How to issue a window in winter when it is dark and gray: 8 ideas for comfort


Add warm backlight, hang bright textiles or close a dull view of a cozy paper decor - tell how to make a window more attractive at overcast season.

How to issue a window in winter when it is dark and gray: 8 ideas for comfort 543_1

How to issue a window in winter when it is dark and gray: 8 ideas for comfort

The most difficult thing in the beautiful window design is to choose a decor that does not prevent the influx of natural light. For example, you can put a low pot of colors, take a transparent vase, use light backlight.

1 Flowers

One of the most popular ways to design windows are live flowers. They are not necessary to put on the windowsill and refract the natural light, you can fix shoots on the cornily or place a soup on the side from the window.

Choose plants resistant to possible temperatures and drafts. For the design of the window in the winter, these qualities are especially important, otherwise the flowers will lose a presentable look and will begin to root. Another stress factor for plants in the cold season is the battery. So that the effect of dry warm air from the heater is minimal, follow the irrigation frequency, use the pulvelizer to moisturize the leaves.

When decorating the windowsill

When decorating the window sill, choose small flowers that will not create an obstacle to light and do not make a dungeon from your room. One or two plants will be enough to paint the gray window.

  • 5 beautiful plants that bloom in winter

2 books

Beautiful roots of your favorite editions will be screamed even the most gloomy view from the window. In addition, this is a convenient way to store and organize the windowsill.

Adjust books you can lumina

You can add books with a lamp with a soft light or stand under the hot, which is easy to deliver, for example, a cocoa cup. Thus, you will have a secluded corner in the apartment, and the window will acquire a more cozy view.

3 Paper Lanterns

Easy paper decor is best placed on the side or from above, so as not to block the light.

Paper ornaments look L & ...

Paper decorations look concisely, they will fit into any interior and make a window visually more interesting. Choose shades that will not argue with textiles if you have it.

  • 9 unexpected ideas for the design of window slopes

4 Stickers and stencils

Homemade or purchased stencils can also be used as a decorative element on the window. But here it is very important not to overdo the size, number and palette.

A pair of laconic houses in the corner ...

A pair of laconic houses in the corner looks appropriate and attractive. And a bright panorama, which occupies the entire window to spoil the design.

5 Candles

Several candles can be added lighting in the room, and at the same time and a little "insulation" cold winter light from the window.

Classic wax candles

Classic wax candles are very successfully combined with metal candlesticks or candelabras. In addition, you can arrange on the window and beautiful aromatic candles - pleasant smells will make the interior comfortable. If you are worried about safety, replace real candles on LED. They are very believable imitate live fire.

6 Garlands

First of all, we are talking about LED backlight. Laconic garlands and drops or ROSInki will look great on the window.

It is best to choose them in one ...

It is best to choose them in one color. In the cold season, when the window is predominantly dim light, it is worth betting on warm lighting. Garlands can be simply quitting on the windowsill, putting it out beautifully on the curtain or on the glass itself.

7 Plants in Vases

Alternative colors in pots - bouquets in a vase. At the same time, it is not necessary to spend money on live flowers several times a month.

Create a bouquet from the most ...

You can make a bouquet from a variety of plants: from the needles, branches, wildflowers. Show fantasy, it will save on the decor. The vase is best to choose from transparent glass - this will pass through itself light.

  • 11 home plants that are not ashamed to give instead of a bouquet

8 Dense Curtains with Patterque

Bright curtains at overcast season are able to brighten the landscape outside the window. Warm saturated shades like coral, mustard and even red are best working.

Prints and dense C & ...

Prints and dense complex materials are allowed. But in this case, be careful with Crow: the curtains should be laconic, without a contrived decor and complex forms.

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