Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows with their own hands: 7 replies to the main questions and instructions


We tell what the features of the design, when the glass package is required, is it worth changing the number of cameras and how to replace yourself.

Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows with their own hands: 7 replies to the main questions and instructions 5782_1

Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows with their own hands: 7 replies to the main questions and instructions

Today, rarely where you can meet old wooden structures. Perhaps, there was almost no man among us, who in the apartment would not have plastic windows, if only it is not about historical development. Most tries to replace the usual glazing on double-glazed windows, and wooden frames on plastic. This issue has its pros and cons, but the advantages outweigh: there are no drafts, plastic does not die and does not creak, it is always tightly closed and easily opens, it is not necessary to paint once in the season. But what if the design was damaged? We tell when you need a replacement of plastic glass and how to spend it yourself.

All about self-replacement of glass

  1. What are the features of the design?
  2. When you need a replacement?
  3. Is it worth changing the number of cameras in a double-glazing?
  4. Local repair or installation of a new window?
  5. How to choose a new product?
  6. How to replace yourself?
  7. How to replace a single-chamber product on a two-chamber?

1 What are the features of the design?

Before you solve any problem, you need to figure it out. In the case of plastic glazing, you will more successfully cope with the task if you represent all its design. So, today in plastic models, glass sheets are quite complicated in their structure. They have several details: two, three or four layers, which are connected by remote framework and sealant. By the number of gaps between glass sheets, it is customary to share them on species.

Types of glass packs

  • Single-chamber (two sheets interconnected, and a single gap camera).
  • Two-chamber (three sheets and two gaps).
  • Three-chamber (four sheets and three cameras).

Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows with their own hands: 7 replies to the main questions and instructions 5782_3
Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows with their own hands: 7 replies to the main questions and instructions 5782_4

Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows with their own hands: 7 replies to the main questions and instructions 5782_5

Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows with their own hands: 7 replies to the main questions and instructions 5782_6

First of all, the quality of thermal insulation and protection against external noise depends on the number of chambers. For example, a balcony is now put five-chamber bags to provide more reliable temperature regime.

You can improve these indicators not only by increasing the number of cameras, but also by replacing the glass in the double-glazing. Classic glasses have a thickness of 4 millimeters, they are marked with M1. If the letters k and i, it means that the material is covered with solid or soft low emission composition. It is to such options with marking to or I usually change the glass. This provides more reliable thermal insulation (1.6-1.8 times higher). In the summer they work on the contrary - absorbing sunlight, reduce the temperature in the room.

Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows with their own hands: 7 replies to the main questions and instructions 5782_7
Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows with their own hands: 7 replies to the main questions and instructions 5782_8

Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows with their own hands: 7 replies to the main questions and instructions 5782_9

Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows with their own hands: 7 replies to the main questions and instructions 5782_10

The whole design is not always changing. As a rule, it is necessary if the original form is very violated, there are serious violations on the frame or profile.

  • How to repair a plastic window yourself

2 When need to change the glass?

  • The house gives a shrinkage, mainly it applies to new buildings.
  • There was an inconsistent redevelopment on the lower floors, which led to changes in the geometry of the house.
  • Through the heads tried to crawl the thieves.
  • There was a household explosion at home or on the street.

If you fell into such a situation and the window was damaged, the first thing you should have to call a specialist to evaluate. If eurowindow crashed, the frames most likely remained in the intact condition, and you can only replace the glass package in a plastic window.

Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows with their own hands: 7 replies to the main questions and instructions 5782_12
Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows with their own hands: 7 replies to the main questions and instructions 5782_13

Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows with their own hands: 7 replies to the main questions and instructions 5782_14

Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows with their own hands: 7 replies to the main questions and instructions 5782_15

3 Is it worth changing the number of cameras for more?

Why change one-chamber glazing to two-chamber? As a rule, the first option is often put developers in new buildings to save. It is almost intended for residential spaces. This window freezes, does not protect against noise. The replacement of the structure will immediately affect the room temperature, will become warmer. If you live on a busy street, close to the road or playground, then you will immediately understand: it became quieter. In a word, it will be more comfortable to live, so the answer is unequivocal: if there is an opportunity, increase the number of cameras - it's worth doing this.

Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows with their own hands: 7 replies to the main questions and instructions 5782_16
Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows with their own hands: 7 replies to the main questions and instructions 5782_17

Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows with their own hands: 7 replies to the main questions and instructions 5782_18

Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows with their own hands: 7 replies to the main questions and instructions 5782_19

4 Select a local replacement or dismantling of the entire window?

According to GOST service life of Eurocon 20 years. That is why today the owners of the first models got up before choosing - buy new or limit to the replacement of glasses? Answer this question is easy: if the profiles remained white, it is easy to clean, the frames are easily open and closed, then nothing needs to be changed. You can only update the stuffing, putting new more modern eurosny.

Advantages of local replacement

  • Budget - saves up to half the cost of the procedure.
  • No need to carry out additional dismantling work.
  • No construction garbage.
  • No need to separate the slopes after repair.

Minuses of local repairs

  • It is not always possible, but only if the fittings and frame in perfect condition.
  • You can make local repairs when eurowokly delivered qualitatively and there are no drafts on the seam.

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Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows with their own hands: 7 replies to the main questions and instructions 5782_21

Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows with their own hands: 7 replies to the main questions and instructions 5782_22

Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows with their own hands: 7 replies to the main questions and instructions 5782_23

5 How to choose a new glass window?

Before starting work, it is important to understand what functional you expect from the new product. And to choose a model on the basis of specific problems and wishes.

  • The apartment is cold. If in the winter you constantly freeze at home, the reasons may be different, including in poor-quality eurochene. If heaters and batteries do not cope with the heating of the apartment, it is worth considering the option of substitute material to more modern. For example, if you have two-chamber windows, they should be changed to three-chamber. Specialists advise pay attention to packages with an energy-saving glass sheet with marking I - Planibel Top N +. The heat insulation can still be strengthened if you put two I-sheets, and in the internal chambers start inert gas. Best of all, 3 chain options consisting of 4 glass, one of which energy-saving is coped to the retention of heat in the apartment. Such options are not presented with all manufacturers, for example, there are multifunctional models, they save not only from the cold, but also from high temperatures in the summer.
  • Expressive heating bills. Owners of country houses know: Heating -Vesoming the article of municipal payments. Reduce accounts will help properly decorated window designs. Multifunctional models are suitable, they do not let the heat from the batteries into the street. In the summer, they will save the house from excess overheating in the sun, and in the winter they will save heat, and you will not need to turn on the heater.
  • Sunny outlet. The main problem in such a layout is a strong heating of rooms in the summer. This is especially true for southern regions. To constantly not keep the air conditioner on and save on payment of electricity, it is worth replacing the glass windas on thermal insulation. You can put mirror glasses. They filter half of sunlight and do not give not only to heat the room, but also do not miss harmful UV rays into the house. By the way, such windows will retain the upholstery and wooden furniture from burnout in the sun. There are different models of glasses that are filtered from 40 to 60% of sunlight.
  • Near the track or lively street. For such apartments, the material with additional sound insulation is ideal. He will maintain comfortable silence in the apartment, and your dream will remain inviolable. Keep in mind if you are used to sleeping with an open window or often ventilate, no sound insulation of speech will not go. If you are bothering unnecessary sounds before putting such glasses, consider the ventilation system at home.
  • First floors, view of the next building. Tired of curious glances? Change the transparent filling on the mirror, and no one will see you. True, privacy is saved only in daylight. At night, the effect disappears due to electrical lighting.
  • Want to get rid of protective lattices. Residents of the first floors do not know about the ativandal protection of windows. As a rule, lattices are installed, but in addition to them, you can choose more modern double-glazed windows with a penetration protection system. There are special multi-layered structures, which in combination with special accessories will make the opening actually safe, and the need for lattices will disappear.

Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows with their own hands: 7 replies to the main questions and instructions 5782_24

6 How to replace the glass in the plastic window yourself?

You should not change only one side of the window, leaving the rest in place, it will affect the tightness of the whole design. It will no longer save warm and protect from noise as good as before. The only way to repair damage is to remove all packages completely and order new ones. If the order is urgent, it can be done even for 1 day, but usually the procedure lasts 3-5 days.

How to make an order? First of all, measure all eurowoko. Masters will be interested in the distance from the junction of the stroke with the frame on one side to the same joint on the contrary. Measure the length and width, then delete 10 millimeters from each measurement. The last thing you need to measure is the width of the package.

Stages of replacement

  • First, prepare the installation linings. With a spatula, carefully expand the joint, where the stroke is connected to the frame. Strapkik must be carefully pulled out and mark where it is from.
  • Next, you will need a blade, it needs it, carefully approaching the edges, pull the damaged part of the plastic frame. Wipe the opening from pollution and dust.
  • You can start the installation. We set a new stuffing on special gaskets and with their help using a shovel, insert a new package to the place. Clauses are formed - this is correct, make sure that they are equal on all sides. Using the gaskets, lock the new part on the spot according to the window installation scheme.
  • Return the strokes into place. The work is performed correctly if the window opens and closes without effort.

Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows with their own hands: 7 replies to the main questions and instructions 5782_25
Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows with their own hands: 7 replies to the main questions and instructions 5782_26

Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows with their own hands: 7 replies to the main questions and instructions 5782_27

Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows with their own hands: 7 replies to the main questions and instructions 5782_28

Look at the video, the process of replacing the glass package with their own hands is disassembled short and understandable.

7 How to replace a single-chamber package to two-chamber and save?

Single-chamber windows now do not install almost anyone, because such models have no good thermal insulation indicators. The owners of the windows strive to change them on two and three-chamber. But for such windows you have to pay much more, and since such a model is much thicker than one-sample, install only a sheet without dismantling the entire design will not be possible. Are there any options to save with this repair? Yes there is.

If you explore all the designs, you can see that one-chamber models are 24 and 32 mm thick. The first is classic models, but the second are designs consisting of one chamber, which additionally installed another glass sheet. The camera is reduced there from 24 to 20 mm. That is why there is no point in replacing the glass in a double-glacer on the exact same, you can put instead of one two cameras of the same thickness. But only if you have an extended design. It almost half will increase heat resistant and noise insulation. If you have few of these indicators, order a two-chamber version with one sheet K or I.

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Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows with their own hands: 7 replies to the main questions and instructions 5782_30

Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows with their own hands: 7 replies to the main questions and instructions 5782_31

Replacing double-glazed windows in plastic windows with their own hands: 7 replies to the main questions and instructions 5782_32

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