How to update the interior to keep your promises in the new year: 5 useful advice


We all give themselves promises that in the new year I will start to eat right, play sports and finally learn a foreign language. We tell you what you need to update in the interior to make the motivation more.

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How to update the interior to keep your promises in the new year: 5 useful advice

1 come into the form

Under the New Year, people are very often promised to engage in their health and physical form. In January, the annual subscription in the fitness club, a new sports form, sneakers, dumbbells, a bottle for water, a smart watch with counting steps and a thousand others are the vital trifles is solely purchased. But the holidays end, you need to go to work again early in the morning, when it's not up to running, and in the evening there is already dark and divergent. Regular trips to the gym are postponed until spring or the next vacation. It is not worthwhile for it to blame, because it is very difficult to psychologically to work out a new habit, you need to hold out three or four weeks, regularly performing it to stop calling rejection.

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How to update the interior to keep your promises in the new year: 5 useful advice 5450_8

To do this, minimize the efforts that you need to attach to play sports. No need to collect a heavy bag with a form, go somewhere after a busy working day. Make a sports corner right in the bedroom. Then there will be only to start the alarm clock for 15 minutes earlier than usual, and work out, just getting out of bed. It is very important to put a goal - to make a minimum of exercises, but every day. And if there is a mood, the cost of charging can always be increased or supplemented with an evening campaign to the gym.

2 learn a foreign language

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How to update the interior to keep your promises in the new year: 5 useful advice 5450_13

How to update the interior to keep your promises in the new year: 5 useful advice 5450_14

The second most of the new year promise is to learn a foreign language or master some useful intellectual skill, such as a new programming language. When you promise this on the eve of the New Year, the goal seems to be an impressive, but commensurate amount of time that you will have. But the process of study causes the tension that the brain is in every way to avoid. Therefore, we place a stunningly stylish workplace, buy a pretty stationery and hang on the wall plan consisting of major stages and small steps to achieve them. Do not forget about the organizer for storing textbooks or notebooks, as well as about high-quality lighting, if you have to do in the evenings.

3 more often meet friends and loved ones

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How to update the interior to keep your promises in the new year: 5 useful advice 5450_17

How to update the interior to keep your promises in the new year: 5 useful advice 5450_18

How to update the interior to keep your promises in the new year: 5 useful advice 5450_19

How to update the interior to keep your promises in the new year: 5 useful advice 5450_20

When gathering with important people for you on New Year's holidays, you may remember that during the year they were so absorbed by household issues that they forgot to pay time to them. Having promised to fix it in the new year, think over what you can change your homes to more often invite guests. Perhaps you lack a beautiful tea set or a pair of soft seats in the living room. If you know that your home is always ready for reception, it will be easier to remember your New Year's promise and embody it in life.

4 Feed right

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How to update the interior to keep your promises in the new year: 5 useful advice 5450_25

How to update the interior to keep your promises in the new year: 5 useful advice 5450_26

This item complements the first. From a healthy lifestyle, many often separates the need to change their diet. To make it useful, ask the question that prevented this in the past year. Perhaps you lack some kind of kitchen accessories. For example, you would take with you to the office buckwheat with stewed vegetables, if you had comfortable and stylish food containers, and the slow cooker would prepare it to your awakening in automatic mode. Try updating the kitchen inventory to inspire yourself to culinary experiments.

5 organize space around yourself

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How to update the interior to keep your promises in the new year: 5 useful advice 5450_29
How to update the interior to keep your promises in the new year: 5 useful advice 5450_30

How to update the interior to keep your promises in the new year: 5 useful advice 5450_31

How to update the interior to keep your promises in the new year: 5 useful advice 5450_32

How to update the interior to keep your promises in the new year: 5 useful advice 5450_33

How to update the interior to keep your promises in the new year: 5 useful advice 5450_34

Winter holidays - the time when people are sharper than understand how they lack organizational and ability to clear the space around. This reason to analyze your year and find out what you spent the most time every day.

Maybe you were late for work, because they did not know what to wear, - this is a reason to buy an outdoor hanger and hang out ready-made sets of clothing for all week. Perhaps you were annoyed searching for keys from the apartment, travel and headphones, so you went out every morning to the street in a bad mood. This is a reason to buy an organizer or a vase for smallest things in the hallway. Maybe you are tired of collecting children's toys - then you need a simple storage system, which children will be able to enjoy in a game form. By organizing your apartment, you make order in your life and thoughts.

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