Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room


Storage in a niche, behind a curtain or even in the middle of the room - we collect small, beautiful and superchard wardrobe with IKEA.

Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_1

Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room

1 Combination with the bedroom

Designers IKEA are confident that the small bedroom can be combined with a dressing room and get a stylish original space in which all your things will fit.

Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_3
Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_4
Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_5
Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_6
Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_7

Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_8

Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_9

Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_10

Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_11

Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_12

This is a non-obvious, but a much more practical solution than attempts to fit in a tiny room a large closet, which, besides, visually overloads the space.

Wardrobe Solutions in Bedroom

  • Hang wall crossbars for hangers. They occupy a minimum of space and allow you to use empty walls.
  • Spread the wardrobe to the section. For example, keep separate clothes for work, sports and walks. It accelerates the process of cleaning, morning fees and allows the maximum to use space in the room.
  • Use glass doors. If you put a dresser in a small bedroom, select a model with glass doors - they visually make furniture easier and allow you to better navigate the fact that where it lies.
  • Store the little things on the perforated board. In this case, endless boxes, drawers and boxes will not use you.
  • Put boxers with things. If you create a dressing room for several family members, use yarnings, color stickers and other tags so that each quickly find the desired thing.

Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_13

Wall panel "Skodis"

2 156.


2 Little Storeroom or Niche

Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_14
Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_15

Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_16

Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_17

If there is a small storage room or a deep niche in the apartment, try using the maximum number of shelves in it, more things like it. Along one of the walls to the shelves, you can add crossbars for outerwear and coasters for shoes. At the same time, the niche is better separated from the rest of the room with a curtain, it is much simpler and more compact than installing sliding doors.

Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_18

Ceiling mounted module "Lakk"

3 999.


3 Aesthetic storage

Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_19
Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_20
Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_21
Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_22

Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_23

Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_24

Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_25

Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_26

Even if there is very little space in the room and in it you need to organize the storage of a large number of things - this is not a reason to forget about beauty. Wardrobe in small space is always a bit accent detail and a creative solution.

Find beautiful boxes, hang in the prominent place your favorite jewelry, put the most beautiful shoes in the cabinet with glass doors. And the rest hide into special boxes under the bed or close the curtain.

Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_27

Bag for storage "knock"



4 Along the wall

Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_28
Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_29
Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_30

Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_31

Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_32

Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_33

The easiest way to create a tiny dressing room at home is to highlight one wall under it. In the width, such a solution will take no more than 40-50 cm, while the cabinet would take from 60-70 cm, because in order for hangers with clothes, they do not cling to the doors, you need a gap.

Making such a dressing room, you can follow the example of major clothing stores. They are often used on their warehouses long rods for hangers in several rows, which can thus the maximum amount of clothing and avoiding the need to iron.

Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_34

Rod Hard "compliment"



5 as zoning tool

Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_35
Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_36

Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_37

Microgarderous from IKEA: 5 original ideas that are even suitable for the smallest room 5803_38

In the Studio Apartment, you can combine the solution of the tasks of keeping clothes and zoning space. For example, using an open rack, you can separate the bedroom zone from the workplace or living room. In order for such a separation does not look cumbersome and did not create a space deprived of natural light from the window, choose open solutions with a minimum drawer.

Optimal filling for shelving

  • Shelves and retractable boxes in the upper and lower part.
  • Open space with crossbars for hangers in the middle.

Algoth System

Algoth System

8 670.


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