All about the safety device of the roof: shape, sizes, trim


The magnitude, the shape and finishing of the roofs of the roof and the frontal belongings of the roof significantly affect the appearance of the building. In addition, they cover the walls from precipitation, and through them the air flow for ventilation attic or underground space is organized. Let's talk about how to perform these nodes correctly.

All about the safety device of the roof: shape, sizes, trim 5719_1

All about the safety device of the roof: shape, sizes, trim

Fronton raids are usually formed by the releases of the root, but they can also rely on horizontal roof beams - End. The basis of the cornissets are the ends of the rafted or the angles of the rafter farms protruding beyond the walls.

Width of the cornice and frontal soles

Construction rates (SP 17.13330.2017) Determine only the minimum width of the eaves (600 mm), and moreover, only for roofs without organized drainage, which are rare today. Therefore, the width of the soles is chosen on the basis of the architectural solution of the house. Let's say, for fashionable styles, the chalet is characterized by very wide skes - more than 80 cm, and for English classics - barely outlined. However, it is necessary to take into account the practical aspect. With bar or log walls, wide overwhelms are appropriate, which better protect the tree and the interventian seal from moisture.

Under the wide range of roofs can be ...

Under the wide range of roofs, you can equip the cozy veranda, which will be well protected from the rain and the sun. Even with very large skes, the house is necessarily equipped with drainage.

How to increase the raids

If the carrier roof design consists of rafting farms, then more correctly to provide a project for longer rafting legs and tightening. In addition, you can build out the cornese skes, having kins the rafter feet of the bars. With a width of 80 cm Overactions on the rafter legs or lugs, it is advisable to sign decorative cushions from the walls, otherwise there is a risk of a roof of the roof under the weight of snow and ice. cm collected a frame design of boards put on the edge tied with steel corners to the nearest rafters. The larger sv is possible only if there is a run or (in a wooden house) of the stepped console issues of the upper walls of the brushing or bars. Sleeping on the backups allow you to make the frontal sweep of almost any value.

All about the safety device of the roof: shape, sizes, trim 5719_4
All about the safety device of the roof: shape, sizes, trim 5719_5

All about the safety device of the roof: shape, sizes, trim 5719_6

At the heart of the frontal sink of a wooden house, a rafter design can be lying on the cantilever editions of logs of outer and inland walls.

All about the safety device of the roof: shape, sizes, trim 5719_7

Such issues are usually done stepwise.

When you should sve

The design of the soles of the roof is carried out simultaneously with the laying of roofing or immediately after its installation. It is impossible to postpone the finishing of the sinks - if only because the nearest storm can be very damaging, or even to carry a roof without wind boards and with non-cornices. However, it should not be too rushing. You need to choose materials and fasteners with such a calculation so that the finish served at least the entire roof design. If a few years later, the boards (panels) will begin to tear off the wind due to the incorrectly selected fastener, for the repair will have to re-build forests.

All about the safety device of the roof: shape, sizes, trim 5719_8
All about the safety device of the roof: shape, sizes, trim 5719_9

All about the safety device of the roof: shape, sizes, trim 5719_10

Ferrous ventilation gaps are closed from birds and insects with special perforated ribbons.

All about the safety device of the roof: shape, sizes, trim 5719_11

Similar ribbons with the middle part of the roofing material are provided for gaps in the skate area.

With the height of the walls of the house, more than 3.5 m will require reliable forests with railings. (And goats and forests are easier and cheaper to make on-site out of the boards than to lease the metal structure.) When working, installers are required to use the safety belts.

Is it possible to do without soles

The roofs without soles became a symbol of the modern style Barn House (house-barn). For the outer decoration of such a house, weather-resistant panels (metal, cement, ceramic or stone) are used. Often they serve as roofing. In fact, the wall and roof mounted a single mounted ventilated facade. In the empty space under the walls of the walls, drain pipes are paved, and the gutter is installed in the plane of the roof.

Waterproof gasket inside

The strip of drainage inside the design of the walls is possible only with highly qualified builders.

What is an end and wind board

The face (or frontal) board is called the part covering the end of the roof from the front of the front. In width, it can only be a little more than the thickness of the boards (bars) of the root, but in the running and extensive design should be wide enough. In traditional wooden architecture, this item is necessarily decorated with slit ornaments or curly linings. The wind board is naked to the ends of the rafted, forming an open-scale ride along the walls. The board must be very firmly fixed, because it often serves as the basis for the brackets of the drainage system (parts should be screwed to each rafter foot for at least two stainless self-testers with a length of at least 70 mm).

Today in fashion open carriers & ...

Today, in the fashion, open roof beams and decorative editions of the run.

How to protect the end and wind boards from moisture

First of all, it is important to correctly perform the edge knot of the roof. In the case of flexible tiles, it is necessary to use a lining carpet and starting strip, for metal tiles, special sealing and drainage profiles have been developed - cornice strips, drippers.

The optimal thickness of the frontal and wind boards is 20-25 mm, the best material is larch. Sometimes the elements are completely closed with sheet metal, but it requires professionalism and use of specific techniques (for example, with vertical membership and folding compounds), otherwise there is a risk that non-accratile waves will appear on steel linings.

  • Detailed instructions on the installation of the folded roof do it yourself

What material to strip eternity

Often use wooden lining and just a planed board, plastic and metal panels for horizontal installation are as popular - Sofita. Boards are usually allowed parallel to the eternity and fasten only to the rafters. And the panels are very flexible, so during the trim they are cut into segments that have perpendicular to the cornice lines and screw to the shap from the rails. For the installation of sofits, a whole system of good profiles has been developed that allow you to collect cornices of a complex shape, joking the panel at different angles.

Water and straight rays of the sun do not fall on the binder of the eaves, so the paintworks serve here for a long time. Painted boards will retain a color for at least 15 years.

All about the safety device of the roof: shape, sizes, trim 5719_15
All about the safety device of the roof: shape, sizes, trim 5719_16
All about the safety device of the roof: shape, sizes, trim 5719_17
All about the safety device of the roof: shape, sizes, trim 5719_18
All about the safety device of the roof: shape, sizes, trim 5719_19

All about the safety device of the roof: shape, sizes, trim 5719_20

Sofites are fixed to the doom, the base of which is rafters or rafter tie.

All about the safety device of the roof: shape, sizes, trim 5719_21

The sink length must be monitored during the installation of each second panel.

All about the safety device of the roof: shape, sizes, trim 5719_22

For mounting, self-tapping screws are used with a length of 18 mm with pressshabiba.

All about the safety device of the roof: shape, sizes, trim 5719_23

After the binder, the eaves are mounted drainage.

All about the safety device of the roof: shape, sizes, trim 5719_24

The best material for the parts of the eaves binder is galvanized steel with a polymer coating. It does not expand when heated, does not change the color and very rack to corrosion over time.

How to organize cornice ventilation

And with a cold attic, and at the attic floor, the roof is needed ventilation. As a rule, the air flow is organized through the eaves, and the output is through ventilation rig or point aerators. This air flow ensures the evaporation of moisture from the inner surface of the root either (in the design of the roof) with a waterproofing carpet on the insulation.

There are two main variants of the device for aircraft ventilation. The first is to install a metal perforated ribbon or plank (the other are produced by metal tile manufacturers) to the wind board. The method requires the builders of greater experience and accurate calculation, since when weeping the brackets of drainage grooves or the formation of land on drainage vents, the ventilation openings can be blocked.

The second option is the inflow through perforated plastic or metal sofa. Previously, they often just left the slots between the boards, but at the same time the wasps and other flying insects were inevitably seelited under the roof.

The total area of ​​ventilation roofing holes (cornese and skate) should be at least 1/150 square of horizontal roof projection.

All about the safety device of the roof: shape, sizes, trim 5719_25
All about the safety device of the roof: shape, sizes, trim 5719_26

All about the safety device of the roof: shape, sizes, trim 5719_27

Along the eaves usually have snowballs. It is important that they do not cause the formation of snowdrifts, under the mass of which sinks can suffer.

All about the safety device of the roof: shape, sizes, trim 5719_28

The synthelast design of the two oval cross-section pipes is optimal - they cut the snow reservoir.

How to mount drain

The roofs of the roofs are the basis for the installation of drainage, without which the water flowing from the roof will fall on the base, wash off the break and ground along the house. Today, the most popular waterproofing of PVC and galvanized steel with a polymer coating. The first is essentially cheaper, it is easier to install and do not felt in the rain. But metal products longer retain the original color and are generally designed for a longer service life.

Most companies offer components of the drains of two sizes: for the roofs of 60-100 m2 (gutter 110-120 mm wide and pipes with a diameter of 80-90 mm) and for the roofs of 80-150 m2 (120-150 and 100-125 mm, respectively). A yellow up to 8 m long enough to equip one descent (vertical pipe) installed on the corner of the building. With a larger length, two descent are arranged, making the fader of the gutters from the middle to the ends.

All about the safety device of the roof: shape, sizes, trim 5719_29
All about the safety device of the roof: shape, sizes, trim 5719_30
All about the safety device of the roof: shape, sizes, trim 5719_31

All about the safety device of the roof: shape, sizes, trim 5719_32

With wide overwhelms, it is necessary to make taps from the drainage horod with a slight inclination. These taps have significant hydraulic resistance, therefore additional descents may be required.

All about the safety device of the roof: shape, sizes, trim 5719_33

Waterproofs from copper over time are covered with a beautiful patina.

All about the safety device of the roof: shape, sizes, trim 5719_34

However, their combination with steel details is unacceptable, as it will cause electrochemical corrosion. When installing plastic grooves, the pitch of the brackets should not exceed 60 cm.

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