Andresol Kitchens: What is it, all for and against


We understand in the intricacies of the design and weigh all behind and against the design of the kitchen headset from the floor to the ceiling.

Andresol Kitchens: What is it, all for and against 5949_1

Andresol Kitchens: What is it, all for and against

In the kitchen, you always want to still just like more storage space - especially in a typical one where we have only a few square meters at our disposal. In standard headsets between the upper cabinets and the ceiling there are unused space. A kitchen with meresers, which turns every free centimeter to the useful area, will solve this problem.

All about antleesol kitchens

Pros and cons




- Linear

- P-shaped

- Corner

Location of cabinets

- Three levels

- Two levels

Ceiling design

For and against such a decision

In design projects, it is increasingly possible to meet the mealsol headsets - and there are many reasons.


  • More storage space - the cherished third tier will be a full-fledged storage system where you can store utensils, products, dishes and small kitchen appliances.
  • Laconic design - as a rule, such headsets are a monolithic design with a minimum of open sections and an unused space. Thus, the room looks neat and unplanned - everything you need reliably hidden behind the doors of the facades. You can also hide communication.
  • Universality - Kitchen furniture in the entire height of the wall does not have stylistic restrictions and well feels in any interior, be it loft, modern or American classic.
  • It is easier to clean - there will be no uncomfortable gap between the upper wardrobes and the ceiling, where the dust accumulates and where it is difficult to get when cleaning.
  • Saving on trim - Since the wall is completely closed, you can save on the finish. If you are planning wallpapers in this room, they can not be glued at all where there will be a monolithic kitchen headset.
  • Correct proportions - this option kitchen visually increases the height of the walls, especially if the furniture is made in bright color scheme.

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Despite such a number of obvious advantages, there are arguments against.


  • Due to the fact that the upper tiers are high, things will be difficult to get and clean. This problem can be solved by organizing at the top the storage of those items that do not need every day: for example, you can remove the front service on the mezzanine, the household technique, which is infrequently used, the reserves of croup, spices, tea, etc.
  • Complex installation - the three-level headset weighs more than usual, and it should be taken into account when installing. You will need additional stops and qualitatively aligned walls, as well as good installer masters.
  • Despite the fact that the solid facades from the floor to the ceiling visually pull the room in height, in a small space they may look too massively. A to avoid this effect will help the right palette (for example, make white facades) and not solid design, but diluted with sections with open shelves, extractor, etc.
  • The top line of cabinets is likely to overlap ventilation, which is very important in the cooking zone. How to solve the problem: make the third tier not everywhere or make to order, taking into account the ventilation holes, building them in this way in the headset.

To understand whether to see you a kitchen with meresers to the ceiling, see the photo, if possible, visit the salon to estimate such designs live, and also analyze your experience in using this room.

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Variety of materials

When choosing a material from which kitchen furniture will be made, consider room features: increased humidity, fast pollutability, high temperatures in the cooking zone.

  • The natural tree - the furniture from the array is expensive, but will be high-quality, durable and besides completely environmentally friendly. The headset from the wood best feels in exquisite and elegant classic interiors. Breeds with the best characteristics: oak, walnut, ash, alder, cherry.
  • MDF - the service life of this material is slightly less than the tree, but it is much cheaper. One of the most popular alternatives to the tree. And the painted MDF can be any color.
  • Chipboard and its variety of LDSP are even more economical versions that are plates from compressed sawdust and impregnation. These are moisture-proof and resistant mechanical stress materials. It is worth paying attention to them if the question of saving is in the first place.

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Among the coatings for the facades are popular surfaces of plastic and acrylic. They are easily clean, moisture and aggressive environmental impacts are not afraid. And acrylic creates a spectacular slight glow, especially if the surface is glossy, which additionally visually expands the space. Another popular coating is enamel. It costs more, but offers the largest selection of colors and the possibility of decorating, for example, patina or milling. The most economical option is PVC film. Choose the material and color in accordance with the principle: on matte and dark pollution and fingerprints are visible more than on light and gloss.

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What facades to choose

The facades of the antlesol kitchen can be deaf, glazed and open.

The first option is the most popular because the mezzanine is usually designed for storage of equipment and not necessary every day of items. If you keep upstairs beautiful dishes, glasses, vases, etc., then you can make glazed backlit lockers - such a reception looks very effectively and at the same time "unloads" the space. Deaf facades can be in the color of the whole kitchen, thus forming a single space and making the whole design as imperceptible as possible. Another popular scheme is a dark bottom tier and the top light or framing: dark lockers around the perimeter and a light middle zone. Such a technique, like glazed mezzanine, adds the airiness space and "facilitates" a monolithic heavy structure.

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By the opening method, lockers are divided into several types. The handles can be classic or recessed into the door. Another option is the opening by pressing, is optimal for monochrome as possible, where you need to create a solid smooth surface. Andresol cabinets are open most often up, not a sideways - so less risk to hurt your head angle of an open door.

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Kitchen layout

Linear location

Classic layout in one row is suitable for the room of any area and shape. Direct kitchens with meresers before the ceiling are often installed in narrow long rooms, where two lines of cabinets simply do not fit. And in a spacious square or rectangular room, you can organize a kitchen-living room, removing a whole wall under the cooking zone and visually separating it from the hall is an island or a dining group.

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Letter P.

If you can use three adjacent walls, you can make a P-shaped layout. But in this case it is important to remember about the working triangle: the distance between the stove, washing and the refrigerator should not be too large, so this version of the furniture is suitable for small or medium rooms. Or all the necessary working areas are located on two related parties.

Also, if in one of the walls there is a window, the mezzanine can be made only in two of the three parts of the composition.

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Corner kitchens with meresers to ceiling

The M-shaped location is considered the most compact, so such a layout is often found in small rooms - in studios and typical apartments.

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Corner cuisines with Antesol and the Fake Panelue, as in the photo below, are popular in Khrushchev and Stalinki, where gas has been carried out and it is necessary not only to find storage space, but also hide the gas column. Also behind them, you can hide the pipe from the drawing or close with them with the gap.

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Location of cabinets

Parts of the headset can be arranged in two main schemes. If you wish, they can be combined in one project: for example, a part of the headset to make a three-tier, and for the other choose non-standard high upper cabinets.

Three levels

In the three-level composition there is a classic top line of lockers, and the mezzanine inscribed in the space between the second and the ceiling. They are usually horizontal and compact, as the gap is small.

Such an option location is characteristic of rooms with a high ceiling - from 2.7 m and above, and the headset will most likely have to be ordered. Also, three-level design can be collected from finished modules, picking up suitable dimensions.

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Two levels

This option is more like a classic scheme, only the upper lockers are not single, but dual. If the ceiling still remains a small distance, it is closed with a decorative panel of the same color and material that the rest of the furniture.

The two-tier headset is suitable for rooms with a standard ceiling height - up to 2.7 m.

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Ceiling design

Since the facades reach the top of the top, one way or another it will attract attention to the ceiling. It should be as smooth and neutral as possible, without multi-level structures, so as not to turn the room into a close box.

The classic option is a simple stretch or painted ceiling for several tones lighter walls. Using embedded point lights or LED tapes, you can organize additional backlight around the perimeter of the upper lockers.

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