How to defrost the refrigerator: detailed instructions and tips


We tell how often it is necessary to draw defrost, how to speed up the process and prevent the emergence of strong land.

How to defrost the refrigerator: detailed instructions and tips 5222_1

How to defrost the refrigerator: detailed instructions and tips

Ice overgrown with ice and the freezer is one of the eternal problems with which any owner faces sooner or later. Alas, old models have to be cleaned regularly, no matter how carefully you have not treated them. We give instructions and useful tips, how to quickly defrost the refrigerator.

All about the right refrigerator defrost


Useful advice

Defrosting of an old device

Ways to reduce land

Tips for choosing a new device

How many times a year you need to draw defrost

You can a couple of times a year, you can more often. Defrosting is best combined with cleaning refrigeration and freezer. And this procedure must be made every three or four months not only to the owners of old instruments, but also possessors of modern models with systems for automatic prevention of land formation (NO Frost and similar).

Wash the device anyway has. Even modern microbial activity suppression systems (coatings containing silver particles, built-in ionizers and air ozonizers, antibacterial rugs and other devices) will not be able to completely save you from this need.

If it is formed too often and too fast (let's say, a dense crust for three months) is probably evidenced by problems in the technique. For some reason, more wet warm air penetrates inside. Usually, a similar problem arises due to the defects of the door seal or due to its other shortcomings, because of which the door stops tightly closed. Sometimes the cause of failures in the work becomes a failed thermostat. In this case, the electronic system cannot correctly determine the temperature inside the chamber and starts to collect. Another reason for rapid icing may be clogged by the tube, according to which the water is applied after the defensive defensive.

How to defrost the refrigerator: detailed instructions and tips 5222_3

  • 6 errors in the operation of the refrigerator, which will lead to his breakdown

Tips for defrost

Take the frozen food in advance

First of all, you should take care of frozen products, which in no case should melt. After all, the defrost in some cases can take a lot of time, up to half and more. Well, if you have a spare refrigerator or a separate freezer cabinet. Or if you have a two-chamber model in which each chamber is equipped with its independent compressor (one chamber is defrosting, the second serves as a temporary fabric of grocery reserves). In the extreme case, you can take advantage of our grandparents, who tried to transfer the cleaning of the freezer at the winter season. If on the street frost, then the products can easily survive the night in the fresh air. In the summer, such a focus, of course, will not pass.

Defrost only disabled devices

You need any refrigeration technique, first of all, disconnect from the network. Otherwise, nothing will happen - the compressor will be overshadowed, trying to compensate for the referee of the cold.

How to defrost the refrigerator: detailed instructions and tips 5222_5

Prepare to clean the leakage

The total mass of the ice condensate can be several kilograms, so let all this mass, so to speak, is not worth it. Prepare for a melt water meeting. Under hand there must be a rag, sponge, shoulder or thai - to quickly eliminate leaks. Again, do not tighten with cleaning, do not wait for the thick crust of the ice forms.

How to defrost the refrigerator: detailed instructions and tips 5222_6

How to quickly defrost the old refrigerator

Of course, if you have a lot of time and few frozen products, you can definitely defrost the device. But usually, nevertheless, the rhythm of life dictates their demands, and spend the whole evening to make anyone's home appliances with household appliances.

Open the wider all the doors in the refrigeration and freezer, pull out all trays, boxes, removable shelves and stands (if they, of course, did not squeeze into ice). All these devices at the same time can be sent to the wash, in the bath or dishwasher (if their size and the material are allowed from which they are made). The icing walls can be treated with warm air. For this, fan heater or hairdryer will suit (household, not construction). The main thing is not to overdo it and do not overheat plastic parts too intense hot air flow. As soon as the frost and ice fell, they can be carefully removed and put in the kitchen sink.

Do not try to tear up the trembling ice from the walls or from the cooling grille. Otherwise, you risk damage the refrigerator, and if there is a depressurization and leakage of freon, it will be a very serious breakage, and the repair will most likely cost several thousand rubles, and even more.

You can also recommend the Dedovsky method of accelerating the defrosting process - put a saucepan with hot water in the freezer. It turns out not so brutally, as with a hairdryer, but also quite efficiently, the time defrost is reduced by one and a half or twice.

Another advice, how to quickly defrost the freezer in the refrigerator, - try to carry out the cleaning procedure more often. With a small outland, it turns out to cope faster, without special difficulties and, most importantly, the refrigerator compressor is less wearing. After all, the problem of land is that the ice is a good heat insulator. The compressor under the edge of the ice will work for wear, trying to reduce the temperature of the air to the desired. From this resource of technology is reduced, and the level of energy consumption, on the contrary, is growing (which is also unpleasant).

How to defrost the refrigerator: detailed instructions and tips 5222_7

How to reduce land formation

The simplest solution is to avoid loading in a fridge and the more hot products. Each time you put a saucepan with an uncomfortable soup in the refrigeration chamber, you run the unwanted ice formation process.

Sometimes it is formed out due to the fact that the superflow mode is permanently on complete power. This should also be avoided, especially if automation does not provide an independent disconnection of the superfolder mode.

What to take into account when buying an instrument to avoid problems with defrosting

Before buying a refrigerator, it makes sense to think about how you will clean, wash and defrost. Too high (over 2 m height) or too deep (70 cm deep and more) models in this regard may not be very convenient. The same can be said about horizontal freezers. On the contrary, wide and shallow models are more comfortable in service and in operation as a whole. Take the same Side-BY-SIDE models. Wide doors, excellent refrigeration and freezer visibility - solid advantages.

With intensive use (for example, when a large number of semi-finished products are stored in the freezer), think about the convenient storage format, convenient packaging of the entire freezing, at which the contents of the freezer can be easily pulled out and overload. Plastic boxes and various retractable shelves, which can be equipped with a freezer can be proven not bad. Perhaps also, it makes sense to choose a fridge with the top of the freezer so that you do not have to bend too much at different manipulations. Pay attention to the quality of lighting. In modern models in freezers, there is a very efficient LED backlight, which greatly facilitates all manipulations with the contents of the freezer.

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