6 faithful ways to reduce repair time


Prepare the budget, choose a simple style and decide on the design project - we give advice that will reduce the repair time.

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6 faithful ways to reduce repair time

1 Choose a simple style

Basically, of course, the area of ​​the apartment affects the repair period, but the interior style will also have to be considered. To perform a classic style with false fireplaces, stucco and mosaic on the floor can go about a year and in a small apartment. And the Scandinavian or minimalist interior can be performed even in a situation where you need to repair all the space for the summer, moving to the cottage. The smaller the additional complex decor seems to be an archer or a set carpet will be in the project, the shorter will be the timing of work.

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  • 6 unsuccessful ways to save during repair

2 Prepare the budget

The most painful theme of any repairs budget. An ideal way to reduce the repair time would be to have the necessary amount before the start of work, having coordinated the estimate with its working brigade. At the same time, if you do not want to be limited to simple cosmetic repair and want to fully update the design, it will reasonably hire a designer. The main advantage of this solution is that you can call him a specific amount that you have, and he will create a project under it.

In the end, you will not have to let the brigade on other projects, if you need to accumulate the next stage of work.

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3 Do not change the decisions taken.

An important role of the design project to choose what you really like. Due to the fact that the repair in the life of people does not happen often, and its results will surround them over several years, panic begins during the work. There are thoughts that the English style of tenants, probably, still like more Scandinavian, or suspicion that very soon technologies of the smart home, from which they refused to be all around, and then repairs again. At the same time, in the end, most often customers are usually returning to the initial plan, because it is already thought out, is calculated and harmoniously drawn up, and the time turns out to be wasted.

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4 Pick up the repair brigade

When choosing builders, talk with the head of the brigade and discuss the timing with him. For faster repairs you need to make a lot of builders and they were on the facility every day. It also needs to be discussed how work will be held on holidays if they fall out at this time, and whether the work has the projects that they will lead in parallel.

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5 Take a maximum of personal time

Unfortunately, if the repair needs to be done quickly, leave it unattended and be aside, not disposed in subtleties, it will not work. Be prepared to immerse yourself with your head in the design project, the subtlety of the wiring and the selection of finishing materials, come to the site every day after work and devote all the weekends. You will have to constantly monitor the delivery time of materials, calculate the delivery time and delve into each stage of work. Do not be afraid to ask questions to workers, even if they seem stupid and inappropriate to understand in detail in what is happening, agree on the timing and remind of them before the occurrence of the day.

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6 Find the accompaniment

Many design studios offer not easy to make a project, but also accompany it at all stages. It costs more, but you will know that the repair is responsible for the repair, who is aware of all the details, knows how to negotiate with the workers and trace the time. He will also be able to find a replacement for materials, solve the issues that have arisen in the course, to meet the agreed budget and achieve a conceived interior.

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