The window between the bathroom and the kitchen in Khrushchev: Why it is necessary, how to remove it or interesting to issue


We disassemble the reasons why you used to make a window between the bathroom and the kitchen and we offer the options for its design: stick the glass in stained glass, lay the cardboard with drywall or construction blocks.

The window between the bathroom and the kitchen in Khrushchev: Why it is necessary, how to remove it or interesting to issue 5420_1

The window between the bathroom and the kitchen in Khrushchev: Why it is necessary, how to remove it or interesting to issue

I want everyone to be comfortable, and it was comfortable to live in it. Well, when it is possible to equip everything as you want. With residential rooms, problems usually do not occur, with a bathroom and the kitchen is more difficult. The situation is exacerbated if the design features are unsuccessful from the user's point of view. So, many are incomprehensible, why need a window between the kitchen and the bathroom, is it possible to get rid of it. We'll figure out.

All about the window between the kitchen and the bathroom

Why was it installed

What can we do with him

  1. Put stitched
  2. Treat plasterboard
  3. Lay a brick

What is the window between the kitchen and the bathroom

The first typical Khrushchev appeared in the middle of the last century. They were supposed to provide a massive outcome from communal, to give the Soviet people to live in some apartments. It was planned that the development would be massive, typical projects were developed. All of them were not the most spacious and comfortable, in some there were incomprehensible features today. One of them is a window in the kitchen partition.

Causes of window installation

  • The opening served as the "explosive valve", which ball is needed during the operation of gas equipment. In most Khrushchev, the so-called gas columns for water heating were installed. With a possible explosion, the hole should have repaid its strength and minimize destruction.
  • The opening frame gave the possibility of additional ventilation of the bathroom. So he dried faster after the water procedures, the drying was accelerated in him, and the most important thing was created unacceptable conditions for mold.
  • Execution of sanitary standards for the insolation of premises. At the time of the appearance of typical projects, these requirements were very strict and assumed that sunlight should penetrate into each of the rooms at least two hours a day. Considering that the actively fighting tuberculosis was going, and Koch's wand loses viability under the influence of insolation, such windows appeared in all apartments.

The window between the bathroom and the kitchen in Khrushchev: Why it is necessary, how to remove it or interesting to issue 5420_3
The window between the bathroom and the kitchen in Khrushchev: Why it is necessary, how to remove it or interesting to issue 5420_4
The window between the bathroom and the kitchen in Khrushchev: Why it is necessary, how to remove it or interesting to issue 5420_5

The window between the bathroom and the kitchen in Khrushchev: Why it is necessary, how to remove it or interesting to issue 5420_6

The window between the bathroom and the kitchen in Khrushchev: Why it is necessary, how to remove it or interesting to issue 5420_7

The window between the bathroom and the kitchen in Khrushchev: Why it is necessary, how to remove it or interesting to issue 5420_8

There are several more versions, for which the window in Khrushchev is installed in the bathroom. So, for example, some believe that it is necessary in order to leave the bathroom with a random blocking of the door, for the possibility of assisting a person closed there, or to save electricity. But all these options are similar to the speculation. The opening was established to fulfill the requirements for insolation, safety of gas equipment and ventilation improvement.

How to make a window between the kitchen and the bathroom

Now in the apartments window opening in the bathroom is not provided. Insolation rates have become recommendental, and gas water heaters are much safer. Therefore, each owner decides whether he should leave the window in constant condition or somehow convert it. It must be admitted that its presence is still not very convenient. It sometimes interferes with placing furniture or equipment. We will analyze how to close the window between the bathroom and the kitchen.

1. Put stitched

The easiest and most fiscal way to design the interior. Window platbands are removed, carefully inspect. If they are in good condition, cleaned and color. Perhaps change their shape. Spoiled parts throw out, they put new ones. It is better to choose plastic, it is resistant to moisture and temperatures. Then go to the glass design. It is taken out and changed to stained glass windows purchased or ordered by the desired size. You can perform it yourself. This will require the ability to draw and special stained glass colors. If the ability to draw is completely absent, and the desire to create in stock, a good solution is a self-adhesive film with any decor. It passes on the glass through its entire surface or fragments. In the photo several examples.

The window between the bathroom and the kitchen in Khrushchev: Why it is necessary, how to remove it or interesting to issue 5420_9
The window between the bathroom and the kitchen in Khrushchev: Why it is necessary, how to remove it or interesting to issue 5420_10

The window between the bathroom and the kitchen in Khrushchev: Why it is necessary, how to remove it or interesting to issue 5420_11

The window between the bathroom and the kitchen in Khrushchev: Why it is necessary, how to remove it or interesting to issue 5420_12

2. Close the plasterboard

It will take moisture-resistant plasterboard, reinforcing grid, putty. Actions are performed in such a sequence.

  1. We dismantle the window opening. We remove the platbands, take out the glass, clean the frame. Sometimes it is left because it is believed that the design will be stronger.
  2. We measure the resulting hole. For these sizes, cut the part of the drywall.
  3. We put it in the opening. Over laying the reinforcing grid. Fix the sheet in place. The easiest way to do this with the help of the headquarters.
  4. We are preparing a spacure mixture. Divorce it as required by the instructions.
  5. Close up of plasterboard with solution. We apply a mixture into several thin layers, each moving. Before applying the subsequent, we wait until the previous reservoir dry. For the last layer, you can take the finish paste to get a smooth surface under painting.

After the seal, the wall is drawn up in any way. But it is necessary to understand that the site where the window used to be, not so durable as everything else. It is impossible to hang furniture, mount the shelves, etc. If such a need suddenly appears, the hole can be returned to the place by dismantling the plasterboard.

The window between the bathroom and the kitchen in Khrushchev: Why it is necessary, how to remove it or interesting to issue 5420_13
The window between the bathroom and the kitchen in Khrushchev: Why it is necessary, how to remove it or interesting to issue 5420_14

The window between the bathroom and the kitchen in Khrushchev: Why it is necessary, how to remove it or interesting to issue 5420_15

The window between the bathroom and the kitchen in Khrushchev: Why it is necessary, how to remove it or interesting to issue 5420_16

3. Lay with brick or construction blocks

You can put the hole in the wall not only by brick, but also by any suitable building material, for example, foam blocks. Only they will have to plant a special glue. In any case, there is a durable durable design, dismantled which is unlikely to succeed.

  1. We dismantle the window opening. We remove the platbands, remove the glass. Lastly we take out the frame. If it is not planned to be used, the easiest way to remove the design, sawing the bottom of the lower bar.
  2. The resulting hole purging from garbage and dust.
  3. Cooking mortar. The composition bought in the store is divorced by instructions. You can make a mixture yourself of three parts of sand and one piece of cement. Dry ingredients are mixed, gradually add water. Bring the solution to the desired consistency.
  4. You can close the hole with brick without installing beacons. We put the rule on the wall, there should be a gap for plastering of about 10-20 mm between it and blocks. We put the first row in turning with this guideline.
  5. The next and all other rows are laying similarly. Considering that the masonry will be plastered, there may be small flaws in the removal of horizontal. But the bandage of blocks in the ranks should be fulfilled.
  6. After the solution is dry, plastering fresh masonry. We prepare the mixture to work, throw it on the basis, pull the mass rule.
  7. After 2-3 hours, the mixture will grab and it can be shed. To do this, take the spatula and circular motions align the plane.
  8. After two or three days, the plaster will dry up, you can put a putty. We take a plaster mix, prepare it for work. We assign on the basis, spread.

Layers of plaster putty can be several. The latter is best to apply the finish mixture. So get a smooth surface that can be reeded in any way. After the window was removed in Khrushchev, in the bathroom we are facing the wall with a cafeter, on the side of the kitchen it is usually painted or glued wallpaper.

The window between the bathroom and the kitchen in Khrushchev: Why it is necessary, how to remove it or interesting to issue 5420_17
The window between the bathroom and the kitchen in Khrushchev: Why it is necessary, how to remove it or interesting to issue 5420_18

The window between the bathroom and the kitchen in Khrushchev: Why it is necessary, how to remove it or interesting to issue 5420_19

The window between the bathroom and the kitchen in Khrushchev: Why it is necessary, how to remove it or interesting to issue 5420_20

Sometimes they do this: the glass is taken out of the window opening. In the resulting hole draw up niche. For this, on the one hand it is covered with plasterboard, plastering and coloring. A small shelf is obtained, on which you can place several small items. Therefore, it makes it more often on the side of the bathroom, which allows you to put shampoo on the bathroom, gels, etc. These are just a few options for alterations, in fact they are much more. The owner of Khrushchev can choose the design at will.

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