What curtain cornice is better to choose: 8 parameters for which it is important to pay attention


Dimensions, materials, methods of fixation - we tell about how to choose a cornice on these and other parameters.

What curtain cornice is better to choose: 8 parameters for which it is important to pay attention 5795_1

What curtain cornice is better to choose: 8 parameters for which it is important to pay attention

Among the modern variety of cornices is easy to get confused. They differ in the type of fastening, the number of guides, in the method of fixation - and this is only a small part of the basic parameters for which attention should be paid. In the article we tell how to choose a cornice for curtains and not mistaken.

All about how to choose a mount for curtains and tulle:

  1. Type of model
  2. Types of fastening
  3. Number of guides
  4. Color
  5. Material
  6. Fixation methods
  7. Dimensions
  8. Decor
Useful selection tips

1 Type of model

The first thing we note is the open systems today are experiencing the next round of fashion and are used in designer projects more and more often. But the designs hidden for drywall are gradually moving into the background.

From what exactly should be refused, it is from decorative baguettes - planks that hide the joint with the ceiling. Ornate, decorated gold-plated baguettes with the veilsome patterns have long been relevant. And even in abundantly decorated classic interiors they are not used.


  • Classic option - curtain. It is a rod with a round cross section, which is relevant almost in any interior. This design is ideal for curtains on rings. It is possible to make a mistake here if it is incorrect to choose the diameter of the section. But we will tell about below.
  • Which cornice is better to choose if you want to hang light tulle, but at the same time the rod seems to be volumetric? String. As it is clear from the title, it is a string stretched between two brackets. It is practically imperceptible, so does not attract attention and does not take away the interior.
  • Another option - rails (also called them tires), they have a kind of long chute, which moves, like rails, hook balls for curtains. There may be an option with runners or holders. It is the tires that are often made by multiple and often hide behind the level of mounted ceiling.
  • If the curtains are somewhat, we recommend paying attention to multi-tiered structures: they combine two types, such as rails and strings.

What curtain cornice is better to choose: 8 parameters for which it is important to pay attention 5795_3

2 Types of fastening

Gardina can be fixed on the wall and on the ceiling. The latter can also be used not only to decorate windows and doors, but also zoning room space, be it a bedroom, kitchen or living room. On the wall you can install any model: curtain, string and tire. And the string can be fixed even inside the window opening.

How to choose a ceiling cornice? There are two ways to: use string curtain or tire. With the help of multiple bus holders, a bed or overwhelms are distinguished.

3 Number of guides

Fastenings can be single-row, double row or multi-row. Most often the choice dictates your personal taste, as well as the style of design of the room. For example, for classic interiors with heavy velvet and velvet and several rows of tulle, one-row is clearly not suitable. And for the minimalist situation or the Scandinavian design, the multi-row will definitely become prosperous.

What curtain cornice is better to choose: 8 parameters for which it is important to pay attention 5795_4

4 Management methods

There are various guidine control systems.
  • Without a special mechanism for tissue management.
  • With mechanical control: with a cord or pen.
  • With electric drive control. They can go a remote control or attach the ability to connect to the smart home system.

5 color

How to choose the color of the cornice for curtains so that it does not look outdated? It is not that simple. Some believe that the most universal - gray and brown models. But today the basic are black, white and various yellow shades: gold, brass and aged metals. They look spectacular even in the interiors decorated in basic tones. Gold is generally beautifully combined with all light shades: from gray to any pastel. It is important only to maintain the metal color by other accessories.

What curtain cornice is better to choose: 8 parameters for which it is important to pay attention 5795_5

Of course, this does not mean that gray and brown colors are prohibited. If the interior assumes such shades, feel free to take them. But try in this case to avoid shiny and plastic products. Both those and others often reduce the greater picture.

6 Material

  • Wooden and metal curtains are considered the most reliable. They are able to withstand heavy curtains from velvet. And although they are not too cheap, but they will delight you for quite a long time and is unlikely to lose relevance.
  • An easier option is made of plastic or polyurethane. Today manufacturers produce products in a variety of styles and colors, so you will definitely find your own. True, for severe multi-tiers, they may not be durable enough, and in combination with some materials, for example, velvet, will not look at all appropriate.
  • If you think the strings are able to withstand only Tulle, we hurry to convince you. Yes, the categorous strings are not designed for heavy curtains, but the metal stainless steel is withstanding a very dense tissue.
  • Another solution that will not hit your wallet too much - MDF. This is a decent alternative to wood. But at the same time, alas, about environmental friendliness and durability of speech can not.

What curtain cornice is better to choose: 8 parameters for which it is important to pay attention 5795_6

7 Fabric Fixing Methods

Methods for fastening the curtains are also different and dictated both by your preferences and convenience and the stylistic solution of the interior. The curtain canvas is fixed with clamps, hooks, and can also be attached with the help of chapels or placed on the ball itself without additional fittings.

What curtain cornice is better to choose: 8 parameters for which it is important to pay attention 5795_7

8 How to choose the size of the cornice for curtains and tulle

This is one of the most important parameters. It is from him that the overall impression of the room and the interior depends. Too low and narrow fastening will create a feeling of stiffness, lack of light and air. But in the established too high designs, there is nothing good too: they will make the windows small, as if lost on the walls of the wall. Let's deal with what kind of cornice size is to choose for curtains and how.

If the room is small and simple, you can safely take the design length of the wall. So there will be no effect of the compression of the window between the places.

If the wall is wide, it is important to comply with the proportions. Drapery in the entire wall can reduce the height of the already low ceilings and will unpleasantly pull out the room. But it does not concern the rooms with large windows and wide stale.

Determine the correct size

  1. First you need to measure the width of the window frame - this is the main length of the baguette.
  2. Then it is necessary to add the length of the protrusions to this magnitude. How many? Depends on the type of window. It is necessary that it is fully opened, and at the same time the fabric did not interfere with shutters.
  3. Universal reception: add about 30 cm on each side. However, be sure to count whether it is enough in your case, the length of the protrusions can reach and 70 cm.
  4. Count where the place of installation of Gardina will be located.
  5. Measure the distance between the top edge of the window frame and the lower edge of the curtain.
  6. Add about 10 cm to the resulting value - for curtain and string design and 15 cm - for the tire. If the large window, these values ​​can be broken twice.

Usually, the curtains hang a little higher than the goat (with the exception of the string, which is attached to the frame).

What curtain cornice is better to choose: 8 parameters for which it is important to pay attention 5795_8

How to determine the correct diameter of the rod

If you have a barbell, pay attention to its diameter.
  • In small and medium rooms with standard ceilings up to 2.7 m, thin models with a cross section of 16 to 25 mm are suitable.
  • If the ceilings are high, the rod can be greater - up to 32 mm.


After you have chosen the wall cornice for curtains, you can think about accessories. You can add the basis for decor: for example, porridge, candlestick lanterns, special suspension or garlands. The latter looks particularly well in children's rooms.

Careful with tips. Vitious elements, rhinestones and engraving can look cheap and inconsistently. The simpler design of additional elements, the better. Especially when it comes to simple interiors that do not require multiple parts: modern style, minimalism, Scandinavian and loft. Even in classic rooms and country interiors, which are samples of abundant decoration, also better choose the more modest elements of the window decor.

What curtain cornice is better to choose: 8 parameters for which it is important to pay attention 5795_9

You can express my mood and stylistic orientation by pickups, lambrequins and tassels. The quality of material and fittings is played here. In addition, textiles, if you get tired, you can easily change. The replacement of Gardina from a technical point of view is still more difficult.

Bonus: useful tips for choosing

  • For a rod longer than one and a half meters, two supporting brackets are enough - on the sides. If the length of the rod is up to 150 to 280 cm, then you must add another bracket in the middle. Long products up to 380 cm are attached to four brackets. This will provide them with reliability and safety.
  • The distance from the side wall to the tip should not be less than 2 cm, otherwise the room will look close.
  • If you have liked a model with curly tips, remember that their length is turned on in the size of the entire structure.
  • Brackets are fastened outside the goat, otherwise they will become an obstacle to the full opening of the curtains.
  • If the window is high, and the distance to the ceiling is less than 10-15 cm, it makes sense to look at the ceiling curtain mounting systems.
  • What curtain cornice is better to choose for children? The most reliable system is curtain with rings and loops on the fabric. She will not be nothing, even if the child jumps sharply for the curtain. But the hooks or clips on the rails can reveal. There is nothing terrible, but be prepared for the fact that periodically the fabric will have to correlate.
  • For the children's room, it is desirable to choose eco-friendly materials: metal and wood. MDF is better abandoned.
  • Decorate erker windows is not difficult. It is enough to order baguette type rails with a bend under the angle you need or use hinges to connect them.

What curtain cornice is better to choose: 8 parameters for which it is important to pay attention 5795_10

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