6 ideas for quick and budget repairs on vacation


Repaint the furniture, drag the sofa upholstery, rearrange the laminate - tell me in the article that you can still have time to update in the apartment during the holidays.

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6 ideas for quick and budget repairs on vacation

New Year new life. Or at least a new repair. New Year's holidays - the right time to update the interior if you have long wanted, but there was no free time. We picked up ideas in the article for cosmetic repair, which do not require large financial and temporary costs. It will take in advance to prepare materials or allocate one day vacation for the purchase of the necessary one.

1 repaint old furniture

It will noticeably change the interior will help repain furniture. It can be a kitchen set or an old chest. The main thing is to evaluate your strength and time. The repainting of one cabinet will take a whole day, and if you need to update the kitchen set - then lay down from two to four days, depending on the number of cabinets.

What do you need?

Roller, tassels, sandpaper, primer, putty, spatula, paint, varnish, greasy tape, newspaper.

How to do?

Remove the doors, stick glass, handles and everything that do not need to paint, paint scotch. Skill surface, sharpen cracks, primed. When the surface is dry, apply paint into several layers to the desired shade. Then cover the finish layer of varnish, and after its drying, the furniture is ready for use.

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  • 7 options for restoration of old furniture (and what you should choose)

2 Replace the upholstery on the chairs and sofa

At old chairs and sofa, you can independently change the upholstery, at least an unprepared person will not be easy to do. It is also best to change the filler immediately. Wooden pieces of chairs can also be updated.

What do you need?

Fabric, filler, construction stapler, scissors, wax for wood.

How to do?

To start neatly remove the old fabric - it will serve as a stencil for a new one. Replace the filler and secure a new cloth with a stapler by analogy with the previous one. Wooden pieces Sand and cover with special wax for furniture restoration.

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3 Reduce laminate or linoleum

You can update the floor covering in one or two days, depending on the room area. Be sure to think out where you will put furniture from the room in which you make repairs. Please note that quickly laying laminate or linoleum will only work in the room where the type of coating was. Otherwise, it will be necessary to conduct preliminary preparation of the foundation, leveling the floor, and this is completely different temporary costs.

What do you need?

Laminate or linoleum, substrate, glue for linoleum, construction knife or electrolybiz, plinths.

How to do?

Remove the old coating and check the base of the floor under it. The surface should be smooth, without bugs, pits and large height drops. The laminate is placed on top to the substrate, fixing the elements with each other with the help of locks. Linoleum is rolled on the surface previously treated with special glue. In the final mount plinths.

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  • 5 typical errors when laying a laminate (and to avoid them)

4 Put the window frames

Plastic window frames can be laundered to the original whiteness. Wooden - paint, but before this should be removed the glasses and carefully remove the old paint. This is not a completely successful idea for the winter period. Therefore, we will focus on cleaning plastic frames.

What do you need?

Soda, vinegar, fabric. Perhaps special means for washing plastic.

How to do?

In order to return the original look to the yellowed plastic frames, treat them with dishwasher or economic soap. For plastic windowsill, use the food soda in combination with vinegar or special composition (it must be applied according to the instructions). Apply soda and vinegar to the surface, wait 10-15 minutes, and then sweeten the pollution with a rag. With severe pollution, repeat several times.

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5 make an accent wall

Blooming the wallpaper on one wall can be pretty quickly. And it is really done, even if the wall is painted. If there were old wallpapers, they will have to remove them. Before buying materials, think color, drawing and a combination with the rest of the interior.

What do you need?

Wallpaper, glue for a specific type of wallpaper, spatula, putty, roller, old rag, stepladder.

How to do?

Clean the wall from old wallpaper. Align and prepare the base, close the irregularities of the wall with putty. Pun new wallpapers. For each type of wallpaper there are nuances of sticking. For example, glue is not applied on fliesline wallpaper, only on the wall. If bubbles are formed, try to smooth them immediately. Adopted glue immediately remove with the help of an old vet.

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  • How to glue wallpaper properly: detailed instructions for those who prefer to do everything

6 Replace lamps for lamps

In the interior of the highlight with the help of a new lampshar. It can be done by himself. If you have a floor lamp with a tissue absentee, then replace the old textile on a new one.

What do you need?

New cloth or ready-made lampshade.

How to do?

Fabric lampshade fairly easily renovated. Remove the old textiles and replace the new one. The easiest thing is, of course, to buy ready-made lampshade with pre-fitting to your lamp.

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