Replacement of the lock on the entrance door: useful tips for different castle structures


We tell us when you can do the replacement of the cylinder, how to change the rotor and the block and what to do with a mortise and deposit type of the Suwald Castle.

Replacement of the lock on the entrance door: useful tips for different castle structures 5823_1

Replacement of the lock on the entrance door: useful tips for different castle structures

Most often, the need to replace locks or their secret mechanisms occurs when someone from household loses keys. If the firm who has established the door to you is still on the market, you can contact it for the service. If not, you have to solve the problem yourself. No less good base for such an operation - the mechanism is jammed. After all, if a substantial part breaks, for example, the spring of Suwald, the door will be blocked and not to open it without the help of the service wizard or employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Fortunately, it is not always necessary to change the whole castle. For example, in cylinder models it is enough to establish a new mechanism of secrecy, while the main body (executive part) remains in its place.

Cylinder replacement

A simple operation, since the cylinder is fixed in the lock housing by a single screw available from the end part of the canvas. It is enough to unscrew this screw - and the cylinder is freely extracted towards the room. The outer protector, as a rule, is not required to dismantle, but if the cylinder is equipped with a built-in knocking protection (and it is present from most modern models), you need to insert the key and turn it about a quarter of the turn clockwise.

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Replacement of the lock on the entrance door: useful tips for different castle structures 5823_4
Replacement of the lock on the entrance door: useful tips for different castle structures 5823_5

Replacement of the lock on the entrance door: useful tips for different castle structures 5823_6

Replacement of the lock on the entrance door: useful tips for different castle structures 5823_7

The cylinder profile does not depend on the number of code elements, so the simple device can be replaced by highly specified, with pins located in different planes.

Replacement of the lock on the entrance door: useful tips for different castle structures 5823_8

Highly specified device with pins located in different planes.

With the purchase of a new mechanism of secrecy, it will not arise difficult. Cylinders are universal, or rather, there are devices of two main types, or profiles, - European (they are most common) and Finnish (have a cylindrical shape and are used in Abloy castles). In order not to make a mistake with the choice, it is necessary to determine the type of the cylinder, as well as measure its length and the distance from the opening under the fastening screw to each of the ends. If you would like to increase the secrecy of the castle, you should give preference to new models with an interactive pin or the location of the pins in different planes.

Work with Suwald (combined) locks

Deposit Castle

If you do not see the facial lock of the lock and the fastening screws, but there are only holes for the rheel, it means that the door is equipped with a contribution lock. Such a mechanism is reliably protected from hacking, but it is difficult to replace it: access to the housing is opened only after dismantling the internal finishing panel. Well, if this panel is fixed with corners and screws - then the whole case will take no more than an hour. But if it is fixed with ripples or glue, remove it without damaging, it will be much harder.

Replacement of the lock on the entrance door: useful tips for different castle structures 5823_9
Replacement of the lock on the entrance door: useful tips for different castle structures 5823_10
Replacement of the lock on the entrance door: useful tips for different castle structures 5823_11

Replacement of the lock on the entrance door: useful tips for different castle structures 5823_12

The combined system (a), as a rule, allows you to replace only secrecy mechanisms.

Replacement of the lock on the entrance door: useful tips for different castle structures 5823_13

While the design of the classic Suwald Castle is not provided.

Replacement of the lock on the entrance door: useful tips for different castle structures 5823_14

A new castle, as in the previous case, must completely coincide with the old on the satellite. If you failed to find analog, then with the help of a grinder and a compact welding machine (semiautoma), you can completely remake the lock pocket. True, for such work it will be necessary to pay at least 5 thousand rubles, and it will take several hours. It is desirable that to visit the master panel to be removed and bought a new castle, otherwise the door can remain unlocked for a day.

Cutting castle

The mortise lock is installed with the end (edge) part of the canvas and is fixed with two screws. It is easy to remove it, but it will be replaced only on the product of the same model, since there should be a coincidence of the holes for the riglels, fasteners and a keyhole. And what if the manufacturer went from the market or you do not suit the reliability of the castle? Then you should try to find the most close to the dimensions of the analogue and install it with a locksmith. Instead of individual holes under the riglels, you can cut a solid groove, but it is desirable to increase the box with a plate or insert. For the transfer of fasteners, the front plank will need drill and lacc.

Replacement of the lock on the entrance door: useful tips for different castle structures 5823_15
Replacement of the lock on the entrance door: useful tips for different castle structures 5823_16
Replacement of the lock on the entrance door: useful tips for different castle structures 5823_17

Replacement of the lock on the entrance door: useful tips for different castle structures 5823_18

To dismantle a mortise lock with a tongue, you need to remove the handle.

Replacement of the lock on the entrance door: useful tips for different castle structures 5823_19

Then unscrew the screws on the end bar.

Replacement of the lock on the entrance door: useful tips for different castle structures 5823_20

After that, the housing is easily extracted. The entire operation for replacing the mechanism (if the same model was purchased) takes a few minutes.

  • How to choose the right door lock: overview of the parameters to which it is important to pay attention

Replacing the rotor or block of the Suwald Castle

Some models of Suwald and Rotary-Suwald Castles (for example, Gardian 21.14, Mottura Nucleo My Key), as well as cylinder, allow you to replace only the secret part, which together with a set of keys can be purchased at an authorized dealer center. Operation itself is extremely simple: models of this constructive type, as a rule, currency and removed from the end of the web, or to access the housing in the inner panel is provided by the window.

Replacement of the lock on the entrance door: useful tips for different castle structures 5823_22
Replacement of the lock on the entrance door: useful tips for different castle structures 5823_23

Replacement of the lock on the entrance door: useful tips for different castle structures 5823_24

Usually in the doorway there is a pocket, designed to install two locks of different systems or ...

Replacement of the lock on the entrance door: useful tips for different castle structures 5823_25

... one combined. This pocket is closed in the internal finishing panel.

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