What smell scares mice in the house and apartment: get rid of rodents quickly and safely


We tell what plants and spices can be used to scare, and also suggest non-standard methods: naphthalene, burnt down and others.

What smell scares mice in the house and apartment: get rid of rodents quickly and safely 5465_1

What smell scares mice in the house and apartment: get rid of rodents quickly and safely

Rodents have long been settled near a person. Here it is easier for them to find food and warm. With the onset of cold weather, mouse families are massively moved to home and heated economic buildings. Migrants spoil things, products, tolerate infectious diseases. Therefore, they need to quickly get rid of them. Let's wonder what odor in the house of the mouse is afraid so much that they leave and no longer appear.

How to get rid of rodents by smells

Why the flavors work

What odds to use and how

  • Plants
  • Seasonings and spices
  • Non-standard techniques

Why the fragrant means are chosen to combat rodents

Methods of combating weak pests is a lot. Most of them involve the destruction of animals. To do this, poisoned baits are laid out, mousetracks. However, such methods are not always acceptable. Piva is prohibited if there are children or pets in the family. In question, its use where allergies live.

In addition, a person who eating a poisonous bait may die in an inaccessible place. This guarantees extremely unpleasant stench, which cannot be removed. All sorts of traps also have contraindications. Of these, it is necessary to extract the dead individuals, and this is not everyone can do. Ultrasound dischargers work only on a very limited area. And sometimes affect the pets.

With this in mind, aromatherapy is the safest, humane and cheap way to get rid of rodents. Some plants and substances can be dangerous for pets, it is better not to use them, because the choice is very large. Correctly chosen flavors will help drive mouse families from emerging sites and will not give them back.

What smell scares mice in the house and apartment: get rid of rodents quickly and safely 5465_3

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How to use in the house scaring mice odors

Aromatic substances are a good tool in combating rodents. To get the maximum effect, you need to adhere to several rules.

  • Scout fragrances first scare animals, then they get used to them. Therefore, odors need to alternate.
  • Dry herbs smell longer if placed in tightly knitted clean linen bags.
  • Freckled plants have the strongest aroma, but it is quickly lost. They are required to change often.
  • Better effect can be achieved if you use several odors at once.
  • Allergenic and toxic plants in residential premises cannot be applied.

The smell of all living beings is different, therefore the same aromas in the same concentration of animals and people perceive in different ways. We list which odors in the house of the mouse do not like.

What smell scares mice in the house and apartment: get rid of rodents quickly and safely 5465_5


List of plants that can help in the fight against pests, long enough.

  • Sagebrush.
  • Peppermint.
  • Lukovsy Rybikch.
  • Chamomile.
  • Pyrethrum.
  • Tansy.
  • Leaves and stems of potatoes and tomatoes.

Above lists safe herbs for people and animal, which can be used everywhere. Poisonous and toxic plants are also effective, but they are used only where there is no access to children and pets. This is a richness, elderberry, black tree. The latter in the form of juice or decoction is added to poison bait.

It is necessary not only to know which smell in the house do not tolerate mice, but also be able to correctly handle the phytosyri. So, the easiest way to decompose freshly placed stems with leaves on the floor, near the doors, in the corners. If these are dry herbs put into the bags or divided into small beams, each of which dip in boiling water so that the fragrance intensify. Herbal bundles laid down all over the house look unattractive.

They are successfully replaced by essential oils and hoods. They possess a concentrated aroma that scares rodents. A few drops of funds are applied to cotton swabs or rags, lay them in places of the appearance of animals, near doorways, etc. Periodically, the procedure is repeated, replacing dried fragrant preparations on fresh. Helps and enclosing premises.

What smell scares mice in the house and apartment: get rid of rodents quickly and safely 5465_6

To combat mice, the plants unloved by them are planted in pots or vases, arrange them in the rooms. Around the house is nice to smash several flower beds with lavender, mint, heather, chrysanthemums. A good effect will give single bushes scattered throughout the land. Rodents do not like when their wool is not in order. Therefore, a good scaretter will become a burdock landed along the fence. The pristent spines Animal can not remove independently.

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Spices and seasoning

You can drive out rodents from the apartment with the help of fragrant spices that any hostess have. Mostly it is also vegetable raw materials, however, it grows more often in southern latitudes. It is completely safe for living organisms. We will list extremely unpleasant for mice spice.

  • Kinza or her seeds called Coriander.
  • Sage.
  • Carnation.
  • Red sharp pepper.

The seasoning is crushed to the powder state, the plinths are sprinkled, the places of pest appearance. Sometimes freshly coarsed ground coffee is similar. True, his fragrance is quickly disappeared. The leaves of the sage are not only crushed, but also used for fusion. Rodents do not tolerate vinegar. Small plates with a liquid poured in them put on the floor in the rooms. But only in non-residential, not to harm people and animals.

What smell scares mice in the house and apartment: get rid of rodents quickly and safely 5465_8

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Non-standard techniques

In search of which smell scares mice in the house, they often ignore the effective options. The reason is simple - they are unpleasant not only to rodents, but also a person. Nevertheless, they are very effective. It is possible for home they are not always suitable, but for non-residential premises are quite suitable.

Burned tires

Unpleasant amber causes a feeling of fear, even panic. Get an effective drug is very simple. In the old bucket or other, the metallic container suitable in size is laying several pieces of rubber. Pour liquid for ignition or gasoline, ignite. After some time, the burnt fragments are extinguished and folded in the room. The container in which the rubber was burning, some time exudes the stench. It is also used to scare away.


It does not tolerate it, because naphthalene is toxic for them. The tableted substance must be crowned, the resulting powder mix with wood sawdust. The resulting mixture is abundantly sprinkled by the sections where uninvited guests appeared, their minks lit up. Naphthalene can be dangerous for allergic, pets. Contact him carefully.

What smell scares mice in the house and apartment: get rid of rodents quickly and safely 5465_10

Skipidar or kerosene

Sharply smelling substances help bring pests. Mixed in the preparation with rags lubricate the plinth, plots where there are holes. In non-residential premises, small cups with a turpentine or kerosene are placed near the inlets into mouse shelters. Similarly come in attics and in basements. True, here you choose the containers more. Randomly fallen animals in them die.

Baked wool or fluff

The best means to remove fluffy pests from the house, the burned out of one of them is considered. So has long been scared from the house of rodents. It is clear that not everyone can get and burn the mouse skirt. Any natural wool or fluff is suitable, better duck. The material must be quite a lot so that after burning it is to obtain a sufficient amount of ash.

Raw materials are burned, the resulting ash, if necessary, crushed. It is mixed with starch or construction putty to get a thin powder. The mixture is scattered in places where animals appeared, near the minks sprawled in the floor, etc.

Fragrances of natural enemies

The animals acutely feel the presence of their natural enemies and are afraid to appear where they are. So, the presence in the house of the cat scares pests. Therefore, make a cat - a good solution. If it is impossible, the presence is mimicing. Take the used filler for a cat toilet, lay out about minks, in the corners. Helps the same rag, soaked with feline urine.

Not smaller, if not greater effect gives imitation of the presence of other natural enemies: rats and snakes. They are first struggling for power sources, for the second themselves are food. To achieve the necessary effect, a sufficiently small number of excrement unfolded in the places of pest appearance. It is easy to get a frightening material, you just need to go into any pet store.

What smell scares mice in the house and apartment: get rid of rodents quickly and safely 5465_11

We found out what smells in the apartment scares mice. Aromasciful is effective and safe, but only on condition that there are no allergic and young children in the house. For them, even vegetable raw materials can be dangerous. No need to forget about pets. Some herbs can harm them, so they are laid out or put flower pots so that the animals do not get to them.

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