What furniture can be renovated: 7 selection criteria


Old furniture does not always have value. Assemble the main criteria for the one that is worth being restored.

What furniture can be renovated: 7 selection criteria 589_1

What furniture can be renovated: 7 selection criteria

Despite the fact that retro in fashion should not include in the interior any items of antiquity. Sometimes restoration will cost more the purchase of a new object in the mass market, so the update question is worth it thought thoughtfully. Here are a few criteria for which you need to pay attention before paying the piece of furniture to the Master to restore.

Listed all criteria for selecting furniture for restoration in video

1 convenience

Whatever valuable and ancient there is a thing to successfully fit into the residential interior, it must also be comfortable. After all, it is about constant use in everyday life, which means you should be comfortable to handle the old thing. The bed is not in size, the chair, on which it is impossible to sit, or a servant, where your collection of dishes will not fit, may not be worth spending on the restoration, because in the interior they are unlikely to come.

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2 indispensability

If the completed interior does exactly the retrojectal, it should be restored. For example, a stool from the kit, which is difficult to replace evenly. Or central focus in the interior in the form of an antique Survanta. Things existing in a bargain instance, if you are holding the concept of your interior, it is necessary to restore and update from time to once.

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  • 6 examples when old furniture in the interior is better than new (restore, and do not throw out!)

3 Combination

Each item must be competently entered into an existing environment. This also applies to modern things, and retro. The restoration needs to send the furniture that will fit the stylistics and the palette of your interior. But the same upholstery can be replaced by a more successful in terms of compatibility.

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4 Historical value

If you think about whether to invest in the restoration of old furniture, try consult with the appraiser. In the event that the subject has historical value, the restoration makes sense. In other cases, it may be wiser to buy new furniture if you attract retro - in retrostile.

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5 Bright design

The most colorful looks of antiquities, possessing a pronounced design. They accurately reflect the spirit of time and, as a rule, are very valuable. It is precisely such subjects to add the modern house to the romanticism of the past.

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6 Quality

Some Soviet and pre-revolutionary furniture were made for centuries, for its manufacture, valuable and durable wood species were used, covered with high-quality varnishes, and therefore it was preserved to the present day. Of course, if you compare such things with a modern mass market, the value of the antiquity will be not only intellectual, but also material. In high-quality retro is intelligently inserted and restored.

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What furniture can be renovated: 7 selection criteria 589_38

  • 7 options for restoration of old furniture (and what you should choose)

7 need

It is strange to invest in the restoration of the new table headset when you do not plan to replace them with an existing one. Restore that antique furniture that can be useful in your interior.

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