We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA


Non-standard storage under the ceiling, mini-dressing room and a compact corner for books - we use unexpected and creative solutions to the Scandinavian designers for decoring a small apartment.

We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_1

We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA

1 bedroom with elements of the living room, dining room and office

In a small apartment, you have to use as many things that combine several different functions in themselves. Unexpected associations help to significantly save space. For example, two labored beds fold one to another, turning into a sofa, which you can plant the coming guests.

We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_3
We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_4
We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_5
We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_6

We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_7

We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_8

We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_9

We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_10

The sliding table and light folding chairs help turn the working area for one person into a dining area for several people. Wooden drawers from under the apples, which lay down a small outdoor chest, can be used for stylish and non-banal storage of smallest things not only in everyday life, but also during the move.

We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_11

Stacked Beds "Utoker"

20 997.


  • 5 functional zones that can be placed in a small living room

2 book corner

We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_13
We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_14

We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_15

We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_16

Find in a small apartment space for a large bookcase in which all the books are in time, - almost impossible task, as too many more important things that need their place. But this is not a reason to abandon paper books or store them at different corners of the house.

Try split storage for several small sections. For example, under the windowsill, you can put a low open rack, or decompose the books in a multi-tiered open trolley on wheels. In the latter case, there will be a mobile mini-library that you can take with you to the bedroom, living room or kitchen.

We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_17

Trolley "Roskug"

3 999.


  • 7 ready ideas from IKEA 2021 catalog, which can be applied in a small apartment

3 mini wardrobe

We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_19
We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_20

We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_21

We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_22

Due to open storage systems, such as floor hangers on wheels, shelves and wall crossbars, you can create a miniature, but functional dressing room, where everything is in sight and gently sorted.

At the same time, it is noticeably easier to find a place for such storage than to enter a large wardrobe coupe in the interior. You can hang a wall crossbar above the sofa, put a floor hanger near the workplace or hang the shelves in the corner near the door.

We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_23

Outdoor hanger "Rigga"

1 399.


  • 6 useful and compact things for a small apartment that will add to her functionality

4 Tiny Winter Garden

We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_25
We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_26

We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_27

We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_28

Made the windowsill with flower pots - very beaten and boring solution. However, other free surfaces can be quite a bit. If you have many plants at home or you only plan to start them, try to find a little loose place and distribute the pots vertically on the rack or on the wall. In the second case, a wall rail is suitable for clothing, which can be hung up.

We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_29

Shelving "Heine"

1 699.


  • 5 functional zones in the apartment for which you need less space than it seems

5 Storage under the ceiling and in the corner

We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_31
We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_32

We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_33

We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_34

Ikea racks are good because they weigh little and almost do not occupy space. That is, you can fix them above the doorway and on the sides of it - in places that always remain empty and not involved. On the side of the bed is also better to put a bedside table, in which almost nothing fitted, and an open rack for books, alarms and other little things.

We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_35

Stellage "Vegbie"

1 299.


6 miniature workplace

We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_36
We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_37
We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_38

We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_39

We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_40

We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_41

It is very difficult to focus at work, if there is no desktop at home. You can work in bed or at the dining table, but then there will be many distracting moments.

The smallest desktop ICEA allows you to locate a laptop and notebook for entries and fit in any bedroom or living room. When you do not work, it can turn into a dressing table or a place for storing books.

We draw the functional areas in a small apartment: 6 ideas from IKEA 5871_42

Desktop "Lynnmon"

1 999.


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