Bathroom design with window: Registration tips and 67 examples for inspiration


We tell about the features of the bathroom with the window and recommend how to place a plumber and choose the right style of design.

Bathroom design with window: Registration tips and 67 examples for inspiration 5967_1

Bathroom design with window: Registration tips and 67 examples for inspiration

We note immediately, the window in the bathroom is an atypical solution for the city apartment in Russia. And meets not so often. However, if you thought about the construction of a private house, we recommend paying attention to this reception from designers. We will show how to make such a room truly stylish.

All about the design of the bathroom with a window:


Types of windows

Design of opening

Location Plumbing


Window in a typical apartment

Bathroom Advantages with Window

  • There will always be natural light.
  • It is he who makes the space visually more, fills it with "air". This is especially important if the room is close.
  • An unusual look - even simple interiors look more interesting.
  • Natural light - savings on electricity in a bright day of day.
  • If there is a view of the city or landscape, then the pleasure.
  • Easy to ensure privacy with a neat curtain or a small redevelopment of space

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  • 6 tips for stylish and functional design of the bathroom in a private house

Bathroom varieties in the bathroom

There are several design options: they differ in the form and design.

The most familiar for us is a highly small window. This solution for those cases when the room goes to a lively street. But so that it performs not only decorative, but also one of its basic functions is ventilating, it should be at an altitude of 170 cm. In this case, the ceiling will never cover the mold.

If the bathroom has a large area, more than 6 square meters, then can afford French or panoramic glazing. This is a frequent reception in apartments located on the upper floors of skyscrapers, in elite houses or cottages, from where the beautiful view offers.

Arched-type and round loops more decorative. The first will fit into the classic or neoclassical interior, the second are more universal. Round forms look perfectly in almost any design bathroom with a window.

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Window design in the bathroom

It implies the choice of glass, it depends on it, how many sunlight will penetrate the room.

What glass to choose

  • Matte glass is an option for large double-glazed windows. You can arrange half, then you will have the opportunity to admire the sky, or completely, thus reliably securing privacy.
  • More decorative surfaces with the effect of water row are suitable in any interior, the size of the glass is not so important.
  • Stained glass windows look implicitly, but not in all interiors. If you have a truly large bathroom in a high classic style, it is likely that it will be appropriate. In other cases, picking up the stained glass window is very neat.

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Another point of decoration is the selection of curtains for a specific type of loot. Although this is not a mandatory element.

What curtains to choose

  • Tulle is a thin and lightweight fabric. She is not able to protect the room from sunlight, which you can not say about outsiders. Suitable for large outlooks: from classic square to french.
  • Blinds - an option for those who do not want to add pomp in the interior, look good in simple styles of Scandy or Eco. For the latter, we recommend paying attention to bamboo and wooden models.
  • Rolled curtains are another universal version for fans of the principle "simple and tasteful". In stores are presented as weightless translucent materials and models from dense flakut fabric.

What is important when choosing a fabric? Her strength, resistance to moisture and dirt. It is absolutely not necessary to acquire completely artificial fabrics, however, 100 percent natural materials will not last long. The optimal curtain is made of fabric made from a mixture of natural and artificial fibers, for example, polyester with viscose or satin.

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  • 11 bathrooms with an area of ​​7 square meters. m, in which beautifully placed all the necessary (and 53 photos)

Location Plumbing

Special attention in the design of the bathroom with a window is given to plumbing. However, it is worth noting right away: illiterately made transfer, including toilet and sink, from a planned location threatens clogging of pipes and sewage problems. Choose a wizard on the recommendation and reviews, it is possible to interview several specialists.

Accommodation options

  • The classic location seems to have come from the screen - a bathroom opposite the walls with panoramic views.
  • The option is easier - place near the window of the sink. But not everyone likes, if the height is insufficient, you will have to sacrifice the mirror.
  • Analogue - sink in the tabletop, more precisely in the windowsill. Conveniently, if the room is small, you can put a washing machine under the table top.
  • You can simply decorate the window sill with a decor or, for example, colors.

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  • What to do if the bathroom area is only 2 square meters. M: 6 design tips

Suitable styles

The most commonly encountered the following styles of the laundering of the bathroom with the window opening.


Laconic and simple minimalism today is the nobility of textures. Porcelain stoneware or marble tiles on the floor, painted walls and ceiling - there are rarely colors here. As a rule, a relaxed palette is selected in bright, pastel, gray or dark tones.

Please note the photo of the bathroom design with the window in this style: there are practically no jewelry and decor, accents can become functional interior items.

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This style is largely similar to minimalism. But unlike the latter, he implies a bright palette, a greater number of decorative elements and color spots.

Choosing the color of walls and furniture, pay attention to one point: on dark surfaces can remain splashes from water and white divorces. If you are not ready to clean up every day, it may make sense to choose bright options.

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Scandinavian and eco

Between these two directions it is in the design of a bathroom design with a window there is no special difference. And the one and the other style implies simple solutions: light gamut, natural materials and a simple decor.

If the white tile seems to you boring, you can choose an analog of creamy color for walls and floor or, for example, cold options in gray shades.

Natural flowers and plants look very cool. Moreover, if there is a window opening, the choice of greenery becomes wider. Sanseveria, chlorophytum, Calatea, Philodendron, Monster and others are considered the most unpretentious.

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Bathroom design with window: Registration tips and 67 examples for inspiration 5967_119
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Bathroom design with window: Registration tips and 67 examples for inspiration 5967_129

Neoclassic and classic

In its pure form, these styles make sense only if the sanulace area allows. Small and medium rooms may not withstand cordiality. If you decide to design in this style, choose approximate to natural textures: stone, gilding, porcelain and exquisite ceramics. The final stroke will be heavy curtains with pickups and lambrequins.

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  • From upholstered furniture to gold in the finish: 6 unexpected decisions for the design of the bathroom

Window opening in a typical apartment

If you are the owner of the apartment type of Khrushchev or Brezhnevka, in the bathroom for sure there is a small window connecting it with the next room, most often the kitchen.

How to make a window in the bathroom

  • The easiest option is to climb it. This can be done using drywall, cement mortar or brick.
  • A more interesting solution is to expand and decorate with textured glass. The advantage of this reception is that there will be more light here in this way. And if desired, the frame can be made folding: so to ventilate the room will be much easier.

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