7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions)


The aesthetics of the room, there is still not enough places for storage and the most alarming - the cabinet does not fall into a niche. We warn these and other possible troubles that can spoil all the joy from possessing built-in furniture.

7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions) 5904_1

7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions)

1 Furniture does not go to the door during transportation

Pay attention to the door of the built-in closet you order. Often sliding doors are gathering already at the enterprise and are delivered assembled.

What to do?

You need to measure the doorways, the width of the corridor and make sure that nothing will interfere with the installation in the room. Also, the question may arise with the elevator and the door in the entrance - think over the whole path in advance that the furniture should pass.

7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions) 5904_3

2 The cabinet does not fall into a niche due to the curves of the walls and the ceiling

Before ordering built-in furniture, check the curvature of the walls and the ceiling. If it is essential, the storage system simply will not stand in a niche. We will have to align either with the help of cement and gypsum mixtures, or, in the most difficult cases - to put plasterboard panels.

What to do?

Measure the curvature in advance. For this there are two most popular ways: use a laser level or construction plumb. If the repair is not planned, you can make furniture slightly less niche and hide the gap with the help of the folder in the color of the material.

7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions) 5904_4
7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions) 5904_5

7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions) 5904_6

7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions) 5904_7

3 After the furniture seems to be a curve

In fact, in this case, the curvature is likely to have a nearby window or walls, a door jamb or other furniture.

What to do?

If the built-in furniture quietly entered and got into her niche, the curvature can not be in it. Since before the appearance of the built-in closet, you did not notice such problems, it means that very soon the feeling that the furniture is not flat will disappear - your eyes will simply get used to, just like before that you are accustomed to other geometric seizures of the room.

7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions) 5904_8
7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions) 5904_9
7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions) 5904_10

7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions) 5904_11

7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions) 5904_12

7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions) 5904_13

4 wardrobe turned out dark

Built-in wardrobes are usually planning deep enough and spacious. It is very important to consider the backlight that will help find everything you need.

What to do?

At the repair stage, you need to plan the location of point lamps in a niche, where the built-in furniture will be. If the repair is not planned, you can use diode tapes and lamps with a battery on adhesive tape.

7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions) 5904_14
7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions) 5904_15

7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions) 5904_16

7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions) 5904_17

5 places a lot, but things do not fit

It is very important to think through the internal division into the sections. But at the exit, it is easy to make a mistake with the number of shelves, crossbars and rates.

What to do?

In advance, analyze the wardrobe of all households and count what area should be at the crossbar for hangers, and what the shelves have. You may want to keep household appliances in the closet, for example, a vacuum cleaner or steam generator, and it will be reasonable to provide a retractable box or niche.

7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions) 5904_18
7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions) 5904_19
7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions) 5904_20

7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions) 5904_21

7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions) 5904_22

7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions) 5904_23

6 remains useless space under the ceiling

If you have chosen furniture, which is embedded on the floor to the ceiling, you need to immediately think that you will keep at the very top, where it is difficult to climb.

What to do?

It is reasonable to take this space under bed linen sets, blankets and seasonal clothes. Decide what you will store it (in vacuum packages, boxes or wicker baskets), and make the shelf of a suitable height.

7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions) 5904_24
7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions) 5904_25

7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions) 5904_26

7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions) 5904_27

7 Aesthetics interior broke

It will be a shame if, due to the built-in furniture, a number of point luminaires will be slightly not in the center of the room or part of the floor tile will be asymmetrically hidden under the furniture.

What to do?

Fantasy space for future built-in furniture, focus on everything that will surround it so that the final picture looks harmonious.

7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions) 5904_28
7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions) 5904_29

7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions) 5904_30

7 possible problems with embedded cabinets (and solutions solutions) 5904_31

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