What to do with the Christmas tree after the holidays: 4 practical ideas


To give to the recycling center, put on your site or used for the decor - we tell about what can be done with a lively and artificial Christmas tree in the new year.

What to do with the Christmas tree after the holidays: 4 practical ideas 5189_1

What to do with the Christmas tree after the holidays: 4 practical ideas

1 to recycle

Living airs are grown on specially designated areas, which, after cutting, they can relax, and after a few years planted again. Therefore, if you decide to buy a live spruce, do environmentally responsibly and take it after the holidays in a special point of reception of the Christmas trees, because on ordinary garbage dumps it will not benefit. As a rule, such items are organized in the city center to attract the attention of residents to an important environmental initiative. From the collected firs produce wood chips and soil. Do not forget that it is important to bring spruce completely purified from toys and tinsel.

Also, some zoos willingly take the Christmas trees, where fresh needles remained for their pets.

What to do with the Christmas tree after the holidays: 4 practical ideas 5189_3
What to do with the Christmas tree after the holidays: 4 practical ideas 5189_4

What to do with the Christmas tree after the holidays: 4 practical ideas 5189_5

What to do with the Christmas tree after the holidays: 4 practical ideas 5189_6

2 wash and pack

If you have an artificial fir tree at home, take care of getting it next year, not to inhale the clouds of dust. Having removed toys, rinse the Christmas tree under the shower, let it dry and pack in a sealed bag for clothes. Be careful with the models for which the white paint is applied in the form of snow, try to be accidentally not rinsed.

What to do with the Christmas tree after the holidays: 4 practical ideas 5189_7
What to do with the Christmas tree after the holidays: 4 practical ideas 5189_8

What to do with the Christmas tree after the holidays: 4 practical ideas 5189_9

What to do with the Christmas tree after the holidays: 4 practical ideas 5189_10

3 put

You can combine the New Year's decoration of the apartment and care for the country area, buying a fir, fir or pine potted. In the spring it will be possible to take the city and put. If you make an annual tradition from this, in a few years you can admire the slender rows of beautiful trees that will be associated with the past years.

Care rules in a pot in a pot

  • From dry and warm air, the tree may die. Therefore, keep it on a ventilated balcony until the very holiday, and a couple of days after bring it back to the cold.
  • The Christmas tree needs frequent and abundant watering throughout the time she will stand on the balcony. And in those a few days that she will spend in the room, you will have to add spraying from the sprayer.
  • Before the spring you need to prepare a place for the future ate: dig a hole on the shadow side of the site and sprinkle cheese.

What to do with the Christmas tree after the holidays: 4 practical ideas 5189_11
What to do with the Christmas tree after the holidays: 4 practical ideas 5189_12
What to do with the Christmas tree after the holidays: 4 practical ideas 5189_13
What to do with the Christmas tree after the holidays: 4 practical ideas 5189_14

What to do with the Christmas tree after the holidays: 4 practical ideas 5189_15

What to do with the Christmas tree after the holidays: 4 practical ideas 5189_16

What to do with the Christmas tree after the holidays: 4 practical ideas 5189_17

What to do with the Christmas tree after the holidays: 4 practical ideas 5189_18

4 Use for decor

The fired live tree can be used to make a beautiful natural décor for the house.

Options for decorating an apartment

  • You can cut the branches, leaving only a part of several thick branches, attach the trunk to a sustainable base and get a clothes hanger to the hallway. A more compact option is to cut several branches with blesses and use them as hooks for clothes, attaching to the wall.
  • If you collect fresh needles, soak them for a few hours in the water, grind in a blender and add baby soap to molten on the water bath, you can make a beautiful green soap with the smell of needles.
  • To make New Year's Sasha, collect needles, complement the leather of tangerines and oranges, carnation, cinnamon sticks and squeeze into the linen bag.
  • The bangbed spruce firing is turned into an excellent natural bracket for cats.
  • You can cut the barrel to small round skirts and use them as a stand under cups or candles, take pictures of the photo frames or vases, lay out on the wall like a mosaic.
  • When adding small bumps and parts and cardboard to thin branches, Christmas toys will turn out.

What to do with the Christmas tree after the holidays: 4 practical ideas 5189_19
What to do with the Christmas tree after the holidays: 4 practical ideas 5189_20
What to do with the Christmas tree after the holidays: 4 practical ideas 5189_21

What to do with the Christmas tree after the holidays: 4 practical ideas 5189_22

What to do with the Christmas tree after the holidays: 4 practical ideas 5189_23

What to do with the Christmas tree after the holidays: 4 practical ideas 5189_24

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