Idea for a country house: a kitchen in the style of chalet


A cozy and warm chalet reminds about the beauty of the Alpine meadows. We tell how to recreate such a situation in the interior of a cuisine of a country house.

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Idea for a country house: a kitchen in the style of chalet

The chalet kitchen interior is a classic rustic design. And, although today it is unlikely to be called fashionable, Sharma he does not lose. Moreover, its stylistic principles and forms do not change over the years. We tell about the features of this style and how to arrange the kitchen and dining room in this way.

All about the interior of the kitchen chalet

Basic principles of registration


Headset and other furniture


Accessories and decor

Basic principles of registration

Chalet literally means a "pasty house". The style originates in the Alps. The shepherds and peasants from the beginning of the XVI century were removed on the slopes of the mountains uncomplicated wooden houses, the main advantages of which were reliability, warmth and durability.

Modern Alp Style Interpretation has not changed. The principles of registration remained the same.

  • Initially, he assumed the arrangement of a private house. And so far thus decorate country residences. Such an interior in a small urban apartment is difficult - it will be too closely.
  • Like five centuries ago, it is supposed to use exclusively natural materials in finishing and furniture. The main is a tree and stone. And they do not replace them with laminate. Tile and porcelain stonewares with high-quality stone imitation - the only allowable materials for finishing zones with a rigid medium.
  • Pay attention to the texture of the tree in these interiors: it seems old. It is no coincidence, the effect of the composition is also one of the techniques in the stylistry of the chalet. There can be no polished boards and parquet. Bounds, jar, the deliberate underscore of the imperfection of the tree will not spoil the design.
  • In the architecture you can meet more modern sound - metal add metal, brick and wood. But it concerns only the exterior.
  • Natural color gamut is another feature of the design. Here are rarely used bright tones, rather muted analogues.
  • As in any historical design, traditional layout is preferred. All rooms are used in their intended purpose. However, it is permissible to combine spaces, such as kitchen and living room. Although the variant of the dining room and the living room is more common, in which the fireplace is necessarily present.

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The lack of an additional decorative finish is the first thing to pay attention to the photo of the chalet kitchen interiors.

Wooden walls are covered with protection in the form of varnish, simulators and similar materials. Sometimes there are projects and with plaster bright shades. But definitely no wallpaper, print can be represented as a pattern or thread as an accent.

Kitchen apron, if you do not want to leave it wooden, may be stone, another option is a tile in natural colors. But without print. The same applies to the countertops: the stone look noble.

Finishing floors, even in the kitchen, this is a board and parquet. They may differ from the walls: lighter or, on the contrary, darker. But again with an emphasized wood structure. A stone is also allowed as an alternative and porcelain stoneware.

The area, height and scale of houses allow experiments with the ceiling decoration. It uses an unprocessed bar, board, beams, plaster. You can not be limited to a light palette, in dark colors finish looks no less effectively. All thanks to the wide panoramic windows, which are also considered a distinctive feature chalet. And as a result, the abundance of sunlight.

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Furniture in the kitchen in the style of chalet in a country house

Easy - what distinguishes furniture in the Alpine style. This is also a historical moment. There are no suitable legs, painted facades of cabinets, such as in Provence. Maximum conciseness and massiveness.

Wooden headset is a mandatory element of such a kitchen. Doors do not decorate, and the headset itself is not even painted. It is preferable to natural texture.

To facilitate an array, designers offer open shelves and partly - doors with glass inserts. But again: no decoration.

Depending on the size of the room, you can consider the installation of the kitchen island. It is complemented by wines bottles - it is not only about functionality, but also decor. You can also equip the bar rack - modern interpretation.

In the living room zone, if such is provided in the combined space, the central place is given to the dining group. Its main thing is a large wooden table for 8 or more people. These are usually simple models on massive legs, no elegance and grace. They are chosen chairs in the same stylist. More often from wood, but there may be more modern options, for example, with metal.

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Alpine stylistics involves very soft natural lighting. As mentioned above, large panoramic windows are characterized by such architecture, which maximize sunlight.

Artificial lighting emphasizes such an approach. Soft scattered light should not break the composition. The kitchen uses warm lighting, in the living room - neutral or even a little cold.

The choice of lighting devices meets the general principles of the interior. This is a chandelier with an antiquity effect of metal with patina, wrought lamps as an additional scenario, muffled technical light.

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Accessories and decor

Decorations in the house in the kitchen-living room in the style of the chalet are not striking. Just because they are used here. From decorative elements there are brass candlesticks and paintings, possibly vases. Usually, designers prefer classic and academic work, to fit them the easiest. But you can experiment with primitive forms.

The main role is given to textiles. His a lot here. And these are natural materials: leather, flax, cotton, wool and, of course, fur. Pay attention to the dining room decor and living room. The skin on the floor is found in almost every project.

Chairs are also decorated: Plaid, capes from fur (it is allowed to be artificial if it is good quality). On the sofa in the living room you can decompose decorative pillows with different textures.

Hunting trophies, stuffed animals, horns - can not be called a mandatory element, although they are often found. But, if such ethics is not close to you, all this can be replaced with artificial imitation (attention to quality) or other decor.

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