How to calculate wallpapers: Formulas, Tips, Tables


We tell how to make a calculation with an accuracy of the roll, deduct the windows and doors and how to take into account the rapport and offset.

How to calculate wallpapers: Formulas, Tips, Tables 5252_1

How to calculate wallpapers: Formulas, Tips, Tables

If you are in the repair process and chose for finishing paper, fliesline, vinyl or any other wallpaper, then before buying it is necessary to determine how much they need to be needed for each room. We will tell how to calculate the number of wallpapers in different ways. Cook the roulette and remember the lessons of mathematics at school!

All about calculating wallpaper canvases

The necessary information

Perimeter formula

Square formula

Using online calculator


Calculation of combined wallpaper

Useful advice

Required information for calculation

Before calculating the number of wallpapers on the room, you need to find out several important parameters. They are usually known when you have already chosen the finish.


  • Roll width. The manufacturer lakes each product, so you will find out this parameter. The standard size of most goods on the market: 0, 53 and 1, 06 meters. There are exceptions. For example, for photo wallpaper or crafts that are made on request by your standards.
  • The length of one roll. This parameter is also indicated by the manufacturer, the length starts from 10 meters and can even be 25 meters.
  • Availability of pattern. This is an important point in the question, how to calculate the wallpaper on the room, as it is important to adjust that the print looks right and beautiful. Rapport is the correct name of the picture step, with which it is repeated. Usually, the manufacturer indicates this step using a special labeling.

How to calculate wallpapers: Formulas, Tips, Tables 5252_3
How to calculate wallpapers: Formulas, Tips, Tables 5252_4

How to calculate wallpapers: Formulas, Tips, Tables 5252_5

How to calculate wallpapers: Formulas, Tips, Tables 5252_6

Docking options Picture crafts

The manufacturer indicates the packaging marking, which denotes one of these ways to dock.

  • Free - that is, the bands are glued without complying with any rules. This is relevant for small or abstract prints.
  • Straight - important symmetry in sticking. That is, moving rolls to dock patterns, no need.
  • Displaced - in this case, the stripes need to be shifted to fit the drawing of the strips to each other. Usually there are two digits in the marking that are written through a slant. The first digit means the size of the rapport, the second is the number of centimeters to which the strip should be shifted.
  • Counter - when each strip is turned over in relation to the previous one.

  • 8 Errors when sticking wallpaper that is very easy to allow

Calculation of the perimeter of the room

Make measurements

Follow the roulette, pencil and paper. An important advice when measurements - do not round the numbers, as this can lead to inaccurate final results.

Measure the walls without taking into account the plinths. All features of the planning (alcohol, protrusions) measure separately. Data Required on paper.

Next, make measurements in height. Since due to construction errors, the height of the ceilings may vary on different walls, take the largest indicator as a basis.

Accelerate the necessary parameters

  1. Perimeter. Fold data on all walls in the room.
  2. The number of crafts for amusement. This indicator will help find out the specific number of bands that will be needed for one room. You can find it according to the formula: the perimeter divided into the width of the ROL.
  3. The number of cloths in one roll. To find out this indicator, divide the length of the ring to the height of the wall. Add about 10 cm to the height of the ceiling for stock.

Determine the number of rolls

Finally, the main thing - how to calculate the number of rolls of wallpaper on the room. Share the second indicator from the previous list on the third. If the number turned out not round, round it up into the biggest side.

How to calculate wallpapers: Formulas, Tips, Tables 5252_8
How to calculate wallpapers: Formulas, Tips, Tables 5252_9

How to calculate wallpapers: Formulas, Tips, Tables 5252_10

How to calculate wallpapers: Formulas, Tips, Tables 5252_11

How to calculate wallpapers on the area

We do the necessary measurements

To do this, again you will need a roulette. Each wall, door and window Measure length. Also need the height of the ceiling.

Accelerate the necessary parameters

  1. The square of one wall. To do this, multiply the length to the height. Repeat the process for each surface separately.
  2. The total area of ​​all surfaces. To do this, add the indicators of each wall separately.
  3. Total square of openings. Also calculated by adding windows and doors.
  4. Quadrature that will be covered with wallpaper. Work on the following formula: from the point of paragraph two, deduct the number from the three item.
  5. The area that one roll will cover. To do this, take the manufacturer information about the length and width of the canvas and multiply them.

Determine the number of rolls

The final step is to divide the indicator from the four previous list to the area of ​​one roll (paragraph five). If the number is not the whole, round the number in the biggest.

How to calculate wallpapers: Formulas, Tips, Tables 5252_12
How to calculate wallpapers: Formulas, Tips, Tables 5252_13

How to calculate wallpapers: Formulas, Tips, Tables 5252_14

How to calculate wallpapers: Formulas, Tips, Tables 5252_15

How to use online calculators

Choosing an online service, see the maximum number of parameters that can be specified. So the final results will be the most correct.

The same data on walls, window and doorways will be required: Length and height. Specify all parameters in one unit of measurement. After you, you will only need to press the calculation button.

Tables that can help in calculations

There are special universal tables that take into account the different roll width. And the same length. We give a few such options. To use these tables, choose the closest perimeter and the height of the ceiling. The cross digit of the two lines will mean the number of bands.

Table for switches 0.53 m wide and 10.05 m long

Perimeter room 6. 10 12 fourteen sixteen eighteen twenty 22. 24. 26. 28. thirty
Ceilings up to 2.4 m 3. five 6. 7. eight nine 10 eleven 12 13 fourteen fifteen
2.5-2.7 M. 3. 6. 7. eight nine 10 eleven 12 13 fourteen fifteen sixteen
2.7-3.3 M. four 7. eight 10 eleven 12 fourteen fifteen sixteen eighteen nineteen twenty

Table for the switches of 1.06 m wide and 10.05 m long

Perimeter room 6. 10 12 fourteen sixteen eighteen twenty 22. 24. 26. 28. thirty
Ceilings up to 2.4 m 2. 3. 3. four four five five 6. 6. 7. 7. eight
2.5-2.7 M. 2. 3. four four five five 6. 6. 7. 7. eight eight
2.7-3.3 M. 2. four four five 6. 6. 7. eight eight nine 10 10
Tables do not take into account the presence of drawing and rapport. Therefore, add 1-2 rolls with a margin if you decide to navigate them when buying.

What to do if not all walls are floating or need to combine them

The combination of different finishing options, as well as the focus on one wall with the help of a bright panel with a pattern - popular designer reception. Calculation can be performed according to one of the above schemes: perimeter or area. Only here it is important to take into account the metrar of one wall or read separately for each to which a certain type of cloth will be bold. And take into account length and width of cloths for different products.

If the decorative panel is made of the canvas, then the area of ​​this insert is considered the same as the whole wall.

How to calculate wallpapers: Formulas, Tips, Tables 5252_16
How to calculate wallpapers: Formulas, Tips, Tables 5252_17

How to calculate wallpapers: Formulas, Tips, Tables 5252_18

How to calculate wallpapers: Formulas, Tips, Tables 5252_19

What is important to know when buying and calculating

  • Choose rolls from one batch. In different may differ not only color, but sometimes sizes. And it will significantly complicate your calculations.
  • Evaluate the drawing. If you are not ready to overpay for the big expense, it is possible to abandon the briefs with a print, as they inevitably lead the fit and segments that will then have to be ejected, or to look for them use. Or make accent only on one surface.
  • By the way, the use of segments. They can be used in different design solutions - for example, make a picture of caulials with a pattern or wake the cabinet boxes. Single segments are fully allowed to use for faces of furniture. Just do not recommend to do so with those objects of the situation that you can move - bed, sofa, chest. But the kitchen headset is unlikely to change its position, so on the pasting of the surface behind it it is possible or in general to save on the material, or apply unnecessary segments for this purpose.
  • If the size of the door opening is small, up to 60 cm, it is usually not taken into account in the calculation of the area. It is assumed that there is a deaf wall on site.

We told in detail how to calculate the number of wallpapers on the room. Apply one of the above methods and do not forget that it is always worth buying materials with a margin - at least one roll. In large hypermarkets of surplus (when taking into account that they did not open), you can hand back on the check.

How to calculate wallpapers: Formulas, Tips, Tables 5252_20
How to calculate wallpapers: Formulas, Tips, Tables 5252_21

How to calculate wallpapers: Formulas, Tips, Tables 5252_22

How to calculate wallpapers: Formulas, Tips, Tables 5252_23

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