Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it)


We tell you what to take into account, making a decision on the installation of a washing machine in the input zone, show accommodation options and advise how to connect the technique.

Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it) 537_1

Listed the basic rules for the placement of equipment in the corridor in video

Apartments in typical houses are known for their small squares. Yes, and modern layouts are not always comfortable and spacious. Therefore, decide on the place of installation of large household appliances is not easy. So, in some cases, you can place the washing machine in the hallway or corridor. Tell me how to do everything right.

All about installing a washing machine in the passage zone

Is it possible to do this

Accommodation options

- Stellazh

- Tumba

- Cupboard

Connection features

Useful advice

Is it possible to install a washing machine in the corridor

Receiving permission to install household appliances is not required. But if the washing is planned to be placed in the hallway, some nuances appear. The equipment is connected to the internal wiring pipes. They only pass in the so-called "wet" zones: toilet, kitchen, bathroom. In the corridor, they are not provided. Therefore, it is necessary to change the configuration of engineering networks.

It falls under the definition of "reorganization of residential premises", which is given in the LCD RF. It explains here that the transfer, replacement or installation of engineering networks, electrical and sanitary equipment, requiring changes to the dresser housing, is considered to be reorganized. Permission required for such works. Therefore, you should visit your Criminal Code and clarify this issue.

Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it) 537_2
Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it) 537_3

Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it) 537_4

Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it) 537_5

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Equipment accommodation options

First of all, you need to determine where the machine can be installed. The choice of place is determined by three factors.
  • Remoteness from engineering networks. Optimally placing equipment in maximum proximity to the existing wiring. For example, put it well through the wall with a bathroom. Then it is enough to bring the pipe to the aggregate. Extremely undesirable to make long eyeliners. First, an enlarged length causes the pump to work at the limit of opportunities, it quickly fails. Secondly, pipes have to hide.
  • The presence of a wall niche. Well, if it is. In this case, part of the case can be removed into the wall, and the unit takes less useful area. Especially successfully, if niche is located in the adjacent bath with a bath. In some cases, the niche is made independently to save the space of the hallway.
  • Dimensions of the device. Full-size technique to enter into a small room is very difficult. Therefore, it is worth choosing narrow models. Perhaps a good option will be a vertical loading machine. Even full-sized vertical machines are smaller than frontal.

After the place is selected, it is desirable to turn the outlet of the washing machine on it. This will help you understand whether it will prevent it freely or open the doors. Another important point is the existence of a socket. The use of the extender is unacceptable. It is advisable to derive from the panel a separate outlet with the Uzo and the grounding.

The view of the aggregate standing in the corridor usually little aesthetic. Therefore, they are trying to hide. Almost always, with the exception of cases with very tiny hallways, it can be done. We will analyze options how to hide the washing machine in the corridor.


The equipment is installed at the bottom of the rack. It can be collected from any material: metal, wood, plastic. Standard furniture can be found in the mass market, but if you want to organize additional storage, you will have to do under the order or yourself. Sometimes shelves are placed in a niche at any height, so that it is convenient. The unit is desirable to close. For this, they put the doors, fasten the blinds or the curtain, the color of which is harmonized with the general design.

Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it) 537_7
Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it) 537_8
Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it) 537_9

Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it) 537_10

Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it) 537_11

Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it) 537_12


The technique is hiding in the Tumba, assembled in the size of the washer. If the place allows, it can be larger than the unit, then the side of the storage space remains on the side and other means. In this way, only frontal models mask, it will be uncomfortable to use vertical.

Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it) 537_13
Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it) 537_14

Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it) 537_15

Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it) 537_16


The most practical solution. It is necessary to consider the type and filling of the cabinet for the washing machine in the corridor for the convenience of the hosts.

Furniture can be with swing doors. In this case, sometimes standard straight or corner cabinets with several compartments or pencils are used. There are no models with legs, because the equipment must be installed on a solid smooth base. You can independently design and assemble the design. Materials for such a self-made MDF, chipboard, wood.

It is possible to equip a mini-wig and hide a lot of things with a wardrobe. This is the best option, provided that there is a place to accommodate it. Part of the room or niche is complained and closed with doors. The resulting space is organized with maximum benefit. A car is installed here, there are means and devices for washing or drying machine. Filling options are a lot. It all depends on the needs of the owners.

Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it) 537_17
Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it) 537_18
Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it) 537_19
Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it) 537_20

Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it) 537_21

Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it) 537_22

Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it) 537_23

Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it) 537_24

It is impossible to hide the technique in small corridors. You can only try to disguise it. For example, put a tabletop over the aggregate to get a small table. Space under it close the curtain into the tone of the walls. Or sew the original cover on the instrument, which will close it completely.

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Connection features

After installing the equipment it needs to be connected. To do this, determine the length of the drain and fuel hose. The first should be sent to the sewer, the second to connect to the tap pipe. The easiest way, if the darling points in communications are nearby, and the standard length of the tubes is enough for the connection. But it happens not always. If the car was put on a significant distance from communications, they need to be lengthened.

The masters know that the joints increase the risk of leaks. Therefore, it is extremely unwanted to increase the hoses. No technique guarantees integrity. The item must be solid. If the standard length is not enough, buy an extended option. At the same time, it is necessary to know that it is undesirable to take the hoses longer than 3 m. It will violate the normal operation of the machine, will increase the load on the pump. The device will faster. Another point. If during installation, elongated hoses are used, the owner loses the right to warranty repair of the machine.

It remains to think about how to hide the suitable tube. The easiest thing is when the device is installed to the adjacent kitchen or bathroom wall. Then two holes are closed in the partition, eyeliners are stacked. The most difficult option is when the washing is planned to put in front of such a wall. Then the hoses will have to pull across the corridor.

In this case, it is optimally removed under the flooring under the floor covering. Typically, the concrete tie, laid waterproofing, then hoses are placed, the finish coating is laid. It should be understood that the supply tubes are closed, so possible leakage can remain unnoticed for a long time. It is necessary to take action to flow did not appear. It is strictly forbidden in this case to dock the tubes. There should be no danger of their accidental damage.

To connect the plum of the unit, you can use two methods. In the first tube directly directly into the sewage system, the second uses the siphon. If the machine is located near the bathroom, you can not connect it to sewage, and the drain tube is directed using the U-shaped hook directly into the bath. In any case, it is very important to choose correctly choose the angle of the drain hose. It is selected so that after working the pump inside the water remained. Otherwise, it will be forced, and an unpleasant smell will appear. The most difficult to equip the drain with a large length of the hose.

Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it) 537_26
Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it) 537_27

Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it) 537_28

Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it) 537_29

The connection of the washing machine in the hallway to the water supply is performed in several ways.

Methods of connection

  • For pipes from metal plastic used the crimp coupling. The fitting is cut, carefully seal the connections. The fitting is mounted a crane to which the dummy tube is supplied.
  • On the metal pipeline you need to install a crimp coupling for metal. To do this, the hole is performed on the pipe into which the coupling is mounted. A crane is placed on it, the bulk hose is connected to it.
  • Connection through the mixer is performed using a tee. It is put on the plot of the mixing of the mixer and plumbing communications. A bay tube is connected to one of the branches of the tee.
  • Connected to a wall water outlet through a tee. It is mounted on the socket and through the crane join the dummy tube machine.

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Useful tips for those who decided to install

The washer is most often transferred to the hallway forced, because in other rooms there is no place for it. The machine is not intended for installation in the corridor, therefore, taking such a decision, it is important to take into account a few moments.

  • After washing, the equipment is wet, it must be dried. Door, drum and tray must be ventilated. If it is assumed that the instrument will stand in a closet or a cabinet, you must provide sufficient gaps for ventilation.
  • Install the washing machine in residential rooms is strictly prohibited. It is undesirable to put it in close proximity to them. If the leakage occurs in this case, insurance companies will not compete damage. It is believed that the placement of household appliances in an inappropriate place, the owner deliberately creates a potentially dangerous situation.
  • Connecting to the power grid is performed only through the outlet. It is impossible to use the extension. The risk of emergency creation is too large. You can connect the device to any closely positioned outlet, but it is better to take a separate line from the distribution panel specifically for the aggregate. It is desirable to use the UZO.

Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it) 537_31
Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it) 537_32

Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it) 537_33

Is it possible to put a washing machine in the corridor (and how to do it) 537_34

The transfer of the machine to the hallway is not very popular, but a completely feasible solution. So that there were no problems, before this it is necessary to consult in the Criminal Code for the possibility of such transfer and receiving all the necessary permits. Only after that you can start installing the technique.

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