How the phytobochka is arranged and can I put it in the apartment: a detailed review


We disassemble the features of the minibar, species and advise how to choose a suitable for apartment and at home.

How the phytobochka is arranged and can I put it in the apartment: a detailed review 5387_1

How the phytobochka is arranged and can I put it in the apartment: a detailed review

Phytobochka - a curious invention of Siberian craftsmen, which very quickly gained popularity and over the past two decades is invariably presented at construction exhibitions. Barrel occupies quite a bit of space, costs 2-3 times cheaper than the most inexpensive sauna cabin and provides gear gear regime. Let's talk about the rules for choosing such a miniban.

How the phytoboche is arranged

The phytobochka is a wooden container with a seat or a layer. In fact, it is the most real steam room, but only a super-compact, moreover, not intended to be closed in it entirely: the head remains outside. Pairs or hot air is supplied inside the pipeline from the heating installation (usually an external electric steam generator); The temperature can be adjusted manually or automatically, and the optimal mode is considered to be 45-50 ° C.

The advantages of the design are obvious: the body is great, but it does not arise any unpleasant sensations associated with the need to breathe hot steam, wipe the flooded eyes sweat and wear the felt cap to protect the head from high temperature.

The beneficial effect on the body has not only moderate heating of the body, but also a phytotherapeutic atmosphere inside a barrel saturated with the aromas of healing herbs: when receiving a couple, herbal infusions, extracts or dried fees are usually used.

Budget phytoboches, as well as all team-collapsible models equip the simplest steam generator with a capacity of 1.5-2 kW and worth about 10 thousand rubles. The device is a small capacity for water, inside which submersible tang is installed; Couples from the generator comes by a metal-plastic pipe into a diffuser located near the floor under the seat. This pipe is mounted during installation. Typically, a stepped power adjustment on the remote remote control is provided, but it is necessary to navigate only on their own sensations. With heating of the air inside the barrel to a temperature of 45 ° C, the device copes in 10-15 minutes.

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How the phytobochka is arranged and can I put it in the apartment: a detailed review 5387_4
How the phytobochka is arranged and can I put it in the apartment: a detailed review 5387_5

How the phytobochka is arranged and can I put it in the apartment: a detailed review 5387_6

In the manufacture of phytoboches, the hoops are fixed with nails or screws to secure the clans.

How the phytobochka is arranged and can I put it in the apartment: a detailed review 5387_7

The doors equip the simplest overheads ("Big") with galvanized steel loops.

How the phytobochka is arranged and can I put it in the apartment: a detailed review 5387_8

The hole for the tube for supplying steam is usually drilled after installing the barrel on the object.

Systems with temperature sensors that automatically support the specified mode are much safer and convenient. Another useful option is a built-in mesh container, this is a container for therapeutic herbs, which allows you to quickly and without having to get fragrant and useful couples.

The mansion is the phytoboles with a suchogeneous vortex setting, which provides a special compartment at the bottom of the structure. The passage mode in this case resembles a Finnish sauna, and cold spraying of infusions and balms is provided for sessions of phytotherapy.

Any heater or steam generator for phytobob must necessarily be grounded and connected to the apartment electric tailor through the circuit breaker and the protective shutdown device (UZO) with a current response current of no more than 30 mA.

Types of phytobochek

Manufacturers offer two main varieties of barrels - vertical (with seat) and horizontal (with a laying), and the first is much more popular due to its compactness.


As a rule, the height of the circular vertical barrel is 130 cm, and the diameter is about 80 cm. More volumetric oval models are also widespread, in which you feel not so shy. The price of round products (excluding steam generator) starts from 24 thousand rubles., Oval are 5-10 thousand rubles. More expensive. The traditional barrels on sale there are also a variety of rectangular boxes, including team-collapsible. Such a box can be easily transported from place to place, even brought to a picnic, and in comfort, it is almost not inferior to an oval model.

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How the phytobochka is arranged and can I put it in the apartment: a detailed review 5387_10
How the phytobochka is arranged and can I put it in the apartment: a detailed review 5387_11

How the phytobochka is arranged and can I put it in the apartment: a detailed review 5387_12

The price of cedar barrel depends on the dimensions and type of construction. Let's say vertical round models, as a rule, are 5-15 thousand rubles. Cheaper horizontal and oval with inclined seat.

How the phytobochka is arranged and can I put it in the apartment: a detailed review 5387_13

Horizontal barrel

How the phytobochka is arranged and can I put it in the apartment: a detailed review 5387_14

Oval barrel

The design of vertical barrels is always provided for the side and top door. It is very important that the manufacturer takes care of safety and provided the opportunity to get out of the barrels quickly and without any help. The top door should not be too heavy (if thick boards are used, you set two sash). Neither the top nor the side door can be equipped with complex or tight valves and tags, they all should be easily accessible from the inside.


The horizontal barrel, or the so-called capsule, will cost at least 50 thousand rubles. And there will be twice as much space than the vertical model. It is quite spacious, so, being inside, you can easily change the position. However, to lift the massive capsule cover, you need to make an effort (most convenient models with swivel hinges, located close to the center of gravity of the cover). Some companies also produce half-sized oval barrels. They are somewhat more compact horizontal capsules, but they cost no cheaper.

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How the phytobochka is arranged and can I put it in the apartment: a detailed review 5387_16
How the phytobochka is arranged and can I put it in the apartment: a detailed review 5387_17

How the phytobochka is arranged and can I put it in the apartment: a detailed review 5387_18

The lid for the upper hole helps maintain moisture when storing barrels.

How the phytobochka is arranged and can I put it in the apartment: a detailed review 5387_19

Removable trap and seats are easy to wash.

How the phytobochka is arranged and can I put it in the apartment: a detailed review 5387_20

Caring for a capsule more labor-intensity.

Criterias of choice

Phytoboles are manufactured mainly at the enterprises of the full cycle that control the process from the forest harvesting to the construction of the structure. However, the NO-NAME products can also be presented in the construction markets, which performed extremely carelessly and not able to withstand long-term operation. You can learn a quality product for a number of signs.


In the production of barrels, only Siberian cedar or cedar pine should be used. It is possible to distinguish the wood cedar by the pinkish shade and a calm drawing of the fibers: the usual northern pine is grayish-yellow, spruce is almost white, the one with bright orange streaks.

The walls of the barrel are gaining from the dies - the so-called clap. It is believed that the largest service life of the finished product is provided by crushed (straight) dies. They absorb moisture less and, despite a significant width (at least 12 cm), they almost never crack, but it is much more expensive than the usual planed lumber: the simplest barrel made of them will cost at least 60 thousand rubles. Potimal thickness of clap - 40- 45 mm. Reducing the thickness reduces the cost of the product and simplifies its transportation, but simultaneously leads to losses in thermal insulation and durability.

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How the phytobochka is arranged and can I put it in the apartment: a detailed review 5387_22

How the phytobochka is arranged and can I put it in the apartment: a detailed review 5387_23

Before ordering a barrel, you need to make sure that it is convenient for it to use it.

How the phytobochka is arranged and can I put it in the apartment: a detailed review 5387_24

If the doors are too heavy or when opening and closing can cause injuries, it is better to search for another model or to ask the possibility of improving the design.

To avoid the appearance of the slots between the dies when drying, almost always use the groove-crest compound, while the clans often glue with polyurethane glue among themselves or sealed with silicone. Alas, such a design is afraid of moisture drops and, it takes cracks. That this does not happen, manufacturers recommend always to keep the barrel closed and put inside the water bucket.

No protective or decorative coatings cannot be applied to the inner surfaces of minibars. When buying, make sure that on the walls there are no traces of oil treatment, wax, and even more than a varnish. Outside it is allowed toning and coating with solid wax.

Assembly method

The traditional cooler technology for the assembly of modern phytobochet is unsuitable: due to the need to install the door to the top of the design, it is simply impossible to pull the hoops. Therefore, manufacturers come up with other ways to fasten the dies. Most often, the inner frame in combination with the outer metal lining (imitation of the hoop). At the same time, each clutch is fixed with ducts or screws. How reliable the design will be, depends on the set of nuances, the main of which is the accuracy of fitting parts.

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How the phytobochka is arranged and can I put it in the apartment: a detailed review 5387_26
How the phytobochka is arranged and can I put it in the apartment: a detailed review 5387_27

How the phytobochka is arranged and can I put it in the apartment: a detailed review 5387_28

The steam generator can be installed in a special bottom compartment.

How the phytobochka is arranged and can I put it in the apartment: a detailed review 5387_29

The design of stationary barrels, in contrast to the collapsible, is provided by a hole for the flow of condensate, under which they put a small bucket.

How the phytobochka is arranged and can I put it in the apartment: a detailed review 5387_30

Semicircular parts of the frame usually cut out of wide boards. With large loads arising from the expansion of claps, these "rims" are sometimes bursting. However, they are not so difficult to replace or repaired, amplifying the duck or a wooden lining. Note that inside the barrel should not be open metal parts, which can be burned.

The walls of the collapsible rectangular phytoboches (boxes) are made of short and fairly thin (thickness of not more than 30 mm) of skimming, glueing them with each other and tying a frame from bars. The design is designed for 5-6 years of operation (stationary thick-walled models in private homes serve for 10 years and even more).

Phytobochka in the apartment

The cedar mini-bath requires only about 1.5 m2 of free space and placed, for example, in a warmed loggia or even in a bathroom with a shower instead of a bath. It weighs not more than 110 kg and does not overload overlap. But the stationary barrel passes only in the doorway of 90 cm wide, that is, most likely, for installation will have to dismantle one of the inner doors (another option is to order a prefabricated design). Another problem is associated with a ferry leaving the barrel when opening the door. The windows will die in the apartment, condensate will leave footprints, the sharp fluctuations in humidity are inevitable. So, the barrel is permissible to install only in adapted for this, well ventilated room, ideally equipped with a powerful forced hood.

The place for phytobochki, if desired, can be found in any apartment, but it is necessary to put moisture-resistant flooring in advance and think over the methods of combating high humidity and air temperature jumps.

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