Results of the year: How did the pandemic affect the interior design and what has changed in general?


Alice Svistunov, Anna Yarullina, Igor and Galina Berezkina, Evgenia Ivlya and Dina Udaltsov shared their opinions as 2020 changed the world of design and what influence on this sphere had all known circumstances.

Results of the year: How did the pandemic affect the interior design and what has changed in general? 605_1

Results of the year: How did the pandemic affect the interior design and what has changed in general?

The importance of planning and ergonomics

There are several designers at once. When everyone had to settle the house, they went to the surface of the problem with an uncomfortable layout, the inability to organize life and so on. Therefore, 2020 showed how important it is to consider the interior ergonomics from the very beginning.

Designer Alice Svistunova: "Many drew attention to the importance of planning, not just beauty."

The designer Evgenia Ivlya continues this topic and says that the demand for transformable spaces has increased: "The area of ​​our houses, alas, has not increased, and the number of people who are constantly there are more. We need a place for recreation, and for work, and for study, and for sports. Therefore, now as never relevant to the spaces that flow into each other, which can be transformed into small functional zones. This is done not by repair, but by modular systems, shirms, partitions, furniture.

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Results of the year: How did the pandemic affect the interior design and what has changed in general? 605_4
Results of the year: How did the pandemic affect the interior design and what has changed in general? 605_5

Results of the year: How did the pandemic affect the interior design and what has changed in general? 605_6

Results of the year: How did the pandemic affect the interior design and what has changed in general? 605_7

Results of the year: How did the pandemic affect the interior design and what has changed in general? 605_8

And Igor and Galina Berezkina note the increased demand for thoughtful spaces and competent design projects: "The value of competent layout, a thoughtful distribution of functional zones and the detailed study of the housing ergonomics became particularly obvious during the quarantine period and long-staying at home."

Available mortgage and, as a result, expansion of living space

Designer Anna Yarullina came to this conclusion. Anna noted that in 2020, the state programs on an affordable mortgage influenced the fact that many were thinking about buying new real estate.

Designer Anna Yarullina:

Designer Anna Yarullina:

Banks have become more loyal to the issuance of mortgages, and many have thought about expanding the living space. The real estate market was not standing in place. I think the next year we have, designers, will be very productive in terms of work.

Orientation at your own house, comfort and comfort

Anna Yarullina drew attention to this tendency: "This year I made us to suspend your mad life rhythm, people had a certain revaluation of values, and they realized that the main thing was home, family and health."

The same opinion adheres to Alice Svistunov: "The topic of comfort, family and domestic gatherings in a narrow circle has even become relevant.

Results of the year: How did the pandemic affect the interior design and what has changed in general? 605_10
Results of the year: How did the pandemic affect the interior design and what has changed in general? 605_11

Results of the year: How did the pandemic affect the interior design and what has changed in general? 605_12

Results of the year: How did the pandemic affect the interior design and what has changed in general? 605_13

Inaccessible supply of overseas materials

This indicates designer Dina Udaltsova. Closed borders influenced the supply of materials and furniture. Whereas earlier many designers used foreign items with their projects.

Designer Dina Utyaltsova:

Designer Dina Utyaltsova:

Due to the closed borders, there was a problem with the delivery of European production. Kitchen facades are most affected, as there are no deliveries. Order from Europe will have to wait for more than a month for sure that the project implementation time is inhibited. Now in the supply of lighting and some decor only China saves, with the help of it, at least we can somehow "cut down" the situation.

Selection of suburban real estate

This trend in the year noted several specialists in the results of the year: Anna Yarullina, Igor and Galina Berezkin, Dina Udaltsova and Evgenia Ivlya.

"All people sent energy to their homes. Began to establish their life and adapt to new conditions. Someone began to look after country houses, just not to sit in close apartments, "notes Anna Yarullina.

"Among the projects of the year in our bureau, the large percentage accounted for country houses and cottages. This indicates the increased interest of people to the format of country life, which is definitely due to the period of quarantine restrictions. The possibility of free movement in its own area near the house has become an important criterion for people when choosing between a city apartment or house, "say Igor and Galina Berezkin.

"The ban on moving and walks is particularly hard. From here there was a trend on life outside the city and buying a house, "Supports the same idea of ​​Evgeny Ivlya.

"Now there is a great demand for suburban real estate, there is more open and personal space," adds Dina Udaltsova.

Results of the year: How did the pandemic affect the interior design and what has changed in general? 605_15
Results of the year: How did the pandemic affect the interior design and what has changed in general? 605_16

Results of the year: How did the pandemic affect the interior design and what has changed in general? 605_17

Results of the year: How did the pandemic affect the interior design and what has changed in general? 605_18

Comfortable working area

Most companies switched to remote work, and the availability of a workplace in the house has become more generally relevant this year. The tendency, in general, is considered one of the main and for 2021.

Designers Igor and Galina Berez & ...

Designers Igor and Galina Berezkin:

Comfortable working area in residential space - Must Have interior of the modern world. And if many customers had a fairly small table for a laptop in a bedroom or a living room, now it is most often necessary for a full-fledged workplace, with all the necessary equipment (including printers and scanners), with a storage area of ​​papers and documents. In fact, it is necessary to create a full mini-office at home.

It is possible to integrate it is possible even in a small area of ​​the apartment: sliding partitions and transformable furniture items will come to the aid. The use of a loggia for organizing a working area is not new, but very popular in this year's projects.

More features and less decor

Evgenia Ivlya supports a common trend that the trend of the next year declared - on minimalism. But interprets it in his own way.

"Beautiful vases, excess decor and decoration, the Stretrite very quickly bored and began to annoy," the designer says. - Instead of an elegant table, much more conveniently closed stand. Now there is an emphasis on the whole world to get rid of old non-functional things. The kitchen has become functional: we cook a lot, eat and remove. Down with all too much. "

Practicality in the interior

Several designers immediately noted this trend.

Designer Alice Svistunov:

Designer Alice Svistunov:

It seems to me that many have become important practicality in the interior. People strive to make a submissal and timeless interior.

Dina Udaltsova supports this idea, calling the laconicity and simplicity of the trends of the year, this and the following: "In the interior, simplicity is now appreciated, laconicity, less dust collectors."

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Results of the year: How did the pandemic affect the interior design and what has changed in general? 605_22

Results of the year: How did the pandemic affect the interior design and what has changed in general? 605_23

Results of the year: How did the pandemic affect the interior design and what has changed in general? 605_24

Noise insulation

Igor and Galina Berezkina note noise insulation as an important requirement for residential space, especially during self-insulation, when all at home and neighbors too.

"We are talking about additional noise insulation from neighbors (in apartment buildings), and to ensure maximum isolation of the bedroom zone and the working office in private country houses. Since the schedule of work or study at different family members does not often coincide, noise insulation of individual premises in the house helps to ensure a comfortable rhythm of life for each tenant. It becomes especially important when an active and naughty junior generation will grow up in the family, "the designers say.

Conscious Interior Shopping and Reykeling

Evgenia Ivlya celebrates an interesting trend that grew a long time ago, but aggravated due to a pandemic and a fall in income of the population.

Designer Evgenia Ivlya:

Designer Evgenia Ivlya:

People are not ready to give huge money for new furniture or decor. They want to leave the old one to the maximum, but update. Here we are talking about the children's interior and restoration of furniture. Workshops who are creative and with a manual approach make their work, become especially in trend. Things made by their own hands are increasingly relevant in projects of any stylistry.

More than greenery

Those who cannot move to the country house, also want more than greenery and nature around. And it began to decide, cycling indoor plants in the interior.

"The landscaping of the interior has now become an important idea. Care of plants, home garden or winter garden - new tasks for designers, "Evgenia Ivlya said.

Results of the year: How did the pandemic affect the interior design and what has changed in general? 605_26
Results of the year: How did the pandemic affect the interior design and what has changed in general? 605_27

Results of the year: How did the pandemic affect the interior design and what has changed in general? 605_28

Results of the year: How did the pandemic affect the interior design and what has changed in general? 605_29

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