5 increasing ideas for lighting in the bedroom


Tired of standard paired lamps on the bedside tables? Replace them with LED garland, suspended fixtures or floor lamps.

5 increasing ideas for lighting in the bedroom 5267_1

5 increasing ideas for lighting in the bedroom

Making up the lighting in the bedroom, it is important to take into account the feature of the room - this is, first of all, a place to relax, and therefore for too bright light there is no place here. Choose lamps with comfortable soft scattered glow. Plan a few different illumination options: the main, bed area, on a working or dressing table. This is the minimum lighting scripts that must be implemented. And how best to place lamps, tell me in the article.

1stole lamp like a sconce

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5 increasing ideas for lighting in the bedroom 5267_8

Many desktop lamps are equipped with a base that is attached directly to the table top not to occupy the workplace on the table. Similar lamps can be fastened not only not to the table, but also on the back of the bed. The flexible leg will send the flow streams where it is necessary - this is a convenient reading function, moreover, it is possible to adjust the illumination intensity. If there is no possibility to install the lamp on the back of the bed, secure ordinary handles on the wall, on which the lamp can be fixed. This option will allow you to regulate the level of the lamp is also in height.

2 Highlighting headboard

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5 increasing ideas for lighting in the bedroom 5267_10

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Often, instead of or together with headboard, install a soft panel. If you made the walls in this way, add the rear panel by the LED ribbon. When turned on, it will create just the level of light that will be appropriate in the recreation area. It is easy to issue such a backlight - on the basis of the LED tape there is a glue strip, which is attached to the furniture. By the way, LEDs serve longer than ordinary light bulbs and consume less energy.

3 Outdoor lamps instead of bedside tables

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5 increasing ideas for lighting in the bedroom 5267_14

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5 increasing ideas for lighting in the bedroom 5267_16

Why, together with the boned table lamps, do not refuse from the bedside tables themselves? Put a couple of outdoor lamps instead. So you will kill two hares: leave the level of illumination for the same, without losing in brightness, and facilitate the interior. After all, one or even a few thin legs from the lamp looks much air massive, albeit a small, bedside table.

4 Suspended lamps instead of desktop

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5 increasing ideas for lighting in the bedroom 5267_18

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5 increasing ideas for lighting in the bedroom 5267_20

Famous, but for some reason, not the most popular version of the backlight in the bedroom - suspended lamps on two sides of the head of the bed. Such an option should be provided in advance, on the repair stage, withdraw two additional electric power plants. What is good this option? First, the lamps do not occupy the useful area on the floor, nor on the table. They seemed to soar in the air, creating a feeling of lightness and airiness in the interior. Secondly, the bedside tables also remain free - it is very convenient to place a book or smartphone.

  • How and where to place track lamps in the interior

5 garland instead of lamps

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5 increasing ideas for lighting in the bedroom 5267_25

The current advice is not only on the eve of the New Year - to replace the lamps with LED garland. In the case of the bedroom, this idea is relevant at any time. Just secure the stylish laconic garland with simple monochrome light bulbs at the head of the bed, and you will get a very cozy chamber atmosphere. Perhaps the lighting from it will be less than from the stationary lamp, but you will save the place and bills for electricity.

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