10 applications in everyday life of the melamine sponge


Remove traces from the marker and pens, clean leather products and a glass-ceramic cooking surface - we list where the melamine eraser can be used.

10 applications in everyday life of the melamine sponge 5519_1

10 applications in everyday life of the melamine sponge

The melamine sponge should be used with caution, for example, not to apply on surfaces from a stainless steel, cut off the piece, and not take the whole sponge, and always wet before use. But its scope is very extensive. We list the main methods.

Once reading an article? Look at the short video how you can use a sponge in everyday life.

1 Remove traces from marker and handles

If your children started the game with handles and markers, the walls and the upholstery of the furniture were copied, do not despair. Try to remove contamination by melamine sponge. Also, it is also possible to remove the traces of the indelible marker with training boards - perhaps your child has such a child.

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2 Remove traces of glue from stickers

To remove glue traces, you can use several methods, for example, to use special means of the anti-slip type, or homemade oil or vinegar. But the melamine sponge will help to cope with this task.

3 Police silver

We are talking about ornaments, and a table silver. In order not to spoil the surface, spend the test on a small area before cleaning.

Melamine York Sponge for Delicate Cleaning

Melamine York Sponge for Delicate Cleaning

4 Remove losses from the skin

Bags straps and leather bags themselves, shoes, leather furniture upholstery - if you need to remove the plotting plots from them, make it a melamine eraser.

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5 Remove the tracks of aerosol paint

If you at least once used the aerosol paint, then you know that when spraying the particles fall onto other surfaces, not only on those that you want to paint. Of course, they can be protected by film or cloth. But if you still have small traces, remove them with a melamine sponge.

6 Clear keyboard and mouse from traces of fingers

Sometimes sin food at the computer or laptop? Or can you touch the mouse with dirty hands? Then this lifehak you will be exactly useful. Soased traces easily clean the melamine eraser.

Sponge Melamine Paterra Extra Effect

Sponge Melamine Paterra Extra Effect

7 Remove divorces from a transparent door or shower curtains

Broken from glass and plastic look aesthetically only if there are no divorces on them. You can remove water every time after taking the soul - this is the surest way to maintain visual cleanliness and tidy constantly. But if you do not do this, then wash the dried divorces and the mile plaque will help melamine sponge.

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8 Clean the seams on the tile

The seams inevitably collect dirt and look untidy. To avoid this, they also need to be cleaned regularly. But be careful using the melamine sponge, so as not to scratch the glossy surface of the tile. Try not to make big efforts by friction.

9 Clean the cooking panel

The glass ceramics is very capricious, drops of fat and water stick to it, leave traces, which are difficult to clean the usual sponge and detergent. But try to cope with them with melamine sponge - you can.

Sponge Paclan Practi Magic Melamine

Sponge Paclan Practi Magic Melamine

10 wash the white sole of shoes

On the bright sole of sneakers and the ked often remains stains of dirt and black stripes, which are difficult to remove, even by posting them in a washing machine. You can try to clean them with a soap solution with a toothbrush, but easier and more efficiently use melamine eraser.

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