How to soak the lining in different rooms: 6 suitable compositions and instructions


We tell what formulations to choose for rooms inside the house, bath and balconies, as well as let the instructions for applying the material.

How to soak the lining in different rooms: 6 suitable compositions and instructions 5324_1

How to soak the lining in different rooms: 6 suitable compositions and instructions

The design of narrow boards looks good on the walls in a wide variety of rooms. So it is customary to make a bathroom, residential rooms at dachas and in homes, balconies, etc. Environmentally friendly and beautiful finish will last long and will not lose its appearance only under the condition that the processing performed is properly. We will deal with how and how to soak the lining.

What and how to heal the lining

Why treatment is needed

Types of impregnation

  1. Antiseptics
  2. Antipiren
  3. Morlogs
  4. Varnish
  5. Oils and waxes
  6. Paints

Selection of different purposes

  1. For premises inside the house
  2. For baths and saunas
  3. For balconies

Solutions application technology

Why wood need treatment

Wood has unique properties. If in the air excess moisture, it will easily absorb it and will hold until the humidity decreases. Then she will give water. This is a big plus material, so a comfortable microclimate is supported in the room. However, this is a significant drawback. In the conditions of high humidity, the tree did not be able to give it and starts to deteriorate.

Mold mushrooms quickly destroy its structure. Low moisture is also not shown by material. He dries and begins to breed. In addition, it is easily flammable, quickly burns. A rough surface delays dust and dirt. It is difficult to wash it enough. Thus, without additional processing, the lining quickly loses an attractive view and operational characteristics.

How to soak the lining in different rooms: 6 suitable compositions and instructions 5324_3
How to soak the lining in different rooms: 6 suitable compositions and instructions 5324_4

How to soak the lining in different rooms: 6 suitable compositions and instructions 5324_5

How to soak the lining in different rooms: 6 suitable compositions and instructions 5324_6

Types of impregnation for lining

For working with wood, a large number of different compositions, decorative and protective are produced. To obtain a better result, they are combined, overlapping alternately. When buying, you need to choose certified products worthwhile manufacturers. On the market a large number of fakes, the use of which will not give effect.

1. Antiseptics

Formulations that prevent the development of microorganisms. Some of them additionally scare insects and rodents. Sift the boards by an antiseptic need to start finishing work so that you can apply it on both sides. Be sure to impregnate the ends of the panels. The drug does not change the color of wood, does not close its textures. Subsequently, a decorative finish is possible. Antiseptics are necessarily used in the design of rooms with high humidity.

2. Antipirens

Mixes that reduce the likelihood of fire. They work in different ways. Some form on the basis of a thin film that impede ignition. Others with increasing temperature are distinguished by non-flammable gas. In any case, they will not completely protect against fire, with its long-term exposure to fire will occur. Antipirens are quite difficult to apply, therefore it is better to buy the material that has already been processed in production. There are preparations in which the antiseptic and the flames are combined. This is a good choice for a bath or cottage.

How to soak the lining in different rooms: 6 suitable compositions and instructions 5324_7
How to soak the lining in different rooms: 6 suitable compositions and instructions 5324_8

How to soak the lining in different rooms: 6 suitable compositions and instructions 5324_9

How to soak the lining in different rooms: 6 suitable compositions and instructions 5324_10

3. Morlogs

Impregnations with antiseptic and decorative properties. Align the color of the base, give it a shade. Morlogs are produced different tones: from bright to saturated dark. It is impossible to consider them with a full-fledged decor, a protective layer of varnish or wax is required. There are water, alcohol and oil veneers on sale in the form of finished solutions or powder. The latter needs to be divorced. Application technique in all mixtures is the same.

4. Lucky

After drying, the varnishes form a solid durable coating that protects the basis of moisture and damage. Compositions are transparent and translucent. The latter give the surfaces a certain shade, without closing the texture of the tree. If necessary, they can additionally compose. They are superimposed in several layers. The first to do is well transparent, then laid translucent. For residential premises it is better to choose an acrylic varnish on a water basis.

5. Oils and waxes

Oil and wax form a dense film that protects the surface from damage and excess moisture. Wax can be colorless or color. Then he gives the basis a beautiful tone. In any case, the coating is superimposed in several layers, each of them rubs on with a soft cloth. After polished.

How to soak the lining in different rooms: 6 suitable compositions and instructions 5324_11
How to soak the lining in different rooms: 6 suitable compositions and instructions 5324_12

How to soak the lining in different rooms: 6 suitable compositions and instructions 5324_13

How to soak the lining in different rooms: 6 suitable compositions and instructions 5324_14

6. Paints

For the design of the board-lining also use various paints. These are opaque coatings that completely hide the texture of the tree. But they protect it well from moisture and small damage. In contrast, for example, from wax that requires regular update, it is necessary to repaint the base once every five to seven years, sometimes less often. Under the condition of normal operating conditions, of course.

Select formulations for different premises

Choose impregnation based on the conditions in which wood will be. An error would believe that the processing technology is the same for any premises. It is necessary to take into account the level of moisture, the temperature range, the possibility of inputting UV radiation, etc. We will analyze which drugs it is better to choose for different rooms.

What impregnation to choose for the wallboard inside the house

For the decor of residential premises, you choose the most secure options. Thus, water-based preparations will suit those that are manufactured using solvents or resins. It is impossible to impregnate toxic substances. It is dangerous for people. Mandatory treatment with flame retardant. This will reduce the threat of ignition, and in the event of a fire will increase the chances of salvation.

If the room is separated where the humidity is increased, for example, the bathroom, the antiseptic is required. For cottages with temporary accommodation, where there are no tenants in winter and is not provided with heating, it is necessary to have an antiseptic impregnation for lining inside the house. In the cold, the risk of condensate appears, which impresses wood, causes its rotting. You can use combined drugs.

Before applying decorative coating, primer is used. This solution that improves the adhesion of the base, filling the pores and hiding small defects. The use of primer allows to reduce the amount of decorative mixture. Primer with antiseptic properties is available, it additionally protects the base from mold.

To give color, take decorative impregnations for the wallboard inside the house. These are waxes, oils, morons or varnishes. Choose a suitable shade and a solution, apply it in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. So it is possible to emphasize the texture of the wood and give it the desired shade. You can just paint the boards. Paint will close the invoice, but give a bright rich color.

How to soak the lining in different rooms: 6 suitable compositions and instructions 5324_15
How to soak the lining in different rooms: 6 suitable compositions and instructions 5324_16

How to soak the lining in different rooms: 6 suitable compositions and instructions 5324_17

How to soak the lining in different rooms: 6 suitable compositions and instructions 5324_18

Preparations for baths

In the bath it is hot and high humidity, so special processing is required. But the conditions in the steam room and the oiling are different, which involves the choice of different solutions. In the wax temperature below, there is no pair. Here you can use natural or artificial formulations. The first option is safe and eco-friendly, but it has a significant drawback. Such oils and waxes are cleaned very quickly, they will often update them. And these are spending time and money. Therefore, for a rest room in a bath and wetting optimally choosing varnish. But only the one is intended for internal works and is placed on a water basis. Under the lacquer layer necessarily apply the primer. In this case, they take the composition with an antiseptic additive.

We will analyze how to soak the lining in the bath in the steam room. Here the temperature and humidity is higher, which tightens the requirements for finishing drugs. They must be completely safe and not to allocate toxic substances in such conditions. In addition, the shelf lying on the shelf comes into contact with wood, which can provoke an allergic reaction when using a poor-quality solution.

Natural oils will be the best choice. Many, for example, handle a tree in a wheel linen oil. But you have to understand what it will have to do it very often. There is another option - varnish intended for the wage. This is a special composition on a water basis. It is completely safe and possesses all the necessary characteristics. It is important to choose certified products of well-known manufacturers. Otherwise, it is possible poisoning.

How to soak the lining in different rooms: 6 suitable compositions and instructions 5324_19

  • We choose eco-friendly and safe materials for the interior of the bath: Detailed review

Tools for balcony

Impregnation for lining on the balcony should protect wood from adverse atmospheric phenomena. These are temperature differences, ultraviolet and humidity. Therefore, the use of antiseptics is required. It is advisable to apply the flavors or choose the combined coating. To give a shade take the simulator of the right tone, then closed with a varnish. You can do otherwise and use the wax or oil of the desired tone.

All of these means allow you to save and emphasize the texture of the tree. If it is not necessary, take paint. The choice is very wide: oil, alkyd, acrylic. They give a saturated color, with proper applied, the protective coating has been kept for years. Important moment: for the balcony, drugs are chosen for external work only.

How to soak the lining in different rooms: 6 suitable compositions and instructions 5324_21
How to soak the lining in different rooms: 6 suitable compositions and instructions 5324_22

How to soak the lining in different rooms: 6 suitable compositions and instructions 5324_23

How to soak the lining in different rooms: 6 suitable compositions and instructions 5324_24

Technology of applying drugs

All described funds can be applied with their own hands. It's not hard. If the solution has some features, it is necessarily indicated in the instructions on the package. In general, the processing process looks like this.

  1. We look at the surface, we find stains and fall. Bluene appears under the influence of microorganisms. Such areas are greased by chlorine-containing means, then rinse. The gray raid is formed from intensive UV radiation. It is removed by grinding. Chips and cracks close in putty.
  2. The prepared surface is sanding to ensure good clutch of materials.
  3. We apply a protective layer. Use for this roller or a wide brush. In any case, a narrow brush, wersink the joints of the fortunate, so that the solution gets at possible greater depth.
  4. Similarly impose a primer. If you need to put several layers, we wait until the previous one will dry out.
  5. We apply a decorative coating. Liquid paints and varnishes we apply a brush or roller. We start working from above, so as not to spoil the surface by drowshes or drops. Oils and waxes are a little soften and rub the cloth.

How to soak the lining in different rooms: 6 suitable compositions and instructions 5324_25
How to soak the lining in different rooms: 6 suitable compositions and instructions 5324_26

How to soak the lining in different rooms: 6 suitable compositions and instructions 5324_27

How to soak the lining in different rooms: 6 suitable compositions and instructions 5324_28

Board-lining - one of the best options for design at home, cottages or baths. Natural material looks very effectively. It will not require the owner of a complex care, and the surface restoration will be required once in seven or ten years. Under the condition of competent selection of funds and properly carried out, the tree will serve at least 25 years.

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