7 errors in the cleaning of the bathroom that harm your health


Choose aggressive household chemicals, do not dry the flush to the toilet and leave the surface with wet - we list errors that you may not attach values, although they are nevertheless very important.

7 errors in the cleaning of the bathroom that harm your health 5865_1

7 errors in the cleaning of the bathroom that harm your health

Once reading? See short video with error analysis

And now we tell more.

1 Do not dry the fleece for toilet

Bacteria inevitably accumulate on the toilet bowls - it is known to everyone. But if it does not dry it and not disinfect, and then wash the bowl of the toilet inside it, all the efforts on cleaning will be reduced. In addition, in a wet environment, the bacteria multiply with even greater frequency.

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2 Forget about cleaning for the toilet

Few negtees cleaning toilet bowl. At least once a week, or even more often, this paragraph is defined. But for the toilet, we often forget to clean, although it is necessary, because there are no less dust and dirt. There are no problems if you have a suspended model, it's easier to wash the floor with it and do not forget anything.

3 choose aggressive household chemicals

Here, as they say, a stick about two ends. On the one hand, you want to be confident in the quality of cleaning and clean the plumbing by some advertised "Domasestos", which kills all the microbes. After all, it promises advertising. However, breathe during the cleaning of this tool or contact it without gloves - processes that are clearly not beneficial for health. Moreover, it is possible to disinfect with household means, such as vinegar or hydrogen peroxide.

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4 incorrectly disinfect surface

In the previous paragraph, we mentioned the home remedies for disinfection, however, and they need to be used correctly. So, there is an opinion that if you mix vinegar with soda, the disinfectant properties of the first will practically come to no. If you want to use these domestic products, use them in turn. For example, first go through the surface of soda. Remove it with water. And then apply vinegar to the sponge and wipe the plumbing.

Use soda with caution, abrasive particles can damage ceramic surfaces.

5 Forget about ventilation grilles

If you have ventilation in the bathroom, remember when the last time you wiped the ventilation grille? Say what is on the weekend? Then we congratulate you, you do not forget about anything while cleaning. Although the ventilation grille is one of the most dirtiest places in the apartment that is always forgotten. When ventilation turns on, the axial dust and dirt penetrates back to the room, and you breathe it.

7 errors in the cleaning of the bathroom that harm your health 5865_5

6 Do not close the cover for the toilet

You werehed the bowl of the toilet bowl, passed the disinfectant and then the flip button was pressed. If you do it with an open lid, splashes and bacteria will inevitably fall on all the nearest surfaces. It is always about to wash off the toilet with a closed lid, despite cleaning, and there is nothing to say. Take this for the rule and tell the children.

7 Leave excess moisture

The bathroom is the wet room itself, especially if you keep the door is always closed. After cleaning, the moisture is only added, because all the surfaces and plumbing almost no one wipes - it requires extra time and effort. Check this zone more often, leave the door open when you leave home so that excessive humidity does not accumulate, because this is the cause of mold and bacteria.

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