8 ideal working areas spied in designers projects


Cherry color, bright accessories, functional design - in our selection of ideas for the development of the workplace in the apartment that we found in design projects published on IVD.ru.

8 ideal working areas spied in designers projects 5152_1

8 ideal working areas spied in designers projects

1 cherry color and feminine details

It is believed that bright walls are too a bold solution for the working area, but not for this apartment. The entire project is built on the principle of combining bold shades, including in the bedroom, where this desktop is located, which, if desired, can be used as a dressing table.

Above the table is the shelf - this is given & ...

Above the table is the shelf - it is a tribute to the necessary functionality, without which it is not necessary to create a working space. And next to the table is a wicker basket, which can also be used as a storage system.

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2 Laconic Furniture and Bright Accessories

The work area is designed for the younger son of the owners of this apartment. Despite the laconic furniture, it is not devoid of bright details. It is a sculpture-bust dog, and a table lamp in yellow.

8 ideal working areas spied in designers projects 5152_5

Such a work zone will "grow" with the child. And, in general, the principles of design can be taken as a basis for creating an adult working office.

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3 Bright walls and functional parts

This work area is from the children's project of a small country house from a bar. Attention attracts a bright wall - the tree is painted in green. By the way, if you believe in color psychology, green contributes to harmony and even recommended for children, where a child lives, which is actively engaged in learning and sports.

The table on the wheels allows le & ...

The table on the wheels makes it easy to move it at any convenient place, and the shelves on the wall behind the table add the zone of the necessary functionality.

4 Black Color and Wooden Furniture

Black color in the work area? Why not. In the project of this apartment, all the details are sufficiently minimalistic, including the workplace. There will be a student in her, so without a corner, where it was possible to study, it was not to do.

Despite the laconicity of furniture

Despite the conciseness of furniture and decoration, the zone is not devoid of accessories and noticeable details. For example, like these kashpo on the wall above the table. They make the interior mischievous and add individuality.

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5 Brick Wall and Laconic Furniture

The design of the room-office in this apartment was specifically designed as neutral, since in the future this space is planned to be transformed into the nursery. But now there is everything for comfortable work.

The window has a large table ...

The window has a large table with two holes-supports, there is a storage system - a rack where you can put not only books, but also the necessary documents.

6 Neutral finish and a lot of wood

The work area in this apartment is placed in the living room. Since the overall stylistics of the room is defined as Loft, but not in brutal reading, but softer - with a large number of textiles and natural materials, the same principles are reflected in the design of the workplace.

Pay attention to dusty

Pay attention to the placement of books on the shelves - roots back. This method allows not to create visual chaos and harmonize colors in the interior.

7 Cabinet on the balcony

Use a warmed balcony for a functional expansion of space is always a good solution. It was applied for this apartment.

Massive table and comfortable chairs & ...

A massive table and a comfortable armchair will make a workflow convenient, and glass shelves, successfully inscribed in a niche, can also be used for storage, and for decorating.

8 Dark walls and spectacular details

In this apartment, the cabinet place was allocated at the expense of a non-residential hall. It turned out to be small, but comfortable and chamber - just what is needed for concentrated work. Despite the fact that small rooms are familiar to work in bright shades, there was an exception. Walls - dark, furniture - bright, like the details.

The ceiling was painted in the same color, m ...

The ceiling was painted in the same color as the walls to blur the boundaries and level the height of the ceiling. By the way, since the room is without a window, the flow and exhaust ventilation system equipped here.

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