

Waterproof impregnation is needed in order to collect liquid on the surface of the jacket. Drops of water are simply rolled off, not penetrating inside. For this reason, the impact of a large amount of water on such things is simply dangerous.

11 Ties

These wardrobe items are often made of fabrics that are not subject to machine washing, for example, silk. In addition, the spin and rotation can deform them. We do not recommend spoiling expensive accessories, it is better to erase their hands.

11 items that are better not to wash in a washing machine 5072_8

  • 5 things that can actually wash in a washing machine (and no hassle!)

Photo on the cover: Pixabay

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