How to deal with mice in a private house: an overview of the most effective ways


Poisonous bait, dischargers, mousetrapists and folk remedies - we list the ways that will help get rid of mice in the house and prevent their appearance.

How to deal with mice in a private house: an overview of the most effective ways 5707_1

How to deal with mice in a private house: an overview of the most effective ways

Cute mice seem cute only in animated films. In life, their appearance in the house is akin to a catastrophe. Spoiled property gnawed food reserves and wiring, a specific unpleasant smell - this is not a complete list of what you have to face the owner of the housing. We'll figure it out how to get rid of mice in a private house.

All about combating rodents

Where do they come from

How to get rid of

  • Poisoned bait
  • Screlers
  • Trap
  • Folk remedies

Why rodents appear

In the summer, they feel great on the street, but with the arrival of the first cold days begin to seek refuge for the winter. The best option for animals is a housing of a person and household buildings, where not only heat, but there are food reserves. With a greater probability, the attack of tales will undergo a house, next to which a large mouse colony is already living.

The animals are breed and quickly multiply where there is a feed base for them: garbage dumps, livestock complexes, shops, catering points, abandoned buildings, etc. Their number is growing rapidly, there are few places, so rodents are mastering new territories.

Ultrasonic repeller clean home

Ultrasonic repeller clean home

It is easy to understand that there are unpleasant neighbors. People find items and products with traces of small teeth. Wiring and clothing can be spoiled. In partitions, under the floor and on the ceiling, rustling, make itching and rustle. These sounds are clearly audible when everything subsides. With an increase in the mouse population, a specific smell appears, traces of small paws appear, litter.

With the advent of these signs, you must immediately think about how to get rid of mice in the house. They breed very quickly, the number in a few weeks may increase at times. Then it will be harder to cope with them. Rodents not only spoil products and things, they carry dangerous diseases that are able to infect human: rabies, toxoplasmosis, tularemia and other diseases. On the rats and mice parasitize the fleas, they also carry dangerous infections.

How to deal with mice in a private house: an overview of the most effective ways 5707_4

  • How to get rid of rats in a private house and on the plot

How to bring mice from home

In nature, rodents have many predator enemies, which constrain the growth of the population. Similar tactics can be applied at home if you have a cat. Gradually, it will destroy all tailed aliens. It is believed that cats worse hunt, allegedly they are very lazy. However, the very fact of the emergence of the representative of the Feline family is already scaring rodents. They feel the smell of a predator elusive for man and go to safe territories.

Cats will always help drive uninvited neighbors. In private homes, especially if there is an economy, recommend keeping a few fluffy predators. This significantly reduces the chances of the appearance of a mouse population. But you need to know that if you send a cat or a cat in a private house to combat mice in a private house, other means cannot be used. Otherwise, they can poison poisonous drugs or eating their animals, indulge in traps, etc.

How to deal with mice in a private house: an overview of the most effective ways 5707_6

If for some reason cat cannot be built in your home, other funds are used against pests.

Poisonous drugs

To combat rodents, special poison baits are produced. Fast action products with the addition of Bodifacum or Bromadiolon kill a part after one-time reception. The reflective of communal action is gradually accumulated in the body and leads to death only after several days of its reception. Most of the products sold in stores belong to the second type.

Ratron Power-Pads tool from rats and mice

Ratron Power-Pads tool from rats and mice

They add active substances that violate blood coagulation, leading to hepatic or heart failure, etc. They are less dangerous for animals and people who can eat a poisonous bait by negligence. Piva is produced in the form of granules IL small briquettes in individual packaging. It is not recommended to break it up to use, as an attractive smell for animals disappears. Liquid poison fits well for hot and arid regions.

It is necessary to know that rodents can recognize poisoned drugs and avoid them. In this case, you can try to lay out food bait, after a while they change them to poison. Assortment of poisonous means is very wide. Suitable choose, focusing on the conditions where it will be used. Apply drugs need to be used in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Usually they are neatly removed from the packaging and lay out in places where animals appear. These may be the entrances in their holes, sprayed in wooden plinths or walls of frame houses, hard-to-reach sections for furniture, home appliances, etc. If there are children or pets in the family, you need to take all measures so that they do not accidentally poisoned.

How to deal with mice in a private house: an overview of the most effective ways 5707_8


Compact devices are designed to create maximum discomfort for rodents. They work with sound or ultrasound. The second option is preferable for residential premises, where it will not interfere with people.

Ultrasonic Repeller Grad.

Ultrasonic Repeller Grad.

Options for selecting a repeller

  • Wave distribution range. The area on which the repeller acts, should be a little more than the one that the room is occupied or the building. In the technical specifications, the exposure area is recorded, while the empty space is recorded, while furniture, walls, textiles absorb waves.
  • Sound pressure. For better protection, maximum indicators are chosen. They should not be less than 110-120 dB.
  • The ability to modulate the frequency of the wave. Pests adapt to the sound of a certain frequency and cease to notice it. Equipment that automatically changes the frequency range for every 3-5 minutes, does not give them such a chance.

The most effective are ultrasound dischargers equipped with lamps. They periodically empty light outbreaks, causing panic attacks in rodents.

How to deal with mice in a private house: an overview of the most effective ways 5707_10


All sorts of mousetrap are helping to get rid of pests. The principle of their work is simple. Inside the device laid a bait. The animal is trying to eat it, hurts the trigger, the trap works. And the destruction is not necessary. The so-called ladies are not killed, and pests catch. A person frees them from captivity and produces at a great distance from his housing.

But not all traps are calculated. Most mechanisms work to catch and destroy the captives inward. There are quite complex devices that kill the discharge of an electric current. They do not leave rodents not a single chance. It is much more often used by the simplest mousetrapists, often make them with their own hands. They are also very effective.

Ultrasonic repeller cleaning & to

Ultrasonic repeller cleaning & to

Traps set out where animals are moving. They need to be checked daily to remove the dead individuals. Not always the use of traps is convenient, there are techniques for this case how to catch a mouse in a house without a mousetrap. The easiest way to apply a special sticky tape. It is placed on the mouse trail ", animals concern the tape legs and stick. They can not free themselves, so they remain in place.

How to deal with mice in a private house: an overview of the most effective ways 5707_12

Folk remedies from mice in the house

Folk techniques can be considered prophylactic. They will not be able to destroy the population, but they are able to scare up for a long time. Their action is based on animal sensitivity to some odors. We give a list of plants that help fight pests.


The smell is pleasant for people are unbearable for mice, helps to lean them from housing. You can use mint in three ways:

  1. Mix the clean cotton swab with essential oil, decompose them in the corners, at the door, etc.
  2. Prepare a mint infusion, spray them areas where pests appeared.
  3. Freckled stalks decompose around the room.


Plant with a large number of essential oils, the smell of which helps to withdraw animals. Baguchika sledge into pots, which are decorated with interior rooms. Dry stems fold into minks and mouse strokes, periodically update the grass so that the smell remain bright. Used the fumigation by the smoke of the richness. Or is used aromalamp, it is filled with essential oil plants.

Helps to drive out pests and other plants: Chernykorn, elderberry, kinza, wormwood, Pijma. They are laid out in a dry or fresh form in places where undesirable "neighbors" appeared, or prepare a decoction of these herbs and periodically spray corners, doors, etc.

How to deal with mice in a private house: an overview of the most effective ways 5707_13

We found out how to deal with mice in a private house. But not always these means can be effective. Pests are trained, they bypass mousetrap, do not eat poisoned bait. If it becomes clear that the population is steadily growing, and attempts to remove it do not give results, it's time to turn to professionals. At their disposal special equipment and drugs that destroy pests.

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