Frameless glass bath and shower partitions: for and against + care tips


Glass partitions look aesthetically ordinary shower curtain, but are they practical and safe? Will not be more worries and care problems? About this tell in the article.

Frameless glass bath and shower partitions: for and against + care tips 5095_1

Frameless glass bath and shower partitions: for and against + care tips

Arguments for"

You can order individual sizes

An individual order in terms of shower will be an ideal solution, since it does not have to spend a lot of time in search of the desired product, which "stands up" into the designated space on the bath or in the shower angle and close the necessary zone from water. You can choose and ready-made options from the range of building hypermarkets, but then there will be no desired fit.

Frameless glass bath and shower partitions: for and against + care tips 5095_3

No medium reproduction fungus and mold

If we compare the frameless partitions with products with frames and rubber seals, the choice in favor of the first means the absence of mold. After all, it is in the creams between metal parts and in rubber seals, it appears most often, and it is extremely difficult to get rid of it, as few people spend time on high-quality cleaning of all the details. In addition, the wet environment is a permanent satellite of all bathrooms and it is in it that the fungus is multiplied.

Simple care

From the previous point it follows and this one. There are no small gaps and frames - care is becoming easier, since it does not have to make great efforts to clean them.

Frameless glass bath and shower partitions: for and against + care tips 5095_4

Lack of rust and corrosion

Metal elements of frame partitions over time are covered with a corrosive raid, which is not easy to remove. Frameless products are deprived of this shortage.

Visual expansion of space

In fact, if the partition is highly washed, there are no divorces on it, it's as if it is not in the bathroom. This visually expands the space that is especially relevant for small rooms. Although in spacious bathrooms, decorated in aesthetics of minimalism, this factor is of great importance.

Frameless glass bath and shower partitions: for and against + care tips 5095_5

Arguments against"

High price

At different manufacturers, the price begins from 8-10 thousand rubles, which, of course, is not at all fiscal. Although structures with frames and doors are not suiced.

Possible water leaks

The most unpleasant thing that can happen to the shower partition is water leakage. And this is relevant for installation on the bathrooms, and for shower. A loose fit, incorrectly verified dimensions - all this leads to the fact that the water will flow, and the splashes are flying throughout the bathroom.

Frameless glass bath and shower partitions: for and against + care tips 5095_6

Risk of glass break

Frameless structures split more often frame. And although it does not happen to each partition, the risk is still there, even if you make an order from a proven manufacturer. Tempered glass, from which such products should be made, divided into small pieces, in theory they cannot cause damage. But, nevertheless, there is no security guarantees, and to clean the room after the incident is a completely unpleasant lesson, not to mention financial losses.

Tips for care

In the pros, we pointed out that behind the frameless structures care easier. This is true. Molds are smaller due to lack of frame. To maintain the transparency of the partition, it is recommended after each use of the shower to pass along the surface with a special mop for washing the glasses. You can cope with a soap flaw using a melamine sponge and, of course, it is important to regularly clean the surface using wipers.


If you decide to replace the usual curtain or frame design with a frameless glass partition, pay attention to the reviews about the manufacturers of the product, follow the quality of the installation and be prepared for regular care.

Frameless glass bath and shower partitions: for and against + care tips 5095_7

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