Choose a humidifier: 6 interesting features and 5 questions to the seller


Temperature and hygrometer sensor, managing through a smartphone and a real yoga center - disassemble interesting new features in the moisturizers market and we advise you to pay attention to when choosing.

Choose a humidifier: 6 interesting features and 5 questions to the seller 5971_1

Choose a humidifier: 6 interesting features and 5 questions to the seller

Many different new products with interesting features appear on the moisturizers market. For example, turn on and off for timer. Or installing the required humidity of air - probably the most useful addition to ensure a truly comfortable microclimate. After all, we usually do not require 100% humidity, the optimal indicator is 40-60%. Also among useful new products - air flavoring and remote control: through the remote control or Wi-Fi. We are talking about these and other useful functions in the article.

1 Unusual form and design of the device

The design is an extremely important point, because the humidifier is always in sight and should not spoil the interior of the room. Today, not only advanced models in an ultra-edge style are presented on the market, but also a niche product, say, humidifiers for children in the form of cartoon characters and fairy tales, or a series of Murrrzio from Royal Clima - in the form of funny little animals. Also among unusual devices - the airlift of the air "Light Bulb" PROFFI PH8751. Compact device, which can be called an individual moisturizer.

Royal Clima Murrrzio Air Humidifier

Royal Clima Murrrzio Air Humidifier

Separate product category - luxury technique. The bright representative of it is the climatic complex LG Signature LSA50A. This is also more than a humidifier - a luxurious complex air purification system with a natural humidification mechanism, an indicator of air pollution and, of course, a stylish design.

Choose a humidifier: 6 interesting features and 5 questions to the seller 5971_4
Choose a humidifier: 6 interesting features and 5 questions to the seller 5971_5
Choose a humidifier: 6 interesting features and 5 questions to the seller 5971_6

Choose a humidifier: 6 interesting features and 5 questions to the seller 5971_7

Murrrzio Humidifier from Royal Clima for Children's

Choose a humidifier: 6 interesting features and 5 questions to the seller 5971_8

LG Signature LSA50A.

Choose a humidifier: 6 interesting features and 5 questions to the seller 5971_9

Moisturizer "Light Bulb"

  • Where to put an air humidifier to be comfortable and beautiful: 13 ideas

2 Temperature and hygrometer sensor

Some models are distinguished by the presence of some modern technologies, thanks to which the humidifier becomes multifunctional and flexible in the instrument management.

Choose a humidifier: 6 interesting features and 5 questions to the seller 5971_11

For example, the Ballu UMB-205 model has a temperature sensor and a hygrometer to monitor humidity, thanks to which you can configure the technique for the most comfortable operation mode and maintain the specified humidity parameters.

Air humidifier Ballu.

Air humidifier Ballu.

3 Management via Smartphone

Remote control will help not only turn on the device without getting up from the sofa, but also to get information about the state of air in the house and the appropriate service life. In this category, you can add all the same LG Signature LSA50A C Wi-Fi and control via the smartphone via the SmartThinQ application.

Choose a humidifier: 6 interesting features and 5 questions to the seller 5971_13
Choose a humidifier: 6 interesting features and 5 questions to the seller 5971_14

Choose a humidifier: 6 interesting features and 5 questions to the seller 5971_15

LG Signature LSA50A.

Choose a humidifier: 6 interesting features and 5 questions to the seller 5971_16

Humidifier Boneco U350.

Or a Boneco U350 model that works through the application for the Boneco App smartphone with useful tips from Boneco. The application, in particular, inform you about the need to replace water, for example, and this has a positive effect on the quality of the air in the house.

Boneco U350 air humidifier

Boneco U350 air humidifier

4 Built-in sterilization and aromatization of air

In addition to moisturizing, air can be saturated with a pleasant aroma or clean it using the ionization function. For example, the Polaris PUH 4570 TFD model has a "Warm Steam" feature for faster air intake, and, of course, built-in ionizer and air flavoring. And at the Electrolux YogahealthLine EHU-3810D air humidifier, among other things, there is also an antibacterial lamp with a sterilizer.

Choose a humidifier: 6 interesting features and 5 questions to the seller 5971_18

5 Relax-therapy

Today there are models on the market that do not just moisturize or sterilize the complex, but also may well replace session of spa therapy or yoga. For example, at the Electrolux YogahealthLine model, 10 modes of operation, 20 functions and modes of two-level highlighting of Relax Therapy, which are designed to help relax after the working day or, on the contrary, to achieve the desired level of concentration during sports, yoga or meditation.

Choose a humidifier: 6 interesting features and 5 questions to the seller 5971_19

6 Big Square Apartment

If you have an odds or studio, it is enough to put a humidifier of small performance. But when the area is large, then the small device will not cope. For example, the Stadler Form EVA E-010 model is a capacity of 550 g / h, and the capacity of 6.3 liters water tank capacity. This is a serious technique (as evidenced by even the dimensions of the device, the height of 418 mm), capable of much. The description contains the serviced area of ​​80 m2.

Air Humidifier Stadler Form Eva

Air Humidifier Stadler Form Eva

What do you need to know by choosing a technique?

Device type

Ultrasonic humidifiers received the greatest distribution. They have many advantages: simplicity of design, compactness, no noise when working. The absolute majority of household models are ultrasound. A minor competition is made up by air washing, which air is not only moisturized, but also cleared from dust. But they are relatively large, more noisy, and they are noticeably more expensive. In addition, these devices must be periodically cleaned from dirt accumulating inside.

Choose a humidifier: 6 interesting features and 5 questions to the seller 5971_21
Choose a humidifier: 6 interesting features and 5 questions to the seller 5971_22

Choose a humidifier: 6 interesting features and 5 questions to the seller 5971_23

Choose a humidifier: 6 interesting features and 5 questions to the seller 5971_24

In the sinks of air, the mechanism of natural moisture is used: the fan drives the air through the material impregnated with water. In addition, such a technique works perfectly with conventional water water, in which dissolved salts are present. The ultrasonic humidifier reacts poorly to these salts, they fall out in precipitate on the membrane of the device, as well as partly on the surrounding surfaces.

We also mention steam humidifiers. They work like boiling teapots on fire. This is a simple technique, but uneconomical, as it consumes a lot of electricity. Plus, she very much warms the surrounding atmosphere, which is not always good. Therefore, at present, this type of model is practically not used in everyday life.

Polaris air humidifier

Polaris air humidifier


First of all, decide on the performance of the device. How many grams of water vapor per hour should give a moisturizer? It depends on the intensity of air ventilation. If in an hour in the room from the outside there are 20 cubes of air, then to get a saturated air, it is necessary to add 400 g. In practice, of course, comfortable air humidity should be 40-60%, and some amount of steam in street air is already there. Therefore, the device with a capacity of 200-400 g. The pair will quite cope with the humidification of 80-100 cubes of air - this is a normal air exchange for a residential room with an area of ​​10-15 m2.



Portable humidifiers are usually designed to maintain one or two rooms or a small apartment. To the large country mansion, of course, they are not enough. In this case, you will have to buy several portable humidifiers or equip a high-performance built-in humidification system, which costs completely different money. Mobile moisturizers can be bought in just one or two thousand rubles. Among them there are absolutely crumbs with a capacity of less than 100 g. (100 ml) steam per hour, compact models with a capacity of 100-200 g / h, and the model with a capacity of more than 400 ml / h can be considered high-performance.

Humidifier Air ProfFI

Humidifier Air ProfFI

Bonus: 5 useful questions to the seller

  1. What is the volume of water tank? The more, the better: it is not possible to fill frequently.
  2. How comfortable is the reservoir? In some design models, pour water will not be just just. It is best if manufacturers specially thought out the water fill process. For example, in the POLARIS PUH 8060 TFD model with the Waterwaypro Water Top Bay, you can pour water literally in one hand movement, just removing the top cover of the device.
  3. What is the air humidifier to choose for a child? First of all - reliable. It must be resistant to overturning and, preferably, sealed so that even when tipping the water, it would not be poured.
  4. Is there a highlight in the humidifier and can it be turned off? At night, the extra light in the bedroom is unlikely to be needed.
  5. Will it be easy for you to clean the moisturizer? What cleaning or detergents are suitable for this?

Choose a humidifier: 6 interesting features and 5 questions to the seller 5971_28

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