How best to use soft panels on the walls


Soft wall panels returned to fashion, and are used by designers in decorating the bedroom and hallway. We are talking about the advantages of such a finish, as well as the features of working with the trim.

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How best to use soft panels on the walls

Soft panels on the walls have long been popularity. In designer projects, they are becoming increasingly and more often. But in such decoration there are nuances. The article dismantle how to decorate the apartment with such a finish.

How to enter soft panels in the interior

What you need to know

Stylistic features

Best use options

- Decorating the bedroom

- Use in the hallway

Installation and installation

What you need to know

Such decoration of the walls can hardly be called a novelty. She was already popular a few years ago. Now almost a triumphal return happened - the material has played in a new reading and processing.

Designers estimated the original type of such a decorative element. They widely use it in the bedroom finish, much less often - in the decoration of the living room. But beauty is not the only dignity.


  • Perfectly suppresses noise and sounds. The living room is what you need.
  • It is easy to work with them. Installation can be carried out even on their own.
  • Capable to hide disadvantages of walls. For example, irregularities and roughness, even large.

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Features of care

When choosing a material, it is important to take into account the features of its operation. It is easiest to care for products from eco-and-genuine leather. They can be wiped with a damp cloth, and dust do not accumulate. A made of suede, nubuck or any fabric, on the contrary, attract dust, and the corresponding care is required. At least once a month, their vacuum cleaners and clean with special means.

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Another aspect affecting the finishing price is filler. Manufacturers offer two options.
  • The first is foam, it is often used for the manufacture of thick plates.
  • Second - syntheps. It is easier and thinner, so products with such a filler look more elegant. But he is more expensive.

By the way, the cost of plates made to order is another weighty reason to think about their installation. But if you are not frightened by these characteristics, we propose to consider more use elements on the example of designer projects.

Stylistic features

In fact, decorative soft panels for walls are quite versatile in terms of style. They can be used in several directions.

Modern is one of the most obvious. In such design, the plating from velvet, velor, eco-tree, suede and any other materials are allowed. Experiments with the form are carried out, but more often designers prefer geometry. With the palette, then these are calm noble shades: natural natural tones.

Neoclassica is another style in which the covering looks very organic. Elements in this design can be more traditional and decorative, for example, with a carriage screed. The skin today is used less frequent, quilted, it looks a bit outdated. It is better to choose a fabric surface.

Minimalism is the most ambiguous style in this selection. However, in such decorations, the skin can also fit. The main thing is to comply with the principle of moderation. There is no figurity and decorative, the panels themselves are very simple, without prints and additional decorations. The same applies to the palette: basic colors, acromates and no coupling inserts.

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Use options

Soft panels on the wall in the bedroom

The room, which designers most often decorate the bedroom. This, by the way, is one of the key trends in the design of this space in the coming year. How do they manage to enter an element?

The pros is used as an accent wall or headboard. Size and location depend on the proportions of the room itself.

  • In the spacious bedroom you can not be limited to a small area. Sometimes there are projects with a coverage in the whole wall, and it looks very impressive.
  • If you need to visually increase the height of the ceiling, use a stretch vertical stretch. Narrow and long forms visually make the space above.
  • In small bedrooms, it is preferable to use horizontal soft panels on the wall near the bed. Their height rarely exceeds half the wall. You can even make them completely minimalist, thus extended.

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It is interesting to combine the trim and other materials. It can be combined with no less relevant plates from the tree, they will give the interior of a strict geometry, on the one hand, and a warm texture - on the other. This technique will be advantageous in modern decorations.

In Neoclassic, you can combine soft and mirror plates, stone - for the most brave. The mirrored panels can visually increase even the tiny room. The second, on the contrast with the cloth, will look so cold and strictly.

Combination with plaster or wallpaper - classic. But the wallpaper can be diversified if it is adequate products or murals, and their combination with bulk elements.

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Use in the hallway

The soft panels on the walls in the hallway are not as wide as in the bedroom. It is clear: the rigid environment and dirt do not allow them to turn them into the finish. Nevertheless, we propose to make them an emphasis.

We are talking about finishing the wall at the cabinet. This is usually a built-in seat or equipped directly in the closet. In this case, the upholstery can duplicate the pillow - this reception looks solid.

Cabinets with such an upholstery - the trait of neoclassical interiors. They are combined with painted trees, gloss and stone. Plates can be, as in the case of the bedroom, are decorated with a screed or geometric elements. But the latter are still more inherent in the design, which are gravily to modern stylistics.

Upholstery width usually does not exceed 1.5 meters - it is optimal in terms of place itself. In the wall you can embed hooks or equip the Rail for an open hanger.

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Installation and installation

The installation is so simple that it will not require special knowledge and even the availability of construction work experience. You can cope with it yourself. There are several ways to attach soft wall panels to the wall.

On glue

To do this, you must first prepare the wall - to twist, scratch and process to. This will improve the clutch of the plates and surfaces.

PVA or liquid nails are suitable as glue. Installation can be guided as it is convenient to you: and from top to bottom, and bottom up, and from the side. Main, make marking.

  1. Apply PVA to the surface of the element (if you use liquid nails, just multiple points).
  2. Press the trim. Be careful, do not leave the glue too close to the edge. Press, you will squeeze the glue and you can spoil the element.

In stores you can also find decorative products with a self-adhesive basis, it is even easier to work with them.

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On magnets

Some manufacturers offer their installation system - on magnets. Each element is equipped with several magnets on the back. They are attached to metal straps installed on the wall. Interestingly, such a magnetic system does not affect the work of electrical appliances, but it is able to withstand the weight of the decorative finish.

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On a dowel-nails

This is a way to attach large heavy slabs.

  1. On the perimeter of the base of the trim, drill holes for the dowels. Be careful.
  2. Mark the appropriate places on the wall.
  3. Make holes on the surface, score dowels and insert the screws in them.
  4. Align the slab and the mounting design.

There is a complicated way - using a wooden frame. But for this you will have to disconnect the main material of the trim from the design. It is better not to experiment yourself.

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