How to start your first room plant: 4 councils for beginners


How to choose a suitable variety, determine a healthy plant in the store and place a flower house - a detailed guide for those who first decided to landscap in the apartment.

How to start your first room plant: 4 councils for beginners 5770_1

How to start your first room plant: 4 councils for beginners

1 Think of important moments

Indoor plant is, of course, not a cat and a dog, it does not require such involvement and continuous care. But at the same time, so as not to spend money and do not regret the ruined plant, it is worth being prepared by answering a small list of questions.

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How to start your first room plant: 4 councils for beginners 5770_12

Check yourself

  1. It is important to take into account if there is an allergy to pollen from someone from home? In this case, you need to look for hypoallergenic varieties: orchids, femenopsis, Huszyany, Cumbria or Begonia.
  2. How often are you leaving home more than a couple of days? Is it possible to ask for helping someone from familiar or neighbors? The answer to this question immediately divides for you all the home plants into two camps: those that require frequent regular irrigation, and those that can be watering every two weeks and less often.
  3. Does the house have children and pets? Their presence means that you most likely do not suit views with spines or poisonous juice.
  4. What place are you ready to take a pot? Is it a well-lit room or most of the day she is in the shade? What is the average temperature at your home in winter and summer?

Kashpo Lechuza Cube.

Kashpo Lechuza Cube.

  • 6 things about which it is worth thinking before bringing a plant to the house (this is important!)

2 Choose a suitable variety

If you have never been breeding plants, it is better to start with some undemanding variety, which does not need frequent transplants, cutting branches, a complex fertilization scheme and special environmental conditions.

Unpretentious plants

  • Aloe. It can withstand heat, moderate cold, missed watering, poor soil.
  • Female. In a different way, it is called money tree. One of the most unpretentious home plants.
  • Javorti. It is unpretentious to the ravine chart, calmly say, while you are on vacation.
  • Phalaenopsis. Beautifully flowering tropical plant that does not require much care. Suitable even beginners.
  • Euharicis. Unassuming relative of the cactus, which will delight his beautiful blossom in December.

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How to start your first room plant: 4 councils for beginners 5770_16
How to start your first room plant: 4 councils for beginners 5770_17
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How to start your first room plant: 4 councils for beginners 5770_19

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How to start your first room plant: 4 councils for beginners 5770_22

How to start your first room plant: 4 councils for beginners 5770_23

How to start your first room plant: 4 councils for beginners 5770_24

  • Choose a houseplant online: 6 important points you need to know

3 Choose a healthy plant in the store

After the appearance and varieties were identified, you need to carefully inspect the product offered in a flower shop. Choose a variant with strong, healthy, not falter leaves. Watch the foliage to be uniform, trunk - without damage, dents and spots. We especially carefully inspect the lower part of the leaves: it should not be a web or plaque.

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How to start your first room plant: 4 councils for beginners 5770_28

How to start your first room plant: 4 councils for beginners 5770_29

How to start your first room plant: 4 councils for beginners 5770_30

How to start your first room plant: 4 councils for beginners 5770_31

  • 8 useful plants for the cultivation of plants for those who have never succeeded

If the land in the pot is pushed or too raw, it speaks of the improper storage of the plant and, most likely, will lead to diseases or death.

Soil Terra Vita Living Earth Universal

Soil Terra Vita Living Earth Universal

  • Simple instruction on pruning indoor plants for beginners

4 Plant at home

Specify the seller, in which soil is a sapling. If it is "light" soil, then at home will have to transplant. It is better to buy a ready-made mixture in advance for the selected variety. It is not necessary to experiment without experience, trying to independently make the right proportions of the soil and even more so to prepare the soil taken from the street.

If you bought a flowering plant, put it in the most illuminated place. In other cases, adaptation to the new environment will be held better with a soft scattered light.

Active watering at the initial stage is also not needed. Trace the comfortable temperature (about 20 ° C) and hide from drafts.

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How to start your first room plant: 4 councils for beginners 5770_37

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How to start your first room plant: 4 councils for beginners 5770_39

How to start your first room plant: 4 councils for beginners 5770_40

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