How to build a woodwood for giving with your own hands: Step-by-step instruction


We tell about the types of structures, materials for construction and give instructions how to build the foundation, walls and roof.

How to build a woodwood for giving with your own hands: Step-by-step instruction 5859_1

How to build a woodwood for giving with your own hands: Step-by-step instruction

The woodwood is needed primarily to dry out the disturbed firewood, and in the future it is not to give them to wet in the rain or snow. It is important when you get fired, - dry tree gives more heat. Properly equipped storage for firewood is also the decoration of the site: Lengins are smooth rows, bright texture of the tree adds comfort. In the article we tell how to make a woodwood with your own hands.

How to build a storage for firewood on the plot

Types of designs
  • Separately worthy
  • Adjacent to house

Choosing a place

Important rules for construction


How to build a repository with your own hands

Types of structures and requirements for building

Wilroover for giving with his own hands to build easy. Several species are distinguished: a separate building under its own roof (single and double), more similar to the barn; canopy or an extension near the house; Built-in design or small decorative linen. But for each of the varieties there are general requirements. More details we look at the first two design options and show them in the photo.

The design should be roomy, protect the raw material from moisture, blow out air so that the lamps are not covered with mold and have not rotted over the winter. If you plan to build a separate building, it is better to hide it somewhere in the depths of the site so as not to clutter the landscape.

How to build a woodwood for giving with your own hands: Step-by-step instruction 5859_3

  • How to build food with your own hands

Separately standing

How to make a woodwood in the form of an independent building? The simplest solution for making the frame and the stand is to wear four columns of metal, pick up the floor above the ground and consolidate with your own hands canopy for firewood at the cottage. Such a design is easily done from the residues of building materials that everyone has in the country. But, as a rule, these buildings are small, and if it is necessary to store enough fuel, it makes sense to plan a more thorough building. Make a drawing of the future project, consider the layout and location.

How to build a woodwood for giving with your own hands: Step-by-step instruction 5859_5
How to build a woodwood for giving with your own hands: Step-by-step instruction 5859_6

How to build a woodwood for giving with your own hands: Step-by-step instruction 5859_7

How to build a woodwood for giving with your own hands: Step-by-step instruction 5859_8

The gap between the ground and the floor is not covered by the basement, it is necessary to remove the garbage and provide air access. You can arrange a pallet there in order to be more comfortable to clean. The walls are made with lattice, and so that it does not fall into the inside, the planks are stuck under a small angle. How to build a woodwood, if you do not have planks? You do not need to buy them specifically, the replacement can become any lumber more or less than the same size. It is possible to position it in different ways: vertically, horizontally, at an angle or diagonally. Leave more cracks. Use nails and screws to secure.

How to build a woodwood for giving with your own hands: Step-by-step instruction 5859_9
How to build a woodwood for giving with your own hands: Step-by-step instruction 5859_10

How to build a woodwood for giving with your own hands: Step-by-step instruction 5859_11

How to build a woodwood for giving with your own hands: Step-by-step instruction 5859_12

The bars can be stacked in two ways: having the top of the plank longitudinally or transversely. In the first case, the wrapping will be well ventilated, and in the second will be protected from precipitation. Choose a convenient way depending on the climate and the region.

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How to build a woodwood for giving with your own hands: Step-by-step instruction 5859_14

How to build a woodwood for giving with your own hands: Step-by-step instruction 5859_15

How to build a woodwood for giving with your own hands: Step-by-step instruction 5859_16

Construction adjacent to the wall of the main building

The second type of design is an extension to the house. It is much easier to build than a separate building. Ideal for those who do not stock up a large number of firewood. Such construction has features. Since it will join the house, an increased level of fire danger arises, the risk of breeding malicious insects and the occurrence of fungus.

The main feature of construction is in the compound of foundations. If the country house was erected with the calculation of the future an extension, there are no problems, but if the foundation under the woodwood was not laid, then connect the base of the storage with the main foundation would be very difficult. There is a high risk to harm the construction.

How to build a woodwood for giving with your own hands: Step-by-step instruction 5859_17

Selection of place to build

The main error in the construction of the wood storage is incorrectly selected. A separate building should not be in the center of the site - it will interfere with the landing growth, create a shadow and generally destroy the overall picture of the site. In lowland, it is impossible to build, too, the tree will absorb an extra moisture and rotates. It is best to choose a platform at a distance, where nothing grows, preferably on the hill, and pave a paved path to it. Note that from the main building the design should be at a distance of at least 4 meters, it is also not worth putting the structure next to the bath.

As for the buildings adjacent to the house, it is more convenient to have them from the south side, where more than the sun. Southwestern and west wall of the house will also fit. If you live in a cold area with frequent strong winds, make an extension from the north, it will be an additional protection of the house from drafts and freezing.

How to build a woodwood for giving with your own hands: Step-by-step instruction 5859_18

Important rules that need to be considered

Do not add to the woodwood to the wooden house. It is dangerous at once for several reasons. First of all, you violate fire safety rules, in addition, insects that can live in the lamps, calmly move into the house, can even apply the walls. In this case, a separate building is suitable.

Separately standing storages for the winter should be covered with plywood. The lattice walls that pass the air will not protect against snow with rain, and the plywood will become an additional obstacle for moisture. In the spring it is cleaned to be fun to dry better.

How to build a woodwood for giving with your own hands: Step-by-step instruction 5859_19

Several tips on the storage of firewood: if the tree fits in the spring, then it will be ready only for autumn. And the lamps, prepared in the summer, dried and will be ready for use only by next year. Therefore, it is important to store the blanks in advance.

  • How do it yourself make a fire in the country and not violate the rules of fire safety

Materials for the Woodrovnik

As a material, a timber is usually used, the floor is also laid out by wood. To save, some are used as construction materials and a porch. Although they are inferior by the strength of Brus. Significant minus - they are quite difficult to fix. Alternatively, you can use pinned boards laid on the lags. Also suitable brick and stone, residual timber.

How to build a woodwood for giving with your own hands: Step-by-step instruction 5859_21
How to build a woodwood for giving with your own hands: Step-by-step instruction 5859_22

How to build a woodwood for giving with your own hands: Step-by-step instruction 5859_23

How to build a woodwood for giving with your own hands: Step-by-step instruction 5859_24

How to build a canopy for firewood in the country

Before proceeding to work, determine how much fuel you will store. If the country house is used occasionally, in the winter they do not come there, and the blanks are needed for the most part for the mantle, then you don't need a full shed. And, on the contrary, if you plan to live in the country all winter, you should stock as much as possible.


The simplest thing is to wear columns to the ground. Usually their height is equal to the level on which the building does not freeze. If the weather is often windy, then the framework must be fixed with anchor bolts that are bought in the columns. After that, the design is concreted, falling asleep with sand with crushed stone layers, after which it is tightly tumped. The foundation is ready.

How to build a woodwood for giving with your own hands: Step-by-step instruction 5859_25
How to build a woodwood for giving with your own hands: Step-by-step instruction 5859_26

How to build a woodwood for giving with your own hands: Step-by-step instruction 5859_27

How to build a woodwood for giving with your own hands: Step-by-step instruction 5859_28

Floor laying

The next point will be the flooring. Often it is left simply with a lattice or are made at the bottom of the gap. It is necessary for good air circulation so that the wood does not absorb moisture. But this method has its own minuses. Sawdust, which will draw from wood to the floor, can become a favorable medium for the habitat of pests. It is dangerous not only for fuel reserves, but also for the construction, and even for plants in the country area. Cutting sawdust can even be worried under the floor. The pros is advised to think over this moment on the foundation tab. If you make it monolithic, then the need for floor laying will disappear. By the way, the concrete floor will gradually give the heat that will accumulate over the summer, so the firewood will dry better.

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How to build a woodwood for giving with your own hands: Step-by-step instruction 5859_30

How to build a woodwood for giving with your own hands: Step-by-step instruction 5859_31

How to build a woodwood for giving with your own hands: Step-by-step instruction 5859_32


The walls as we said are made with lattice, out of planks, so the blanks are kept dry thanks to the circulation of air, but from precipitation such a frame protects badly. There is no single opinion about the location of the planks, materials and thickness. The horizontal statement makes the frame more durable, but rain drops score from it. It is best to make a diagonal crate, but for this you need better materials. An ideal solution: to arrange the lower half of the walls tightly, and put the top to lay on the straps. Thus, the lower part will hold moisture, and the upper supply of air access.

The walls of the walls on the manner of the blinds will reliably protect against moisture, but will complicate the air exchange and slow down the drying. Therefore, if you have a bar on the principle of blinds, leave the gaps between them more. You can make ventilation in the woodwood.

How to build a woodwood for giving with your own hands: Step-by-step instruction 5859_33


The pros advise you to plan the roof with a slope from the house, and not the opposite. It will help warmth from home to penetrate the wobbler and dry lamps. It is important not to make the front wall tightly closed. Under the sink of the roof will accumulate wet air and lamps will become raw. The flooring can be made of galvanized and corrugated, the main thing is that it is easy and does not overload the entire design. Svez roofs are better made from 35 centimeters and more - so it will protect the fuel reserves from precipitation.

In regions with strong precipitates, it is recommended to plan a batch roof from the building - it protects more reliably from rain and snow. FRONTON is worth leaving the lattice for better air penetration.

After the end of the construction work, be sure to process insects. This applies not only to wooden, but also brick buildings. Bugs can penetrate into the smallest gaps and get ready there with a record speed, your task is to prevent the uninvited guests to be inside the house.

In the final, we offer watch a video about the construction of the woven.

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