6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays


These compact houses with thoughtful and beautiful interiors will not leave indifferent anyone.

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_1

We collected examples of registration of small country houses, where everything is provided: and a large double bed, and a full kitchen, and a recreation area. Depending on the preferences of the owners, the houses are supplemented or places for storage, or decorative details, or bright palette and active decor. In each of them, I absolutely want to spend the weekend (or all my life).

1 Scand-house with places for storage

The owners of this house are obvious reading lovers: after all, even on such a small sweatshop, they managed to provide a large number of places to store the home library. Some of them are hidden in the cavities of the stairs, and the part is in the shelf on the attic floor. There is also a bedroom with a large double mattress. In the kitchen, the rate is made on the mobility of the structures: the folding table can serve as a place for lunch, and the desktop. The cooking zone is equipped with an additional folding table top, thanks to which you can enlarge the working surface. And when there is no need to be a tabletop and release a bit of place.

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_2
6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_3
6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_4

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_5

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_6

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_7

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2 Cozy House with Retro Elements

Looking at the interior of this house, we are transferred for several decades ago: the motley carpet under the legs, a sleeping place on the elevation - as if on the furnace, and instead of the TV - a real mini-oven, cleared by firewood. All this magnificence is supplemented with bright textiles and a roof chandelier on the ceiling. Despite the very small size of the dwelling, there are enough places for storage. Advantageously, these are open systems near both the bed and a few more shelves in the kitchen zone over the working surface. Even mini-version of the wardrobe with clothes hangers - it is located right behind the bed instead of the head of. And there is a book rack - next to the sofa.

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_9
6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_10
6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_11
6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_12
6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_13

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_14

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_15

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_16

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_17

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_18

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3 House on wheels for big family

Houses on wheels are an excellent option to spend alone with nature, but if you have a big family, the one-room version of the house is unlikely to suit. But this equipped trailer, despite the compact size, can well accommodate a family with children. On the attic floor under the roof, a spacious children with two mattress beds is equipped. Thanks to such a concise form, the height of the frame is not spent, and there are more spaces in the bedroom. But on the lower tier is equipped with a full bedroom with a bed on a frame and even a TV. This is a fully closed room that adjies to the kitchen space with a sofa and a working area.

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_20
6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_21
6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_22
6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_23
6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_24
6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_25
6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_26
6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_27
6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_28

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_29

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_30

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_31

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_32

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_33

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_34

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_35

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_36

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_37

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4 mini-house with panoramic windows and jacuzzi in the open

The interior of this house is made in neutral shades and filled with interesting details. Above the sofa in the recreation area hangs a picture in a complex frame. The dining area is equipped with a round table with a bright natural texture of a tree. By the way, the wooden texture is a unifying link in the whole interior. Wooden details are in each room. The house also has a fireplace and a cozy separate bedroom with snow-white textiles. And on the street there is a convenient recreation area with a jacuzzi, grill, swings and a bonfringe zone.

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_39
6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_40
6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_41
6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_42
6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_43
6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_44
6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_45
6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_46
6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_47
6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_48

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_49

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_50

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_51

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_52

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_53

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_54

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_55

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_56

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_57

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_58

5 Contrast interior with folding bar counter and separate bedroom

The finish of this house is built on a contrasting combination of white color and a saturated wooden texture of a dark shade. The interior turned out to be nordically cold due to the fact that the shade of the tree was chosen dark, without rim. Adds moods and textiles in the bedroom - the same white as the walls. Nevertheless, this combination looks comfortable thanks to a natural decor and minimalist design, where there is no place to be superfluous "choking" details.

The undoubted plus of this interior is that the bedroom is separated from the main space and looks quite secluded. A kitchen-living area is equipped with a worktop, which serves as a workplace, and a dining area. When there is no need for neither in the other, the countertop can simply fold and release more space.

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_59
6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_60
6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_61
6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_62

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_63

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_64

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_65

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_66

6 Country Style Interior with Bright Textiles and Wooden Finish

Very small, but an absolutely cozy country house on wheels is completely separated by natural wood. In some places, even the untreated texture is overlooked, which makes the interior even warmer and "home". The kitchen is located right at the entrance, there was a place due to the abandonment of the hallway. Opposite the kitchen area there is a bathroom and a spacious wardrobe. The main space occupies a large double bed, decorated with bright adamped textiles in the country style. Here there is a rocking chair and a small otomanka-pouf, symbolizing the recreation area. Next to the rocking chair on each other, two wooden box are delivered - this is a coffee table.

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_67
6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_68
6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_69
6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_70
6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_71
6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_72

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_73

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_74

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_75

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_76

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_77

6 small houses with cozy interiors in which you want to spend the New Year holidays 591_78

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