How to get rid of fleas in the house and apartment


We tell how dangerous fleas in the house, how to prepare for disinsection, what chemicals to use and can folk remedies help.

How to get rid of fleas in the house and apartment 5734_1

How to get rid of fleas in the house and apartment

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If the pets became restless, and on the legs and hands of everyone who lives in the house, itching and painful traces of bites appeared, there were almost certain of the apartment in the apartment. They occupy a new territory very quickly. On the capture of housing, a few days leave, but they are very difficult to drive them out. Tell me how to get rid of fleas in the house.

How to bring small bloodsuckers

What you need to know about insects

Where they appear from

Detailed instructions for the destruction of insects

- We use insecticides

- Folk Methods

Important facts about insects

Small flea - these are bloodsowing insects from the detachment of arthropods. Russia has more than 500 varieties. Most features miniature sizes: from 1 to 5 mm in length. Very rarely found large varieties with a body length of 10 mm. All of them are outless, move with the help of the limbs. Their legs are strong and long, thanks to which insects can high and far away.

How to get rid of fleas in the house and apartment 5734_3

The life cycle of the individual lasts for a long time, on average month or two. But with a favorable coating, Bloch's circumstances live two, or even three years. At the same time, it can do for a long time without food, be satisfied with the accumulated reserve of nutrients. Each female postpones from 350 to 450 eggs. She lays them chaotically, so you can detect such masonry anywhere.

Emergency insect fertility explains their rapid spread. Once in the house, "aliens" in a matter of days are mastering the new territory. Deer eggs are developing into the larvae, then picked up, after three weeks, become half-on-way individuals. Therefore, the fight against uninvited neighbors should be started at the first signs of their appearance.

The sign, announced that it's time to look for how to get rid of fleas in the apartment, it becomes ottering red dots on the legs and arms. Most often they are noticed in the morning, because during the night the amount of bites increases. If the number of insects are great, they can be seen during the day when they jump onto the feet standing on the floor. You can spend a kind of test. On the floor with a large white sheet. The disappearing and appearing black points indicate the presence of a large number of parasites.

Fumigator Raptor

Fumigator Raptor

It is necessary to get rid of them. It has been proven that bloodsows carry more than 25 serious diseases. When bite, they let their saliva in puncture. It contains bacteria, and so the infection occurs. Parasites are used to power any blood, so there is a transfer of diseases from rats, other wild animals to a person. It can be very dangerous. In the same way insects are infected with endoparasites.

  • How to get rid of spiders in the house: Effective folk and store equipment

Where do they come from

Insects parasitize on warm-blooded, so most often live or on them, or in their shelters and nests. So, in summer or in the spring, they are easy to accidentally put in a private house. List the most frequent reasons for their appearance.

Causes of appearance

  • They fall into the rooms located on the upper either on the lower floors of the rooms from basement and attic.
  • Caught on a walk dogs or cats come home with them.
  • Transferred to man together with street dust or mud.
  • High humidity and warmth. These are the best conditions for the life of bloodsuckers.

Not all kinds of bloodsowing are coming around at home, only about 30 varieties are settled near people. These are mainly rat, cat, basement, humans, dog flea. Initially, they start on the bedding, entrance mats, etc. Gradually apply throughout the apartment.

Where the fleas live

  • Upholstered furniture, textile toys, mattresses.
  • Slots, space under plinth, cracks.
  • Parquet, carpet or carpet, laminate, linoleum.
  • Clothes, especially its storage space;
  • Household garbage.

However, eggs can be in the most unexpected places. Females lay them out not in nests, but literally everywhere. For survival, they do not need care or some special conditions. Therefore, when an unpleasant neighborhood is detected, a total disinsection will have to be carried out, not passing a single centimeter.

How to get rid of fleas in the house and apartment 5734_6

How to get rid of home fleas

It should be understood that it is possible to destroy the uninvited neighbors and forever only by integrated processing. It includes the destruction of parasites on domestic pets and complete disinsection of the dwelling. And this is necessary for a short period of time. Ideally, a few hours. Therefore, you have to highlight a free day to spend it on disinsection.

For processing animals or birds, you need to choose a suitable effective tool. Shampoo is unlikely to help immediately, it is better to buy drops. They contain poison, so they use them strictly according to the instructions. Usually dripped on the withers, from there the pet can not lick them. After processing, it is advisable to wear a special collar on a cat or a dog to prevent secondary infection. Room facilities, toiletries are also infected. Textiles boil or endure in frost, plastic is covered with boiling water. Some prefer with them not to mess around, but simply throw out and buy new ones.

Bed linen is removed, erased at the maximum temperature, whenever possible boil, then ironing. Pillows with mattresses are best to disappear with a steam generator or put on the frost. Soft toys come in the same way. Furniture vacuum cleaners, wash with water with a dissolved ammonia alcohol or any essential oil. All clothes and linen from the cabinets are removed, they need to be overloaded with an iron or to disappear. Upper clothes are carried into dry cleaning.

How to get rid of fleas in the house and apartment 5734_7

All the processed things are folded into dense plastic bags and tightly closed so that insects are not there again. Before getting rid of earthy fleas in the house, cleaning is carried out. Carefully vacuuming all the corners and cracks, wash the walls, the floor and all the furniture with water with the ammonia. It is advisable to put a paper bag in the vacuum cleaner to throw it immediately after work. Otherwise, parasites and their eggs will remain in the bag tissue. All of these works can be considered necessary preparation, after which you begin to destroy small bloodsuckers.

We use insecticides

To independently display parasites, it is necessary to choose the drug correctly. The range of suitable insecticides is small. This is explained by the peculiarities of insects. They feed on blood, for this reason, food bait, which are effective in other cases, do not work here. Preparations against bloodsowing are produced in two forms.

  • Aerosols. A poison substance extends to air-droplet. So it turns out to be in the body and causes almost instant death. Acts against mature individuals and their larvae. Aerosols are very convenient in use. They do not leave traces on textiles and furniture, the smell of chemistry will quickly disperse. Their action is effective, but briefly.
  • Contact drugs. Various suspensions and powders. They destroy the nervous system of bloodsowing, paralysis provokes, then death. Act longer than aerosols, but often dangerous for pets living in the apartment. Merry for larvae and for inheritant individuals.

Sometimes to get rid of the house from fleas on the floor helps the Dust. If it falls into the organic, which feeds the larvae, the latter will be destroyed. For adult bloodstands, Dust is safe.

Spray pure house

Spray pure house

Stages of disinsection

  1. Perform wet cleaning.
  2. Move the furniture from the walls, take pictures, carpets, etc.
  3. Remove people and pets.
  4. We wear protective clothing, renovative respirator or gauze bandage, gloves.
  5. In strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, we apply the selected insecticide on all surfaces, in cracks, under plinths, etc.
  6. Tightly close all windows and doors. We leave the treated housing for a while, better all night.
  7. Carefully carry out the premises. My surface, if allowed by the instructions for the selected preparation.

If necessary, after a week, we repeat the disinsection of the dwelling.

How to get rid of fleas in the house and apartment 5734_9

We use folk techniques

Unfortunately, no folk remedies will destroy the aliens settled in the house. They can only scare them. So, earthy, street, sandy and other varieties of parasites very much do not like sharp smells.

What can apply

  • Fresh branches of vegetables or wormwood, a laurel leaf is laid out near the doors, in the corners. Or make infusions that spray the same sections. The effect is short-lived, it is necessary to regularly update herbs.
  • The peel of any citrus is unfolded everywhere where parasites may appear.
  • Two or three h. L. Beer yeast is stirred with chopped garlic. Lay out in small portions around the house. Or prepare infusion from water and garlic and spray it in the premises.
  • Dissolve in water soda and salt. The floors wash this solution, wipe the furniture, bathing animals in it.

How to get rid of fleas in the house and apartment 5734_10

We disassemble the most effective ways to get rid of fleas in a private house or apartment. If nothing helped, you need to seek help from disinsection companies. They have a strong agent destroying bloodsowing quickly and forever.

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