Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit


Customers of this apartment in the Moscow new building were a variety of expectations: the diverse children dreamed every thing about their room, the hostess first of all wanted to receive a spacious and comfortable kitchen-living room, and the head of the family hoped, among other things, to bathe in a small home sauna.

Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_1

Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit

The author of the project was to justify the expectations of all family members of the customers, and in addition, to develop a Parisian theme in the interior, because the capital of France is their favorite city.


Before starting work, the apartment was an empty concrete box. The big advantage was the presence of six windows and the lack of dark zones. Three carriers of Pilon were distinguished in the apartment, dictating the borders of future premises.

Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_3

Nevertheless, the designer presented five layout options to customers, as a result, the optimal was chosen, in which the living-dining room kitchen is located in the left wing, and the most narrow part of the room at the entrance remains not busy furniture.

Made to order Kitchen Effect & ...

Made to order kitchen distinguishes an unusual mirror apron and a tabletop made of natural granite. The brick wall at the window is painted under the color of kitchen facades.

Two bathrooms are organized in certain wet zones defined by the initial layout. Also in the apartment there was a place for two children's, bedrooms of parents and a small shopping room with a minor with the entrance from the kitchen.

Sitting at the table, you can admire ...

Sitting at the table, you can admire the views of Paris on the wall of the living room - it is reflected in the mirror decorative window, arranged opposite.


The walls were erected from the puzzle blocks and prepared under painting. The floors in the residential areas are decorated with a high-class laminate with a tree texture. In the lobby, in the kitchen and in the bathrooms - porcelain stoneware. The doors are made of MDF to order and painted in the same color as the walls.

To achieve maximum

To achieve maximum space, the designer did not become

Do in the kitchen-dining room rack with an island. The sliding dining table allows you to make a sufficient number of guests. Approaches to it are free from all sides. A highlighted niche with a TV is trimmed with a stoneware. The door to the right of the closets column leads to a shopping room with a minor.

Installation of the mirror tile is not much different from laying ordinary tiles. Nuances relate to the selection of glue. It is worth finding special adhesive compositions for mirror surfaces that do not contain aggressive substances that destroy the reflective layer of the mirror.

To imitate window races

To imitate the window discharge, painted polyurethane moldings are stuck over the seams.

As for the mirror kitchen apron, he, on the one hand, gives the space depth, on the other - requires constant care.

The wall behind the bed decorates Fre & ...

The wall of the bed is decorated with fresco - so now called the image on a textural seamless basis. To order can be applied to the fresco of any plot.


Priority is given functionality, but accents are made on the decoration of the walls. At the entrance to the living room there is a mirror decorative window, expanding space, and on the contrary - black and white fresco with the Paris boulevard.

In the boy's room, mirrored & ...

In the boy's room, mirror mounted furniture modules for the entire width of the wall visually expand the boundaries of the room, while solving storage problems.

Paris's species decorate the wall and behind the headboard in the bedroom. For decoration, a decorative brick tile is also actively used, and the wall behind the TV is lined with textured ceramic tiles.

To one of the bathrooms is attached & ...

To one of the bathrooms attached a small, decorated with wooden clapboard, a home sauna. All allowing documents on its installation were obtained.

In a monochrome bathroom with a large-format tile under marble, a variety of graphic floor and a riser with communications, trimmed with "warm" tiles under the tree bring.

Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_11

Designer Natalia Lebedeva, Avt & ...

Designer Natalia Lebedeva, project author

I prefer to work with a modern style in the interior. I like to make accents on horizontals and verticals, simple forms, straight lines. I love to play with different textures, withstanding the monochrome range, and I am not afraid to do the entire decor in one color: both walls, and doors, ceilings, and most of the furniture, because, after all, the tenants will still fill the interior with colored trifles, and weathered in one The color looks noble, cleaner. He wins at the expense of a variety of textures: decorative bricks, black and white frescoes. Even if the apartment is located in a place binding to work in a classic style, I choose neoclassica - a lightweight option without gilding, saturated colors and an abundant decor.

Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_13
Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_14
Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_15
Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_16
Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_17
Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_18
Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_19
Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_20
Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_21
Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_22
Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_23
Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_24
Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_25
Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_26
Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_27
Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_28

Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_29

Living room

Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_30

Living room

Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_31

Living room

Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_32


Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_33


Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_34


Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_35


Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_36


Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_37


Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_38


Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_39

Son room

Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_40

Son room

Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_41


Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_42


Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_43


Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_44


The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

Modern and practical: Apartment for a large family, where even a sauna fit 6167_45

Designer: Natalia Lebedeva

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