How to wash the curtains: instruction for manual and machine washing


We understand how to wash curtains from different fabrics: flax, cotton, viscose, velvet and blackwood. And tell the subtleties of cleaning products with decor.

How to wash the curtains: instruction for manual and machine washing 6066_1

How to wash the curtains: instruction for manual and machine washing

It does not matter, light curtains or heavy dense curtains hang on the window. Sooner or later they will cover the ubiquitous dust, they will plant, spots will appear on them. Return textile the initial appearance is not as simple as it seems. A variety of materials and decors significantly complicates this process. We'll figure it out how to wash the curtains to not spoil them.

All about washing curtains

How often do it


Machine wash

Select the type of tissue type

Features of working with different decorations

How often wash curtains

There is no unequivocal answer to this question, although all sorts of housekeeping guidelines are recommended to do this at least once every six months. But this may not be enough. Many factors affect the degree of pollution.

What to pay attention to washing

  • Type of fabric from which the curtain is made. On canvases without antistatic treatment, for example, dust settles faster and in large quantities.
  • Season. In the summer, as well as warm spring and autumn windows are open, street dirt easily enters the panels.
  • The purpose of the room in which the decor is located. Thus, the kitchen decoration is subjected to intensive processing of steam, fat splashes, etc., whereas there are no such pollution in the bedroom or in the living room.

Therefore, every mistress herself decides, it's time to wash the curtains or not. But it must be remembered that even if there are no explicit traces of dirt on them, the panels presented for several months in dust. It can, of course, periodically clean the vacuum cleaner, but it will not solve the problem. Regular water procedures or full-fledged chemical cleaning are necessary.



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Determine the method of cleaning will help familiarize with the manufacturer's recommendations. On the curtain purchased in stores necessarily there is a marking, where it is indicated, in which mode the curtains and other characteristics of the process. If this is not, you will have to navigate the composition of textiles, the features of its design. Some canvas are strictly forbidden to expose any, even manual, washing. They are in dry cleaning.

Machine processing is also not suitable for everyone. Manual universal, but not always feasible. If, for example, the panels are very large and dense, the machine can cope with them better.

How to wash the curtains: instruction for manual and machine washing 6066_5
How to wash the curtains: instruction for manual and machine washing 6066_6

How to wash the curtains: instruction for manual and machine washing 6066_7

How to wash the curtains: instruction for manual and machine washing 6066_8

Hand wash process curtain

  1. Sharpen the panels, eliminating them from dust. It is better to do it on the street or on the balcony. In the most extreme case, you shake them in the bathroom so as not to cut down the living rooms. Dense curtains can be discarded with a special device.
  2. In the bath we pour cool water, add salt into it, stir. Put in the saline solution of curtains. After about an hour, we raise them, we will decide and again in the water. We repeat it several times. We merge water.
  3. We recruit clean warm water, dissolve in it a liquid detergent or washing powder. If necessary, add a bleach if the canvas should be snow-white. Lower it into the solution. We leave for 40-60 minutes. Shutters are removed several times and again dip in the water. We merge the dirty solution. We repeat all three or four times.
  4. Pour clean water into the bath, add air conditioning if necessary. We rush the product several times. We fold the harmonic in length, slightly squeeze, hang over the bathroom to glass water.

This method of cleaning is suitable for delicate textiles, which poorly tolerates machine wash: silk products, wool, thin caproic tulle, etc.

Liquid for washing Burti Liquid

Liquid for washing Burti Liquid

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Washing in a washing machine

Wash the curtains in the washing machine is much easier. It is important that it can be able to transfer such treatment without loss. This must be verified in advance by reading the manufacturer's marking. To prevent unpleasant situations, it is desirable that the washing machine has a delicate mode or its analogue and the ability to turn off the spin.

General rules

  • The curtains are stacked in the drum very carefully, without chances and twisting. The volume of the tank cannot be filled more than half. Otherwise, the material will not be properly properly.
  • All detergents should be liquid. Powders are flooded worse.
  • The spin is better not to use or reduce its speed up to 600 rpm.
  • Plotters decorated with glass, beads, embroidery, metal parts, etc., erased only in special bags.

How to wash the curtains: instruction for manual and machine washing 6066_11
How to wash the curtains: instruction for manual and machine washing 6066_12

How to wash the curtains: instruction for manual and machine washing 6066_13

How to wash the curtains: instruction for manual and machine washing 6066_14

Before booking in the car, the textile decor must be shaken to reduce dust. Strongly contaminated products are pre-soaked in cool water with salt or soda. Let's talk, how to erase different types of cloths.

Select the type of tissue type

Textile simple cut without additional finishes simple in care. The main condition for success is to choose the processing mode.

Cotton and Len.

Durable, wear-resistant fabrics. Well withstand high-temperature intensive disbuffing. For appreated flax, 40 ° C is chosen for painted - 50-60 ° C. Cotton is even more unpretentious. White models, if necessary, erased at 80-90 ° C, painted and with the print - at 50-60 ° C. Required multiple rinse, it is desirable to use an air conditioner. Dry cotton and flax away from heating equipment so as not to get shrinkage. Ironing in a slightly wet state.

How to wash the curtains: instruction for manual and machine washing 6066_15

Silk, wool

Products made of natural fibers are better to ditch dry cleaning. The result of disbuilt in the car can be deplorable. However, if it is decided to clean them at home, it is pre-soaking. A special "silk" or "wool" mode is selected on the machine, only special liquid detergents are used, air conditioning. The spin is categorically prohibited. Silk and woolen canvas are dried away from heaters.

Gel for washing caress Wool and Silk

Gel for washing caress Wool and Silk

Viscose, polyester, other synthetics

All artificial threads do not tolerate high temperature and intensive impact. Therefore, they need to be rebuilt on a delicate mode at 30-40 ° C. Preferably prior soaking, the use of special detergents. To facilitate ironing and preserving the appearance, it is desirable to use an air conditioner. It is recommended to spin on the minimum revolutions or its absence. In the latter case, the product is placed above the bathroom for flowing water, then another wet iron or immediately hang on the cornice.

How to wash the curtains: instruction for manual and machine washing 6066_17
How to wash the curtains: instruction for manual and machine washing 6066_18

How to wash the curtains: instruction for manual and machine washing 6066_19

How to wash the curtains: instruction for manual and machine washing 6066_20


Regardless of the composition of the velvet, dry cleaning is recommended. But sometimes it must be wrapped. This is possible, but a good result is not guaranteed. First, velvet curtains are carefully knocked out. Then fold the front side inside into the strip, the width of which is equal to the depth of the drum. Fold the resulting strip in the roller and laid into the car. Choose the program "Delicate" with minimal temperature and processing time. The spin is excluded. For drying, the canvas are straightening and lay on a horizontal surface of a pile up.

Bag for washing top hous

Bag for washing top hous


This is not transmitting light models stitched from dense materials. There are one and two-layer. In any case, the curtains blackout can be washed in a washing machine. Of them, dust are knocked out, neatly fold and laid into the drum. Special precautions are not required. The mode is selected in accordance with the composition of the material. You can press them most often. Dried in a spaced form to make it easier to rejuvenate.

How to wash the curtains: instruction for manual and machine washing 6066_22

Washing products with decor

Cleaning mode determines not only the composition of the fabric, but also the finish of the product. Therefore, it is not easy to decide how to wash the curtains blackout, dense or Roman. Tell me how to do it right.

Models with lover

The champs are called large rings on which the cloth hangs. They can be plastic or metal, removable or stationary. You need to wash the curtains with the champs, because the rings can damage the material. Metal parts of low quality under water can be rusted, then unpleasant orange divorces and drifts appear.

So that this does not happen, removable elements be sure to be removed before soaking. Products with non-removable champs are neatly folded, placed in a mesh bag. Select a delicate cleaning program, the spin disconnect. At the end of the cycle, remove the canvas from the bag, they give drain, dry in the collected form. Similarly, they come with models decorated with large plastic or metal elements, rhinestones, beads.

Nietary decor

Wash the filament curtains so that they do not get confused. For this, the threads are divided into several beams, each of which is binding to a non-node. You can do otherwise. From threads weave braid or a few if the product is long. At the end of the braid fasten the stationery.

In this form, the curtain is laid in the drum. The mode is selected in accordance with the composition of the threads. Often it is the usual wash at 40 ° C. The spin is not turned off, but also do not use the maximum number of revolutions. The wet product is unleashed or broken, gently straighten and hang on the cornice, where it finally dries.

How to wash the curtains: instruction for manual and machine washing 6066_23
How to wash the curtains: instruction for manual and machine washing 6066_24

How to wash the curtains: instruction for manual and machine washing 6066_25

How to wash the curtains: instruction for manual and machine washing 6066_26

Roman and rolled systems

It is necessary to care for them in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. For rolled, most often recommended dry and chemical cleaning. They can be washed, but very neat. We will get acquainted with the recommendations, how to wash the Roman curtains. First, they are disassembled, remove all plastic and metal parts. Then fold the cloth into the mesh bag, lay in the machine. Choose a delicate program, dried in collapsed form.

The comfort in the apartment is impossible without clean rejected curtains. It is not so difficult to bring them in order and do it regularly. Then the cleaning process does not deliver unnecessary trouble, and the result will be the best.

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