10 home plants that will get rid of you from the autumn chanders


Pot with fragrant lavender on the desktop or mini bed with spicy herbs in the kitchen - set these plants at home and forget about depression.

10 home plants that will get rid of you from the autumn chanders 6146_1

10 home plants that will get rid of you from the autumn chanders

Plants in the interior are not only a fashion trend, but also useful to health habit. Some varieties are able to improve the microclimate in the room, others are your mood.

1 lavender

10 home plants that will get rid of you from the autumn chanders 6146_3

About the soothing properties of Lavender did not write only lazy - on the basis of this plant, drops, aromamasla and cosmetics make. The fragrance of lavender has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and eliminates headaches. Put a cozy porridge in the bedroom, and you will sleep like a baby.

Set for growing lavender

Set for growing lavender

  • 6 indoor plants that improve your sleep

2 Geran

10 home plants that will get rid of you from the autumn chanders 6146_6

Gentle aroma of Gerani many compared with a rose, he relaxes and soothes. The plant reduces the level of anxiety. So we recommend putting in your house this plant in a pot or at least bring the fragrance - using the essential oil of Gerani.

  • 6 plants with a pleasant aroma that can be landed at home

3 mint.

10 home plants that will get rid of you from the autumn chanders 6146_8

Put caspo with a bush of mint on your desktop - and work with pleasure. The plant improves memory, increases the performance and mood as a whole. The mint smell is burtered, reduces drowsiness and eliminates fatigue. In addition, it improves appetite, so the kitchen is another perfect place for mint. As a bonus: Fresh fragrant leaves you can add to a dish or drink right from home bed.

Gavrish Seeds Mint List

Gavrish Seeds Mint List

4 Rosa

10 home plants that will get rid of you from the autumn chanders 6146_10

Rose - Record holder in the speed of deliverance from the Handra. They say that if you look at the rose at least 4 minutes, the stress level is reduced, and the mood is improving.

  • 5 indoor plants that will survive in spite of everything

5 Aloe.

10 home plants that will get rid of you from the autumn chanders 6146_12

Aloe is known for its antiseptic properties. It is best to put this plant in the bedroom, it will save the air from harmful impurities and improve your sleep. And the man who slept, automatically becomes happier.

  • 9 bedroom plants that are worth putting on the desktop

6 rosemary

10 home plants that will get rid of you from the autumn chanders 6146_14

Rosemary is one of those species of plants that are comfortable to plant in the kitchen. It is often used as seasoning in food. What about help in getting rid of stress? Rosemary improves memory, relieves fatigue and eliminates anxiety. The result is a calmer and stable dream.

Rostok Visa Rosmary

Rostok Visa Rosmary

7 Oregano

10 home plants that will get rid of you from the autumn chanders 6146_16

To calm down and relax, the soul is ordinary (this is also called a fashionable plant) It is necessary to inspire the flavor of the plant, but there is it. Coffee acid and carvacrol (not to be confused with the Corvolol), which are contained in Orego, will not let you be depressed, fatigue and anxiety. And as a bonus - get rid of the cold.

8 Basil

10 home plants that will get rid of you from the autumn chanders 6146_17

The smell of basil soothes the nervous system, and the plant is useful for the heart. If you like to add this plant to food, arrange a mini-bed in the kitchen with a basil, rosemary and oregano. All three plants have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and improve the taste of dishes.

Basil green in a pot

Basil green in a pot

9 jasmine

10 home plants that will get rid of you from the autumn chanders 6146_19

There is no need to plant houses a huge jasmine bush (who is not really jasmine at all, and the canbushnik) - so the mood you definitely do not improve. It is better to look at a small plant with the same smell and delicate white flowers - room jasmine. His honey aroma has a lot of fans, and no accident: he relaxes and his head, and the body, gives peace and peace.

  • 9 plants that clean the air and improve the microclimate in the house

10 Physalis

10 home plants that will get rid of you from the autumn chanders 6146_21

You probably met it in a supermarket or in beds in the garden. Physalis is bright orange boxes with sour-sweet round fruits inside. The plant may raise the mood only by one of its views. And he also helps to cope with insomnia and depression with incredible performance - try and make sure.

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