All about painting the old furniture do it yourself


How to paint the old objects of the situation and what paint for this to choose - tell in detail in the article, how to make furniture almost new.

All about painting the old furniture do it yourself 5123_1

All about painting the old furniture do it yourself

From time to time the interior needs to be changed. Moreover, global changes are not required: you can cross the wallpaper, change the textile decor, move the sofa. It is simple and not very expensive. Sometimes this seems to be little and want to change the convenient, but toned table or wardrobe. However, there is a way better: they can be restored. We'll figure it out how to paint furniture from different materials.

How to repaint old furnishings

Where to begin

Choose paint

Technology of paintwork

  • Preparation
  • Staining and drying

Features of repainting different materials

Where to begin

Inhale the new life in an old shelf, a bedside table or chest, if you correctly choose the restoration technique. The choice of decorative material and technique of application depends on the creative design. First you need to determine from which furniture is made. You can repaint any material: metal, wood, plastic, etc. It is clear that the composition should correspond to the basis.

You can not be limited to paint only. There are additional design techniques. It is a painting, manual or by stern, decoupage with drawings or photographs, applying crabeller, patination and aged, much more. The decor is selected in accordance with the interior style. If you wish, you can find very interesting solutions.

All about painting the old furniture do it yourself 5123_3

Choose what paint paint furniture

Immediately make a reservation that it may be necessary to work not only the coloring composition. Therefore, we offer a brief overview of paintwork materials that can be useful to the master.


Opened at the initial stage of processing to improve the properties of the base. Improve adhesion or adhesion of decorative material with a surface. Close the pores of the base, which reduces the flow of paints and varnishes. Masters recommend choosing the primer of the same color with the finish or, if it is impossible, as close as possible. So it will not be shifted from under the main decor, which will reduce its consumption.

Morlogs, varnishes, waxes

Used to paint furniture made of wood. With their help restore the appearance of the wood, emphasize its structure. Colored simulators with the base, distinguish its texture. The solutions that imitate the valuable wood species are produced. So from ordinary pine you can get a wenge or a red tree. True, the result does not always correspond to expectations. If there is a desire, you can try to make a sampling with your own hands. To do this, take the decoction of the nut shell, roots or bark.

All about painting the old furniture do it yourself 5123_4

Lucky form a dense protective film that prevents the destruction of the decorative coating. Distinguish transparent and colored preparations. The second performs two functions at once: decorations and protection. The color of the varnish can be any, are found on sale, imitating valuable wood wood. In addition, for wood processing, transparent and colored waxes, shellac, olifa are used.


Apply when you need to completely close the framework of the base and change its color. Choose the composition based on the material to which it will overlap. So, there are preparations for metal, wood, plastic, etc. In addition, shelterness is taken into account, convenience in applying, resistance to abrasion. The color range of drugs is very diverse, as well as the type of surface, which is obtained as a result. It may be gloss, satin, matte plane or texture.

For the premises it is desirable to choose eco-friendly paints, especially if they paint the objects of the children's setting. For example, compositions on milk are completely safe and at the same time wear-resistant. They give a special "outflowed" shade, which is well suited for interiors in Provence or Country style. Special texture tools are used to create a microrelief surface. They dissolved fillers that give planes a specific structure.

All about painting the old furniture do it yourself 5123_5

  • Choose the best paint for furniture: analysis of compositions for different materials

Stages of painting old furniture do it yourself

Let us analyze the general method of staining the objects of the situation from any material at home. It is suitable for old and new products, if, for example, it will want to change the design of the standard chest or cabinet from IKEA.

Preparation for painting

All recommendations How to paint lacquered or any other furniture begin with describing the preparatory work. They are needed that the painted surface is smooth, uniform and served for a long time. It is important that the paint has been chosen correctly, otherwise it will not be possible to get a good result. It is necessarily studied by the instruction on painting, where it is indicated how to prepare the drug to work and other important points.

Stages of preparation

  1. Completely deal with the product. Gently unscrew the fasteners, remove the doors, take out the shelves. We remove the fittings. All that is impossible to remove, for example, stained glass or glass inserts, fully rush with painting scotch.
  2. We pour warm water into the container, dissolve a little detergent in it. We rinse all the details, we remove dirty and fat stains from them. If they are made of laminated or veneered plates, it is very careful that the plates do not swear. Thoroughly dry elements.
  3. We clean the surface of the shallow sandpaper. Okuring it is necessary to improve the adhesion of the coating. Especially if the base is lacquered or polished. Sometimes used grinders. It is necessary to work very carefully to not damage the basis.
  4. We remove with the details of the dust with a vacuum cleaner or sweeping it with a dry brush. Breasting the basis of a suitable primer. Perform all manufacturer's recommendations. We apply one or two layers of soil so that there are no raw areas.
  5. Carefully inspect each fragment. If we detect cracks, chips or other defects, close in spacure. To obtain a good result, we take a soft rubber spatula. After drying, we once again spend grinding and the rejected surface.
  6. After complete dryer, the base is once again sanded. Gently clean all the dust from the most hard-to-reach places. We do it only dry rag or brush. Wet fabric "will drive" dust in the gap.

Such preparation is carried out on each removed from the product item. After that, you can paint the items.

All about painting the old furniture do it yourself 5123_7

Staining and drying

Before painting polished furniture or any other, you need to prepare a workplace. If the selected coloring drug has a sharp smell, you need to ensure good ventilation and protection for the upper respiratory tract. In any case, the window and door doors are worth opening. In the summer, it is advisable to curtain them with a grid so that insects do not penetrate inside and do not sat down on not dried paint. It will ruin work.

Instructions for painting

  1. Preparing the composition for work. Aerosol can shake the spray. We mix liquid mixture or divorce according to the instructions. We put the item on an even base, cover the nearby plastic surfaces so as not to be swap.
  2. If you apply the coloring solution, cast it into the tray. We take a roller, loyering into the liquid, ride through the tray, removing the excess mixture. Mobile roller detail. All hard-to-reach areas are scoring with a brush. Leave the first layer for drying. For clean color, it is most often happening with white, we put another two layer.
  3. For painting from the canister, which is better for MDF or chipboard, use another technology. Aerosol is brought to the base for a distance of about 30 cm. We put paint tight, smooth movements. We try to not be drills. It will be difficult to remove them. If necessary, we apply the second layer.

Now it remains well to dry the colored details. The drying time depends on the type of solution, but it is hardly difficult to succeed. You need to give a mixture to fully operate. Important moment: Each subsequent layer is superimposed only after the previous sense. If the item needs to decorate, for example, perform a decoupage or patination, it is done after drying the colorful layer.

All about painting the old furniture do it yourself 5123_8

A transparent varnish can be applied to the dried paint, which will strengthen the design and give it a deeper tone. After the lacquer is dry, carefully remove the malarious tape and start assembling furniture. It is performed in the reverse order. If old fittings or fasteners were worn out, they need to be replaced.

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Features of painting different surfaces

We disassembled painting in general terms, it remains to find out the details inherent in different materials.


Definitely answer how to paint furniture from the chipboard is difficult, since the plates are different. The basis in any case serve compressable wooden waste, but the finish is different. So, the slab can be laminate, that is, to coat with a decorative film, veneer or stick a thin layer of veneer over it. In addition to this plate lacquer and stick. In the latter case, stripes from paper are placed on the base. Before staining, the cascedted chipboard is fully cleaned with paper finishes, traces of glue are removed. LDSP and veneered plates are only chilling to improve adhesion. Protecting must. It is important to choose the correctly, which paint can be painted furniture from chipboard. It is best for acrylic or alkyd, it is possible to use oil.


The tree is easy to paint under the condition of careful preparation. The only nuance: possible "pile raising". It manifests itself when applying any wet compositions: varnish, veil, enamel, etc. To warn this "raising" easily. After the first priming, the coating is grinning the smallest emery skurt.

Patent tree

Preparing for staining is to remove varnish. You can do this in different ways. Soften the lacquer layer with a hairdryer or a special washes, carefully remove it, you can remove the grinding. Then act according to the described color technology. The polishing procedure is very laborious, so many are interested in how to paint the lacquered furniture without removing varnish. This is possible, but only in the case when the lacquer coating is firmly held on the basis. It is sandwiched, ground and painted with a suitable composition.

All about painting the old furniture do it yourself 5123_10

To paint the old furniture will be able to the most inexperienced master. This is a simple, but painstaking work, where the correct preparation is particularly important. Only then an updated kitchen set, a wardrobe or dining area will delight its owner for many years. And when the decor again get tired, the objects of the situation can be repainted again.

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